QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats - Séries

à jour au: juillet 05
1973 plan VAN DE STADT, construit par Delher en plastique, L: 7,8m largeur: 2,5m T.E: 1,5m


1973 QUARTER TON CUP, Weymouth: 4 - 5 - 11 - 12 - 2 = 3e/37, Georg NISSEN
21 septembre "Yachts and Yachting",

1974 QUARTER TON CUP, Malmö: 3e/47, Georg NISSEN
May 1994 "Segling",

975 QUARTER TON CUP, Deauville: 18 - 8 - 6 - 12 = 7e/43, Georg NISSEN
Septembre "Les Cahiers du Yachting":

Photos Dutch Quarter Ton Class Facebook:

1976 "Dutch sailor Jan Leenaars cleaning his 'Timschal' (Dehler Delanta 1/4 tonner) in Muiden before a regatta on Lake IJsselmeer in 1976. Jan sailed two years with her. Where is she now! Anyone?" From Dutch QT Class Facebook 2017.

Late 1970's Sold, and got cabin, she was based on River Mosel.

2015 Octobre, information from Dutch QTClass Facebook: "The first 'Timschal' was sold in the late seventies, got a Sprinta Sport like cabin and sailed regattas on the River Mosel and holidays on Lake IJsselmeer. In the late eighties the boat was sold and moved to Germany. Anyone more info?"