QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats



plans Tony CASTRO,


Plans Tony Castro à la Quarter Ton Cup:

QTC 86: 3e Whopper,

QTC 87: 1er Mac Donalds, 6e Drakkar Noir, ?e Rattler, ?e Quango

QTC 88: 1er Mac Donalds, 16e Monster Gobbler II, ?e Applet,

QTC 89: 4e Scandinavian Seaway, 8e Bombay Gin,

QTC 90: 12e Alfa Instrumentos, 15e Scandinavian Seaway, 16e Manner Metal, 30e Finlandia Wodka, 34e Banco Commercial, 35e Mad Gamble

QTC 91: 12e Alfa Instrumentos

QTC 93: ?e Äggaskalet



Alfa Intrumentos BRA 1729 19??, renamed "Bella Luna";
Bad Toad K 9827 1992;
Bella Luna BRA 1729 Castro 19??, ex "Alfa Intrumentos";

1990 April "Offshore",


MG 26, série construite en Scotland (Ecosse) par MG Yachts, Loa : 7,70 m. Beam : 3,00 m Draft : 1,57 m

Äggaskalet SWE 9944 1989, ex "Scandinavian...";
Äpplet SWE 1206 ex "Whopper", Mons Billgren (87-88);
ASAP NED 302 MG26, 2012 for sale in Holland;
Banco Commercial Portugal POR 1990 ex Whooper;
Bombay Gin ESP ?, ex "Whopper", Castro Javier de la Gandara 8e QTC 89;
DEN 7307;
Drakkar Noir
Castro 86, 1987 QTC Cork: 6e/23 chartered and sailed by Anthony O'Leary, Neil Kenefick, Clayton Love (Minor) and Deridre Tingle from Royal Cork YC;
Picture from Dutch QT Class Facebook 2016,
Picture from Dutch QT Class Facebook 2021,
Favors IRL 1000 1985, ex Mad Gamble;
Finlandia Wodka (Curio) POR 365, QTC 1990: 18, 25, dnf, 30,  27, = 30e/38 Rui Ramada/Rosas/Cabecadas/Diniz/Ramada;
Hendricks IRL 1000 1985, ex Mad Gamble;
NED?, 2013 Joost Leo Kerke has planned to participate to Dutch QTC;
NED?, 2013 Clemens Rolink has planned to participate to Dutch QTC;
Mad Gamble IRL 1000 1985;
Mac Donalds DEN 1213, MG26 1987 special hull (deplac. 300kg less than normal production boat);
Magnesium / ASAP NED 302 MG26 ?;
Manner Metal DEN 1213 ex Mac Donalds;
Monster Gobbler II DEN 7309 MG26 ?, 1988 QTC, Travemunde: 16e/19, 1989 QTC, Falmouth: 16e/19, K 7309;
. DEN MG26 198?, 1988 QTC, Travemunde: 6 13 12 7 3 = 9e/19, Bjerre;
Photo from Dutch QTC Facebook 2024,
Pinguin Play Boy FRA 1213 ex Mac Donald;
GBR 9891 ?, 2014 15 July, on The Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association list;
Quarts Queen SWE MG26 1989, ex "Aggaskalet";
Quango BEL 833 1985;
Rattler DEN 7373, 1987 QTC: ?, 1988 Själland Runt: 7e/10, 1992 sold to Denmark, 2010 For Sale, sold to Kim Specht, 2015 November, picture from Kim Specht, from Denmark:

Scandaninavian Seaway DEN 1244, QTC89 et 90 P. Richard Höij-Jensen;
Stitch SWE 1213, ex Mac Donald;
Tarco SWE 1213 ex MacDonald;
Whopper D 1206, Larsen QTC 86, Danemark, 2 1 3 3 1 = 3/21bx;

K 7305 ?, Pictures from Dutch QT Class Facebook 2021,

Pictures from Tony Castro received in 2016: