Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.


??, US 20111
à jour au: octobre 2021
1975 Plan Peterson, Contention 33



Bark Of The Convenant, US 20111

2011 New Owner,

2020 For Sale, located in Maine, 18000 USD

2021 Septembre, For Sale 33' Southern Ocean Shipyard UK Contention 33, 1975, Location Main, Price $7,500, Doug Peterson design. IOR 3/4 ton sailboat purchased in 2011; stored indoors. The previous owner raced the boat in the Portland area. The boat has a large cabin with V berth in the bow. It has a head. The survey from 2011 can be emailed to interested parties. It contains most of the particulars. Condition of the boat overall is probably fair to good.

Update 08/26/2021: boat in the water, diesel runs well, sails like a champ