TWO TONNERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Résultats
Boat's list:
Acadia US Peterson Serendipity
43 flush decked 1979, renamed "Ultimatum";
Adrenalin KA 1999 Peterson 1980;
America US 8954 Peterson
Serendipity 43 1980;
Apollo V
US Peterson 1981 built by J Rodgers;
Ariel SR 1957 Peterson 1981, 1990 26 December, Sydney-Hobart Race:
Retired/105, O Kiaer / S Ganichev;
1990 "Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",
Big Schott US Peterson 1977 "Williwaw"
sister ship;
Blue Norther US
57505 Peterson #033 197?;
Boomerang I Peterson 197?;
Bright Finish US Peterson 42 19?? built by Newport Offshore;
Cadenza US 47774 Peterson
Caiman ? Peterson 1975, ex "Yena";
Caiman II K 294 Peterson
1981 built by Rodgers;
Carissa US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?;
Carmanah KC 39211 Peterson 197?, ex "Pachena
Celerity US Peterson Serendipity
43 198?;
Challenger US 69100 Peterson #102 198?; Could
be a One Tonner!
Champagne G Peterson 1977 built by
Container G Peterson 19??, 1983 Admiral's Cup: ?e/45, Austria
Team: ?e/15, rating 32,7'; Judel Vrolijk design!
Corsair US 8954 Peterson Serendipity 43
1980, ex "America";
Coug CND 74168 Peterson 1981;
Dida Quinta ITA Peterson
1978 built by Ambrosini in aluminium;
Docteur Faust I 8023 Peterson 197?;
Dogpatch US 47500 Peterson 1977, renamed "Raging
Driller US ????? Peterson Serendipity 43 198?;
US 43266 Peterson Serendipity 43 #25 1981;
Firanjo III K 2152 Peterson
1977, ex "Yena";
Fire One SWE Peterson 1976, ex "Gollywog";
Flamboyant US 67444 Peterson #091 197?;
Flattery KC Peterson 1975 Driscoll Aluminium,
ex "Pachena";
Flying Machine US 8974 Peterson OB41 Design #102 19??,
ex "Salute";
Forte US Peterson #091 197?, renamed
Free Enterprise US 67692 Peterson
43 1980;
Geronimo US 77799 Peterson 42' 19??, 1982 September, Big Boat
Series San Francisco: 5-5-3-1-9= 3e/14 KKP Class, Richard Compton, 1983 Long
Beach Race Week: 3-3-1-5 = 3e/?? Class C, Richard Compton, 11 September, Big
Boat Series San Francisco: 6-6-5-3-3= 6e14 KKPT Class, rating 32.6', 1984 7
June, Long Beach Race Week: 3-2-10-2 = 3e/? Class D, Richard Compton, (noted
as Choate 40), 30
September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco:
8-15-6-13-7 = 9e/18 KKP;
2024 from Facebook Rico : "I’m at
the helm, and the boat sank in the great lakes""
From Facebook
Glory USA 59950 Peterson 1983 LOA 12.79m,
renamed "Remedy",
Golf ITA 8223 Peterson 1978, ex "Dida
Gollywog SWE ? 1976, renamed "Fire
Hadar POL 1070 Peterson Conrad 45 1979, LOA
13.29m, not built as Two Tonner;
High Noon US 8948 Peterson 1979;
(a sister ship was built in aluminium by Carl Eichenlaub
see below)
Hurricane Deck US 7606 Peterson #023 197?;
Iemandja ? Peterson 1978, ex "Marina
Il Moro Blu I Peterson 1980, 1980 Alassio: 2e/?? Classe II, rating
Inch by Inch KA 393 Peterson 1981;
Incredible US Peterson 1977;
Intuition US 30666 Peterson 1981 built
by Newport Offshore in aluminium;
Irrational US 67666 Peterson #091 197?,
ex "Forte";
Iterum US Peterson #033 1976, ex "Sassy's
Jacqui KA 284 Peterson 19??, 1981 Sydney Hobart: 121e/159,
elapsed time 4d13h04', Melville, 1985 Sydney Hobart: 76e/178, elapsed time 3d14h01",
handicap 7998, Melville;
1985 "Sydney
Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",
Jubilé III F Impala 40 1977;
Jubilé VI F 8222 Peterson 1978 Ambrosini
Karina Von Forell I 7866 Peterson 1977 built
by Ambrosini;
L.J. Hooker KA 2555 Peterson 1975, ex "Natelle
Leading Lady US 18900 Peterson
#63 1978;
Lone Star US 77270 Peterson Serendipity 43 1981;
Louisiana Crude US Peterson Serendipity
43 1980;
Love Machine US 20662 Peterson 42 1977;
Love Machine V US 30333 Peterson 41 1980;
Maestro SWE Peterson 1976, ex
"Gollywog", renamed "Fire One";
Marloo KA 250 Peterson 197?;
Marina Dos ? Peterson 1978, renamed
Mea Culpa US Peterson (or
Frers! 1982, renommé "Ossian";
Miranda V I Peterson 197? built by Ambrosini in aluminium, 1978 Alassio:
8e/11 TT, SNIM, Marseille: 1er/? Classe II, Bianchi;
Moby Dick I 7160 Peterson 1976 built
in wood;
Moby Dick I 8611 Peterson 1979;
Moonshadow US 8937 Peterson
Serendipity 43 1981;
Monsoon US 8552 Peterson 19??,
ex "Incredible";
Moonshin ? Peterson #033 197?;
Natelle 2 KZ 2555 Peterson 1975;
Nemea GR 4949 Peterson (ou Holland) 1976 built by Souter in wood, 1977
SNIM: 1er/7 classe 2, Lapallapkis, 1978 Alassio: 2e/11 TT, Goulandris, SNIM,
Marseille: 1er/? Classe II, 2010 Sailing in Greece, picture from Facebook;
Nomi 3 J 2235 Peterson 197? built by Chita Japan, 1979 Transpac Race,
elapsed time 16d02h42': 34e/76, Y. Niwa, 1985 21 March, Big Boat Series Nishinomyia
Regattas: 14-11-3-9= 10e/14, 28 April, ?? Regattas: 30-17-41-10= 23e/42, 29
December, Japan Guam Yacht Race, elapsed time 9d01h09': 5e/7, A. Nomura;
Picture from Facebook 2023,
Ossian F Peterson (or Frers 1982,
ex "Mea Culpa";
Ossian F 8222 Peterson 1978, ex "Jubilé
Oz US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?;
Pachena KC Peterson 1975 Driscoll Aluminium,
renamed "Flattery";
Pachena (3) KC 49211 Peterson 1981, renamed "Per
Per Mar KC 49211 Peterson 1981, ex "Pachena
Pinta B 214 Peterson 1975 built by Sparcraft
in aluminium, ex "Williwaw", renamed "Prodent";
Prodent H Peterson 1975 built by Sparcraft
in aluminium, ex "Williwaw";
Quintessence US 77910 Peterson OB41 Design #102 1983, 1983 Long Beach Race Week: 4-4-1-3= 2e/??, Don Hugues, 11 September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 6-3-2-5-4 = 2e/14 RRPT, rating 32.0', 1985 Newport Harbor to Cabo San Lucas, 790 NM: ?e/??, Don Hugues, September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 9-8-dsq-10-8 = 10e/15 KKP, rating 31.6', 1991 Racing in Santa Barbara under PHRF;
Ra Carat S 30405 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, ex "Louisiana Crude";
Racy US 8598 Peterson 197? built in aluminium, 1976 Beg Boat Series:
1st/?? IOR II, Lu Taylor, 1977 2 July, Transpac: 27e/66 overall and 3e/?? Class
C, corrected time 9d09h51', Taylor, StFYC Big Boat Series: ?e/?? dimasted, 1978
IOARDA Series: ?e/??, C. L. Taylor, 1979 OYRA Gulf Fallarones fall series: 1er/??,
L.W. Taylor, 1981 Transpac, elapsed time 12d14h53': 11e/17 IOR D, Robert Magoon,
1982 Schoonmaker-Stewart
Lightbucket Race, 25 NM: 1st/??
