Introduction, Half tonner List, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, Solitaire de l'Aurore, No Voile



Architectes Anglais:

Dubois, Jullian Everitt, Laurent Giles and Partners, Michael Henderson, Holman and Pye, David Thomas, Hugh Welbourn




Jullian Everitt


Laurent Giles and Partners, Michael Pollock, Starlight built by Blue Water Yachts Ltd. (UK) from 1976 to 1980, (brochure):

Ajna F 7543B Starlight 19??, renommé "Barquinho";
Aldébaran F 7605 Starlight 1978, ex "Banania";
Andromeda K 5278
Starlight 197?, renamed "Jaricho";
Banania F 7605 Starlight 1978;
Barquinho F 7543B Starlight 19??, ex "Ajna";
Bijou F 16352 Starlight 1977;
Buzz Light Year B 675 Starlight 19??, 1999 Mars renouvelle le certificat HN sous le numéro de voile B 675, Yves Gueniot, 2004 Aout renouvelle son certificat HN sous le Numéro FRA 29864, 2012 Vu sur liste de bateaux espagnols, Eric Perignat Le Touze, 2016 Seen on ORC Boat Database, owner: Eric Perignat;
K 5254 Starlight 19??, 2009 on Jersey Handicap Ratings list, 2013 Jersey, and 2016 September:
Picture from "Shockwave40 blog",
Charlot Gaillot F 7306 Starlight 1976;
Clair de Lune K 957 Starlight 19??, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Continent F? Starlight 197?;
Continent K 5622 Starlight 197?;
Enzo Molinari POL 13020 Starlight ?, 2020 September, Regatta Gdynia-Wladyslawowo-Gdynia, 59.71NM: 5e/13 ORC 2, Andrzej Mróz, 2021 September, Regatta Gdynia-Wladyslawowo-Gdynia: ?e/10 ORC 2, Andrzej Mróz;
Fou d'Royan F 7234 Starlight 1977, renommé "Sérénité";
Franco Suisse de Gestion en 81 F 5622 Starlight 1978;
Freija F 197?, renomme "Léo";
Giant Killer
K Pocock built in wood by Westerly development team, to be GK 29, 1977 Cervantes Trophy: 1er/5 Classe V, Pocok, Queen's Jubilee: 2e/?? Classe V;
Goelen F 7306 Starlight 1976;
Idefix F? plan Pollock 1979;
Ilo F 7317 Starlight 1977, ex "Naphtaléne";
Janick II
F Starlight 197?,
1977 Mémorial Lavat: 2e/?? Cl V;
Jaricho GBR 5278 Starlight 197?, ex "Andromeda";
Jeunesses Nautiques
en 79 F? Starlight 197?;
Léo F 197?, ex "Freija";
F Starlight 197?;
1995 photo Facebook,
Masquerade K 5513 Starlight 1978;
H Starlight 197?, 2015 in Medemblik Holland, picture from Facebook 2020;

Naphtalene II F 7317 Starlight 1977;
Normandy Ferries K 5622 Starlight 197?;
Option 2 F 7316 Starlight 1977;
Persévérance F Starlight 1977, ex "Bijou";
Plein Soleil F 7317 Starlight 1977;
Ponant Loisirs
F ? Starlight 197?;
Pon-Pon 1 F ? Starlight 197?, 1990 10e au Challenge UNCL 1990, 1991 Critérium d'Antibes: 1er/?? Classe D1, Barrau;
Samaki of St Helier K 5231 Starlight 197?, 1992 Round Ireland: 14e/47 elapsed time 6d01h01', John Buckley;
Sérénité F 7234 Starlight 1977, ex "Fou d'Royan";
K 5606 Starlight 197?, About 1984, Owners Mo and Barbara Cod, based in Ferriby "Half ton start in the NE of England 2 starlights, Sparkle with modified lead keel and Starchick";
K 3306 Starlight 197?, 2009 on Jersey Handicap Ratings list, 2014 Saint Hélier:

