QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats



Last update: 2021
1979 plan Carl Schumacher, 1st design, built by Dennis Choate


1979 San Francisco Bay, National Quarter Cup: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 1st/11, Carl SCHUMACHER

1980 3 September, National Quarter Cup, San Francisco: 1er/??
November "Latitude 38", for sale & Carl Schumacher interview below on bottom page

1981 Stone Cup, 28 NM: 1st/? IOR D, Jim ANTRIM

1982 Schoonmaker-Stewart Lightbucket Race: 1st/? Mora IOR, Rob MOORE

1983 Golden Gate Mid Winters: 1er/?? IOR D, Rob MOORE

1984 28 April, Doublehanded Lightship Race: 2e/16 PHRF Div 2, Rob MOORE, San Francisco
Midwinter, HDA-L: 1st/??
December "Latitude 38",

1988 June, Corlet Trophy Race: 2e/14 MORA, Corry COOK
MORA Heavy Division Season, San Francisco: 3e/?? MORA

1989 March, Metrpolitan YC Midwinter: 1st/12 PHRF C, Corry COOK

1990 5 May, 90th Vallejo Race: 1st/17 HDA M, Rob MOORE
21 July, Silver Eagle Race, 75 NM: 2e/11 Div D
HDA - M Season Champ: 1st11
November "Latitude 38",

For Sale,

1991 Golden Gate YC Midwinters: 1st/20 PHRF III,, Rob MOORE
July, Silver Eagle Race, 75 NM: 3e/6 Div IV, Roger PETER/Kevin BAGG
14 December, SFYC Fall Series:
1st/16 Div III, Roger PETER

1992 25 January, Three Bridge Fiasco:
1st/20 Div IV, Roger PETER

1993 San Francisco Bay Summer Championship, Roger Peter
Quarter Ton Participation Series: 2e/??
September "Latitude 38",

8 January, Golden Gate Midwinter: 2e/11 Div V, Roger Peter
January, Three Bridge Fiasco: 1st/50 Div IV
February "Latitude 38",

April, Knox Course: 2e/4 Quarters
For Sale
Fall, new owner, Spooge3 Foundation

Summertime Dream, 18859
20 January, Corinthian YC Midwinter: 1st/5 PHRF E, Spooge Foundation
March "Latitude 38",

Season Champion : 1st/18 HDA - L
November "Latitude 38",

1996 Corinthian Midwinter: 4e/14 PHRF IV, Kyle THOMAS

2007 The owner of Summertime Dream has no plan to sell

2010 February, new owner, Scott Owens, Alemada, Californie.
14 octobre, mail from Scott: "I wanted to send an email to everybody who might be interested in how things are going with the restoration of  Summertime Dream. Unfortunately the pictures are so big and so many I had to create a blog to record the pictures. I put the blog together last nite so it is currently very short on descriptions and does not have all the pictures etc. However, I just wanted to let everybody know that the boat has been in the water and sailing."

Picture from Scott's blog:

2011 Farallones Race: 1st/?? Doublehanded, Scott OWENS
"Latitude 38" June 2017,

2012 12 avril, Corinthian Race: DNF
15 mai, Stand Down Marathon: 1st/33 singlehanded
2 octobre, Final 2012 - Three Bridge Fiasco: 2e/40 singlehanded

2013 19 March, ??? Regatta: seen on entrant list, singlehanded, Scott OWENS
June, received pictures from Patrick KOHLMAN

2014 From Internet, Dutch QT Facebook:

2016 Pictures from Dutch QC Facebook:

23 April, SSS Round the Rocks: 1st/20 Singlehanded Monohull, Scott OWENS
4 June, Delta Ditch Run: 1st/6 Doublehanded
22 October, SSS Vallejo 1-2: 2e/4 PHRF 111-159

2017 28 January, SSS Three Bridge Fiasco: 1st/6 Singlehanded PHRF >162 , Scott OWENS
25 March, SSS Corinthian Race: 1st/5 Singlehanded >161
15 April, SSS Round the Rocks Race: 1st/28 Singlehanded Overall
22 October, SSS Vallejo 1-2: 1st/11 PHRF >152

2018 24 February, SSS Corinthian Race: 1st/6 Singlehanded >161, Scott OWENS
April "Latitude 38",

14 April, SSS Round The Rocks: 1st/4 Signglehanded Spinnaker >161
May "Latitude 38",

2019 26 January, Three Bridge Fiasco: DNF/44 Singlehanded Division, Scott OWENS
23 February, SSS Corinthian Race: 1st/25 Singlehanded
13 March, SSS Round The Rock Race: 1st/9 Singlehanded
May "Latitude 38",

2021 27 February, SSS Corinthian: 1st/9 SH PHRF, Guillaume MURRAY BECHAUX

1980 November "Latitude 38 ",