QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats - Séries

Yellow Marie, H 2322
à jour au: 1978
197? plan VAN DE STADT, built in Japan, ply wood


1978 QUARTER TON CUP, Japan: 26e/34, C.W. Van TONGEREN
Dutch Magazine, "??",

From Dutch QT Facebook 2023

From Dutch QT Facebook 2014: "ply-wood one-off 1/4 tonner 'Yellow Marie', designed by Katsunori Ohashi (Van der Stadt partner in Tokyo) and built in Japan. This boat participated under Dutch flag at the QTC in 1978 in Japan. The crew consisted of Cees van Tongeren, Willy Peters, Katsunori Ohashi and another Japanese sailor. They did not finish the series, because of the circumstances they found irresponsible. Winds up to force 10, many broken masts and a 1/4 tonner even sunk."