PHRF, Robert Magoon, 1984 Midwinter, San Francisco: 2e/?? IOR C, Bob Magoon,
Ano Nuevo Race, Monterey, 78 NM: 1st/?? IOR, Oakland to Catalina Race, corrected
time 52h08': 12e/27 IOR, 1986 30
August, Windjammers Race, 67 NM:
3e/? IOR, Bob Magoon, 1991 Converted in cruising boat;
1991 September "Latitude 38",
Raging Rosy US 47500 Peterson 1977,
ex "Dogpatch", renamed "Shoot The Moon";
Real Crude US Peterson 43 19??, renamed "Terminator";
Remedy USA 59950 Peterson 1983 LOA
12.79m, ex "Glory";
Ricochet US 14900 Peterson 197?, 1975 Two Ton NAs: 2e/??, Two Ton Cup,
Detroit, USA: 1er/10, 1976 SORC: 3e/? Class II, 1981 Pictures below;
Pictures from Peterson website,
Rubin G 1116 Peterson 1979 Burmester
cold moulder;
Running With Scissors US 30810 Peterson Serendipity
43 198?;
Salute US 8974 Peterson OB41 Design #102 1983, renamed
"Flying Machine";
Samiko US Peterson Serendipity
43 #26 1982;
Sassy's Lee US Peterson 1976, renamed
Satin Sheets KA 4182 Peterson 1977 built
by Haulmaster in aluminium, renamed "Uptown Girls";
Scarlett O'Hara US Peterson Serendipity
43 1980;
She 3 I Peterson 197?, 1977 Alassio: 3e/7 Two T., 1978 Alassio: 5e/12
TT, Gambini;
Shoot The Moon US 47500 Peterson
1977, ex "Raging Rosy";
Sioc US 8958 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980;
Sleeping Bear US 1??42
Peterson 197?;
Smeralda Prima It Peterson 1981
built by Rodgers in kevlar;
Snifix Dry GER 655 Peterson 43 Ior 2-ton 19??, 2021 8 August,
Fastnet Race, 690 NM, elapsed time 6d02h26': 169e/269 IRC Overall, handicap
1.002, Dirk Lahmann, 2022 7 August, Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race,
elapsed time 17d00h02': 12e/23 IRC, IRC 1.002, Dirk Lahmann, 2023 22 July, Fastnet
Race, 695 NM, elapsed time 5d11h30': 120e/358 IRC, IRC 0.996, Dirk Lahmann;
Spectrum US Peterson Serendipity
43 198?;
Suca All Peterson 197?, 1979 12 juillet, Two Ton Cup, Cowes: 13-12-6-3
= 9e/19, 1980 Alassio: ?e/?? Classe II, SNIM, Marseille: 2e/? Classe II, Kuhrt,
18 aout, Championnat de Méditérrannée, Ajaccio: ?e/12 Classe
Summerwine K Peterson 1978, ex "Jubilé
Sunburst KA SM 19 Peterson 1978;
Swantewit G 99 Peterson 197? built by
Burmeister in wood;
Terminator US 30810 Peterson Serendipity
43 198?, ex "Traveller", renamed "Running With Scissors";
The Big Greek Machine US Peterson 1978,
ex "Williwaw", not build as Two Tonners;
The Frumious Bandersnatch KH 1801 Peterson
43 198?;
Traveller US 30810 Peterson Serendipity 43
198?, ex "Pied Piper", owned by Dave Irish, renamed "Terminator";
True North ? Peterson Serendipity
43 flush decked 1979, ex "Ultimatum",
renamed "Acadia";
Ultimatum ? Peterson Serendipity
43 flush decked 1979, ex "Acadia", renamed
"True North";
Uptown Girl KA 4182 Peterson 1977 built by
Haulmaster in aluminium, ex "Satin Sheets";
Velocity US Peterson 197?, 2023 May, Point Defiance, Tacoma
WA, comment from Facebook "Been there for
years. I know the owner. He lives aboard I believe" & "same
design as "Shoot The Moon" definitely 40' ";
from Facebook 2023,
Vendetta US Peterson 197?, 1975 Two Ton Cup, Detroit, USA: 3e/10, StFYC
Big Boat Series: 1er/??, Tom Tobin/Art DeFever, 1976 StFYC Big Boat Series,
Keefe-Kilbourne: 2e/?, 1977 StFYC Big Boat Series: 6e/??, Bill Menningers, 1991
Racing in Mexico;
Picture from Pterson website,
Viola I Peterson 1979, 1980 20 mars, Semaine d'Alassio: np-8-1-1= 3e/??
Class II, 3 septembre, Sardinia Cup, Porto Cervo: ?e/45, Italy Team: ?e/15,
rating 30.7, 1981 Sélection Italienne TTC, Porto Cervo: 3e/7, Isenburg,
1982 18 mars, Alassio: 8e/21 Classe II, 1984 Alassio: 2e/?? Classe II, Verdi;
Will O The Wisp CAN 29647 Peterson 19??;
Williwaw US 21776 Peterson 19?? built by
Sparcraft in aluminium, renamed "Pinta";
Willpower US 7606 Peterson 1982;
Wings US 8986 Peterson 43' 1979;
Yena I 7152 Peterson 197?,
renamed "Dida V"?;
Yena I 8222 Peterson 1978, renamed "Jubilé
Yeoman XX K Peterson 1975 built by Alloy
in aluminium, renamed "Dagger";
A High Noon
sister ship was built in aluminium by Carl Eichenlaub, from
2024 August Facebook:
Comment from Facebook 2022 "Doug's designs won the Two Ton division at Big Boat Series in 1975, '76, '78, '79, '80, and '83. Also 2nd in the years they didn't win, '77, '81, and '82. Often 2nd and 3rd in the years they did win!"
Comment from Facebook 2022 "Talk to Dennis
Choate. He built one or two cruising boats out of the Peterson 48 molds. Same
Design #85 as Williwaw. Wonder if he still has the tooling?"
US 47444 ?, Peterson 1975, 1975 Avril "Bateaux";
2010 June "Latitude 38",
For Sale,
2009 September "Latitude 38",
For Sale,
1980 Production boat Serendipity
43, November "Latitude 38",
1977 Avril "Régate",