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Wings, K 6343
à jour au: 2018
1976 plan Stephen Jones, proto.

1977 Championnats des Quarters anglais: 1er/52, D. ROBINSON
From Sailing Anarchy Forum 2013,

November "Seahorse",

1978 UK QTC: 1er/??
Cowes Week: 1er/??. ?

Picture from Dutch QT Facebook in 2014 December, Hugh Kirby
, Japan: 5e/32.
British Boat "Wings" campaign from Japanese magazine:

From Dutch QT Facebook 2020,

1982 Cowes Week: ?e/25 Classe 5

WINGS, H 4630
005 For Sale in Harlingen

2009 Information and picture from GB Quarter ton website, owner: Bas Henrichs
Lying in Holland

2014 On Dutch Quarter List, owner: Jaap Gaastra
Being restored in the Netherlands.

2016 29 February, from British QT Class: "The fleet is also very much looking forward to welcoming back Dutchman Berry Aarts with a restored Wings, which was built to a Stephen Jones design for the 1978 QTC in Japan."

2017 Received information from Theo Bakker: "Jones design 1/4 tonner Wings is ready, Owner Berry Aarts, lying in Cowes, IRC optimised",
31 mars, pictures from "Mainden trip after the rebuild":

May, Pictures from Philippe via Dutch QT Class facebook,

19 mai, Vice Admiral's Cup: 13 - (15) - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 12 - 13 = 13e/14
23 juin, IRC National Championship: DNC/16 IRC 3, rating 0,915, Berry AARTS
1er juillet, Round The Island Race, elapsed time 8h37': 171e/445 IRC, 19e/44 IRC 3B
12 septembre, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: (dnf) - dnc - dnc - dnc -21 - 17 - 17 = 22e/23, handicap: 0.915

2018 RORC Easter Challenge: dn? - dn? - 4 - dn? - 5 - 8 = 8e/8 IRC 3
7 juillet, Round the Island Race, 10h58' elapsed time: 4e/41 IRC 3B, Berry AARTS
20 juin, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: 20 - 19 - 19 - (dns) - 17 - 17 - 18 - 17 = 127pts, 19e/21, handicap: 0.915
September, Picture from Dutch QT Class Facebook,