Starchick GBR 5570 1978;
K 5135 Starlight 1976, 1976 21 Mai, Cervantes Trophy, 229': 1er/? Classe V, Pocok, 2016 2 juillet, Round Around Island: XWL/739 IRSC Overall, Piers Pisani;
Starlight Return K? Starlight 1978, 1978 Cervantes Trophy: 1er;
Starry Night K 6560 Starlight 197?;
Toccata VII
F Starlight 197?, 198? Propriétaire, R. Pressard;
Tricots St James F 7605 Starlight 1978, ex "Banania", renommé "Aldébaran";
Twilight K ? Starlight 197?, 2009 on Jersey Handicap Ratings list;
Tyrando II F 7306 Starlight 1976;
Voyages Plein Soleil F 7317 Starlight 197?;

2022 10 février "Le Bon Coin", A Vendre Starlight30 Voilier course-croisière bien équipé, Lorient, 9 600 €,

2024 22 aout, A Vendre,

Et le Westerly GK 29:


Gorbon K:

Kupa Kizi TUR 181 Gorbon 1994;


Henderson Michael:

Great Bear K Spinner 19??, 1971 HTC: ?e/40;
Moonspinner K 909 Henderson 1967;
K ? ?, 1968 HTC: 14e/28;
Sunspinner K Henderson 1969;


Holman and Pye:

Apparition K 930 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
GBR 5516
UFO 31 ?, 2019 29 juin, Round The Island Race: RET;
UFO 31 ?, 2020 For Sale, picture from Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook 2020;

IRL 160
UFO 31 Cork Week Gentlemans Class 06: 8e/32, Mr John Rice
Escape IRL 181 UFO 31 ?;
Flying Saucer K 1400 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Fox Trot
K 5211 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
K 785 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Goyne K 5518 UFO 31 ?, 1995 3 March, seen of a list of more yachts that raced in Strangford Lough., Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Goosepimples GBR 2379 UFO 31 197?, 2014 Cork Week: 12e/14, David Wilkins;
Lynx K 5097 Holman and Pye 1969;
Manana K 5212 UFO 31 ?, 2019 July, Ramsgate Week: 7-7-6-7-7 = 6e/8 Class 6, Chalky White & Candida Ownes;
Menapia IRL 1341 UFO 31 ?;
Midnight Hustler K 3963 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
NOR 4753 UFO 31 ?, 2019
?? Race: 12e/19 NOR U/Spi, Lars Rune Hartveit;
K 5555 UFO 31 ?, 1976 HTC Triestre: 29-33-26-31-30 = 34e/42, R. Matthews;
Odissey K 5545 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Pastiche K 5304 Holman & Pye UFO 31;
Planet Express K 1457
UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Reality K 5178 UFO 31 ?, 2023 16 July, 16th Taittinger RSYC Regatta: 3-3 = 2e/22 NHC-B, Elizabeth Browwn;
K 1803 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Sootica II
K Holman & Pye 1967, 1967 HTC La Rochelle: 14e/29, Sampsons, picture from
the September 29th, "Yachts and Yachting";

Thaugh K 1046 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
The Charelisa
IR 188 UFO 31 ?,
1988 June, Round Ireland:40e/50 en 7j03h02', Charles McDonnell;
Te Bheag
K 850 UFO 31 ?, Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;
Trocar K Holman & Pye ?, 1975 Cowes Week: 3e, 1985 RORC: 2e/? Classe V, Greville, 1987 Cowes-Dinard: 1er;
K 963 UFO 31 ? Seen on "Clyde Cruising Club Yearbook 2017", Sail Numbers and CYCA Handicaps;

Production boat, UFO 31 built by Colvic Yachts from 1976 and 1981, LOA: 30.87' / 9.41m;

2020 September, For sale UFO 31 1977, Stødig og rask havseiler, Pris 40 000 kr

David Thomas



Chartreuse III K 5630 1978;
Chia-Chia K 584 1984;



Divers Amériques et Nouvelle Zélande: C&C, Kirby, Gary Mull, Doug Peterson, Stephens, Paul Whiting

Divers Etrangers: Ed Dubois, Julian Everitt, Laurent Giles, David Thomas, Hugh Welbourn.

Divers Europe du Nord: De Ridder, Judel & Vrolijk, Georg Nissen, Hakan Sodegren, Eivind Still, Van De Stadt.

Divers Italiens: Cecarelli, Alain Jezequel (français mais son cabinet était en Italie), Paperrini, Siomachen, Valicelli.
