QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats
plans Tony CASTRO,
Plans Tony Castro à la Quarter Ton Cup:
QTC 86: 3e Whopper,
QTC 87: 1er Mac Donalds, 6e Drakkar Noir, ?e Rattler, ?e Quango
QTC 88: 1er Mac Donalds, 16e Monster Gobbler II, ?e Applet,
QTC 89: 4e Scandinavian Seaway, 8e Bombay Gin,
QTC 90: 12e Alfa Instrumentos, 15e Scandinavian Seaway, 16e Manner Metal, 30e Finlandia Wodka, 34e Banco Commercial, 35e Mad Gamble
QTC 91: 12e Alfa Instrumentos
QTC 93: ?e Äggaskalet
Alfa Intrumentos
BRA 1729 19??, renamed "Bella Luna";
Bad Toad
K 9827 1992;
Bella Luna BRA 1729 Castro 19??,
ex "Alfa Intrumentos";
1990 April "Offshore",
MG 26, série construite en Scotland (Ecosse) par MG Yachts, Loa : 7,70 m. Beam : 3,00 m Draft : 1,57 m
SWE 9944 1989, ex "Scandinavian...";
Äpplet SWE
1206 ex "Whopper", Mons Billgren (87-88);
MG26, 2012 for sale in Holland;
Banco Commercial Portugal
POR 1990 ex Whooper;
Bombay Gin ESP
?, ex "Whopper", Castro Javier de la Gandara 8e QTC 89;
Bravina DEN 7307;
Drakkar Noir Castro 86, 1987 QTC Cork: 6e/23 chartered
and sailed by Anthony O'Leary, Neil Kenefick, Clayton Love (Minor) and Deridre
Tingle from Royal Cork YC;
from Dutch QT Class Facebook 2016,
Picture from Dutch QT Class Facebook 2021,
Favors IRL 1000 1985, ex Mad
Finlandia Wodka (Curio) POR 365, QTC 1990:
18, 25, dnf, 30, 27, = 30e/38 Rui Ramada/Rosas/Cabecadas/Diniz/Ramada;
Hendricks IRL 1000 1985, ex
Mad Gamble;
Jeanne NED?, 2013 Joost Leo Kerke
has planned to participate to Dutch QTC;
Kaizen NED?, 2013 Clemens Rolink
has planned to participate to Dutch QTC;
Mad Gamble IRL
1000 1985;
Mac Donalds DEN 1213, MG26 1987
special hull (deplac. 300kg less than normal production boat);
Magnesium / ASAP NED 302 MG26 ?;
Manner Metal DEN 1213 ex Mac Donalds;
Monster Gobbler II DEN 7309
MG26 ?, 1988 QTC, Travemunde: 16e/19, 1989 QTC, Falmouth: 16e/19, K 7309;
N.N. DEN MG26 198?, 1988 QTC, Travemunde:
6 13 12 7 3 = 9e/19, Bjerre;
from Dutch QTC Facebook 2024,
Pinguin Play Boy FRA 1213 ex Mac
Quadrilla GBR 9891 ?, 2014 15 July, on The Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association
Quarts Queen SWE MG26 1989, ex
Quango BEL 833 1985;
Rattler DEN 7373, 1987 QTC: ?, 1988 Själland Runt: 7e/10,
1992 sold to Denmark, 2010 For Sale, sold to Kim Specht, 2015 November,
picture from Kim Specht, from Denmark:
Scandaninavian Seaway DEN 1244,
QTC89 et 90 P. Richard Höij-Jensen;
Stitch SWE 1213,
ex Mac Donald;
Tarco SWE 1213
ex MacDonald;
Whopper D 1206, Larsen QTC 86,
Danemark, 2 1 3 3 1 = 3/21bx;
K 7305 ?, Pictures
from Dutch QT Class Facebook 2021,
Pictures from Tony Castro received in 2016: