ONE TONNERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Résultats - Photos
J 41,
J 41, plan Johnston, construit par le chantier
J Boat aux USA entre 1984 et 1987, (environ 20 bateaux)
Liste de bateaux:
Airpower US J41 198?, Seen on Facebook comment
(2021) "there was one named Airpower that used
to be berthed on L dock at Shilshoe" and "Pretty
sure I saw Airpower down in Richmond CA";
Aja US 32541 Johnstone 198? fractional rigged,
ex "Alethea";
Alethea US 32541 Johnstone 198? fractional
rigged, renamed "Aja";
Banshee US 53407 Johnstone J41
1984, ex "Double Jeopardy";
Blind Date US 33533 J41 1984, ex "Road
Dazzler US 32499 Johnstone J41 198?,
renamed "Stolen Moment";
Double Jeopardy US 53407 Johnstone
J41 1984, ex "Jade", renamed "Banshee";
Grey Fox US J41 1984 with fractional
Guanabara US J41 198?;
Gunslinger US J41 198?, 1984 April One Ton North America, Annapolis:
6e/8, Jim Holton & Jay Lutz, 1985 SORC: 11e/18 Class 5, Holton/Mendows,
Information from Facebook 2021 "Gunslinger
was lost on a delivery across the Gulf of Mexico";
Jack Knife US 10000 J41 late 1984;
Jade US 53407 Johnstone J41
1984, ex "Smiles", renamed "Double Jeopardy";
La Vie En Rose J 3519 J41 1985, 1985 23 November,
?? NORC 85: 13e/37 Overall, 1986 ?? Race: 12e/34 Overall, IOR 30.2', 1 June,
?? Race: 11e/26, 25 July, Toba Pearl Race, elapsed time 2d003h10': 6e/103 Overall,
1987 31 July, ?? Race, Japan: dnc/75 Overall, 30 August, ?? Race: 19e/141, 1989
?? race, Japan: 25e/??;
1986 August
Liquid Sky US J41 198?, 1985 18 May, Stone Cup: 2e/?? Class
B, 4 July, One Ton Pacific Coast Championship: DNC/5, broken mast, September,
Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 7-13-4-5-7 = 6e/15 RRP, Bob Brockoff, Stone
Cup: 2e/? Div B, IORDA Vallejo: 2e/? Div B, 1986 IORDA
Season: 2e/??
OORDA B, Bob Brockoff, 1986 8 March, Ano Nuevo Race, Monterey: 1st/?? Div A,
B. Brockoff, Long Beach Race Week: ?e/12 Class E, September, Big Boat Series,
San Francisco: 13-13-12-14-14 = 14e/17, rating: 30.46', 1987 13 September, Big
Boat Series, San Francisco: 10-13-11-12-9 = 11e/13, rating: 30.45', Bob Brockoff,
1988 16 April, Ana Nuevo Race, 78 NM:
3e/13 PHRF A, Bob Brockoff, November, Los AngelesYC Cabo San Lucas Race: 4e/7
Lorimar US 33533 J41 1984, ex "Road Warrior";
Mad Max US J 41 198?, 1985 Brenton Reef Series,
Newport RI: ?e/??, John Kolius, 1987 30 May, Brenton Reef Series, Newport R.I.10e/12,
1988 February, from Facebook 2024 "J41 arrived
in Ponce Puerto Rico to become Don Q4...I sail in that boat!!";
1985 Brenton
Reef Series, Newport RI,
Main Bear US 33533, J41 1984, ex "Road Warrior";
Merrimac US 32499 40443 Johnstone
J41 198?;
Northern Harrier US 84185 J41 198?;
Rivoli US J41 198?, 2014 From Internet, One
Ton Class Facebook, no more information:
Road Warrior US 33533 J41 1984;
Smiles US 53407 Johnstone
J41 1984, renamed "Jade";
Solo US 33533 J41 1984, ex "Road Warrior";
Stolen Moments US 32499 Johnstone J41
1983, ex"Dazzler";
The Main Bear US J 41 198?, 1985 February, SORC,
Florida: 15e/18 Class 5, Chip Virgin;
Travesty US 33533 J41 1984, ex "Road Warrior";
Victory US J41 198?, 1990's Located in Miami
with "Jack Knife";
From Facebook 2025,
Vigilante US 40417 J41 198?, 1987 July, North American One Ton, Chicago:
16e/19, Mike Fisher, Little Travers YC, ???? New owners
Joe Kennicott and ??, 2015 Pictures received from Jan
Wind Chime US J 41 1985;
2021 Project Boat, Victoria,
sold or still for sale (Facebook 2022),
1987 July "Latitude
1984 July "Yachting",
"Offshore Racing"