Quelques infos sur les QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats
Plans Georg NISSEN, 3 bateaux:
G ?
à jour au: 1986
19?? plan Georg NISSEN
1986 Alassio:
1er. Sprinter,
QUARTER TON CUP, Danemark: 4 - 6 - 7 - 6 - 2 =
6e/21. FRUND
à jour au: 1986
19?? plan Georg NISSEN
CUP, Danemark: 8 - 19 - 10 - 7 - 7 =
8e/21. JONES
G ????
à jour au: 2015
1988 plan Georg NISSEN
1988 QUARTER TON CUP, Travemunde: ?e/19. ???
May, picture and comment from
Dutch QT Facebook "from 1/4
tonner designed for the 1988 QTC in Travemunde (Germany). Four out of 19 boats
were German boats. 'Carl Zeiss' with skipper Reemtsma (place
6), 'Madchen' with skipper 'Dietrich' (place 7), 'Brema' with
skipper Kohlhoff (place 8) and 'Randale' with skipper Gosch (place 14). It's
not 'Randale' which is the old 'Timschall Schwammdruber', a Georg Nissen design
for the 1979 QTC. Also not 'Madchen' which is a Judel Vrolijk design. So could
be 'Carl Zeiss' or 'Brema'... Probably ...the
last hence the name of the skipper and builder? Unfortunately no info about
these boats and the QTC. Anyone?
High Tech Vierteltonner '88, Bootsdesigner: Georg Nissen, Werft: Kohlhoff Yacht-
und Bootshandel
Länge: 7,68 m, Breite: 2,70 m, Tiefgang: 1,55 m, Verdrängung: 1,410
kg, Ballast: 620 kg"