QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats - Séries



Petite Fleur, F 5332
à jour au: 2023
1972 plan Groupe Finot, Ecume de Mer modifié, pont fush deck

Obelix Trophy: 1er/15, Laurent CORDELLE
Septembre "Les Cahiers du Yachting",

Photo de la revue "Bateaux" de septembre 72 dans l'article sur l'Obelix T

9 aout, Semaine de Belle Isle: 1er/??
Championnat France Atlantique: 2e/??
Octobre "Bateaux",

QUARTER TON CUP: 2 - 7 - 1 - 3 - 1 = 1er/19, Laurent CORDELLE
Photo Facebook 2023,

Voir aussi les photos et détails sur le bateaux sur les reportages de la QTC. "Un Siécle de Voile" d'Olivier Le Carrer:

1973 QUARTER TON CUP: 13e/??

From Facebook 2023 "Some time ago I received a picture (made by Beken of Cowes) from David Rayment. He bought the fast flush deck EdM 'Petite Fleur', winner of the 1972 Quarter Ton Cup. Rayment raced her frequently for two years on the Solent before selling here to Falmouth. The picture is not very sharp, sorry.... Where is 'Petite Fleur' now?"

Petite Fleur, GBR 6500

2011 Round The Island: NOD

2013 Round The Island: NOD

2013 1 June, JP Morgan Round the Island: 13e/??? ASC Division 8A, 8h59' elapsed, 8h14' corrected

2014 21 June, JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island: DNF

2016 2 july, Round Around Island: DNF/469 IRC overall
Medway Cruiser Autumn Series, on the entrants list, Tony OWENS

2018 Medway Cruiser Autumn Series: 1e/5 NHC2, Nigel MILLER

2019 September, picture and comment from Facebook page, "based at Chatam Marina and now sports a cabin",

2023 March, from Facebook "Petite Fleur now has a cabin and is moored at Chatham MDL marina and still races at the Medway Yacht Club"