TWO TONNERS: Summary - Architects - Sail Numbers - Results
Doug Peterson, Serendipity 43
First Built: 1979 Last Built: 1982 # Built:
26 Builder: New Orleans Marine (USA)
(This hull, #26, is believed to be the last off the
Marin production line. Baltic Yachts later acquired the hull mold, retooled
the deck and marketed it as the Baltic 42DP)
Lot of information and pictures are from:
Some boat listed below are not listed in Two Tonner list
Boat's list:
Acadia US 23734 Peterson Serendipity
43 flush decked 1979, renamed "Ultimatum";
Air Waves USA 8937 Peterson Serendipity 43 1981, ex "Moonshadow";
America US 8954
Peterson Serendipity 43 1980, renamed "Corsair";
Canon H 2700 Peterson Serendipity
43 1979, ex "Panta Rhei";
Carissa US Peterson Serendipity 43 19??, 1986 September, Big Boat Series,
San Francisco: 9-9-10-8-10 = 10e/10 KKT, rating: 32.6', Lillibridge/Newmann,
For Sale, 1987 March, still for Sale, 1990 July,
Vic-Maui Race, corrected time 11d22h42': 5e/12 IOR, rating 29.54', Jake Jakubik;
November "Latitude 38",
Celerity US Peterson
Serendipity 43 1981;
Chapperall US 30353 Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, 2004 sold and renamed
Chesapeake US 15555 Peterson
Serendipity 43 1980, ex "Goodbye Girl";
Conquest US 26776 Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, 1987
4 June, Long Beach Race Week: 7e/8 Class C, Art Moreno;
Corsair US 8954 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, ex "America";
Driller US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, 1981 Transpac,
elapsed time 11d20h17': 6e/15 IOR C, J. Barto/W. Stanley
Fame US 43266 Peterson Serendipity
43 #25 1981;
Free Enterprise US 67692 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, 1980 Lipton Cup, SF bay: 1st/12, Dick Ettinger,
September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: ?e/15 Division 5 (KKP), 1981 Ensenada
Race: ?e/??, July, Transpac, elapsed time 11d15h22': 1st/15 IOR C, Richard Ettinger,
September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 14-20-11-12-8= 13e/19 Division KK;
1980 July "Latitude 38",
Goodbye Girl US 15555 Peterson Serendipity 43 1980, renamed "Chesapeake";
Hipshot Percussion US Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, ex"Wolfpack";
Hooked US Peterson Serendipity
43 19??, 2016 Part of Delta Doo Dah 8 Fleet, Cherry
Sailor, (Oakland);
Lone Star US 77270 Peterson Serendipity 43 1981, 1981 September,
Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 16-14-16-15-15 = 15e/19 Division KK, Benjamin
Burton, 1982 30 January, San Diego to Manzanillo Race: ?e/40, Benjamin Burton,
1993 New owner, Dave Read, 21 March, Rites of Spring Race: 1st/21 Div B, Dave
Read, 5 December, Sausalito YC Midwinters: 2e/7 Non Spi, 1994 18
June, In The Bay race, 20 NM: 1st/5 Div V, Dave Read, 16
July, South Beach Harbor Race, SSS, 25 NM: 1st/3 Div V Doublehanded,
1995 19 March, Rites of Spring Race: 2e/11 Doublehanded, Dave Read, 17 June,
SSS Corinthian Bay Race, 20 NM: 1st/5 Div V, July "Latitude 38",
For Sale;
November "Latitude 38",
Louisiana Crude US 30404 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, renamed "Ra Carat";
Matua Mai US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, ex "??", 2022
Mach, new owner, Ronnie Simpson and new name "Matua Mai";
Michigan Crude US Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, ex "Ra Carat";
Mini Express US Peterson Serendipity 43 1981,
From Facebook 2024 William Becket "I
owned the Choate/Peterson 43 Mini-Express back in the 90's.Great Southern California
cruising boat."
MoJoe US 15133 Peterson Serendipity 43 #9
1981, 2010 Cross Atlantic (Info from You Tube);
Moonshadow US 8937 Peterson Serendipity 43 1981, 1981 Big Boat Series,
San Francisco: 12-6-4-4-2 = 5e/19 Division KK, Winn/North, 1982 Sailing in British
Virgin Islands, November, For Sale, renamed "Air Waves";
1981 October "Latitude 38",
Oz US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, 1981 Transpac, elapsed
time 11d15h07': 4e/15 IOR C, Alvin Schultz;
Panta Rhei H 2700 Peterson Serendipity
43 1979, ex "Shuttevaer", renamed "Canon";
Pied Piper US Peterson Serendipity
43 198?, ex "Real Crude", owner Dick Jennings, renamed "Traveller";
Prism US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, 1985 May, For Sale,
Tranpac Race, San Francisco-Hawaï, elapsed time 13d12h24':
7e/12 Class E, Michael Light, Retrofitted into a cruiser, 1991 Located in Hawaï;
May "Latitude 38",
Pufin US Peterson
43 #26 1982, ex "Samiko";
Quadriga US 30353 Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, ex "Chapperall", 1984 Owners Gory Jones and Chester Hajec. It was located in Bayfield, Wisconsin, It was raced regularly for 15 years, participating in 2 Trans Superior, 1 Mac Race, many Lake Superior distance races and local bouy races, 2006: sold to unknown buyer, still in Washburn, WI (next town down from Bayfield);
Ra Carat S 30405 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, ex "Louisiana Crude";
Real Crude US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?,
renamed ""Pied Piper";
Running With Scissors US 30810 Peterson Serendipity
43 198?, ex "Real Crude", "Pied Piper", "Traveller",
Samiko US Peterson Serendipity
43 #26 1982, renamed "Pufin";
Scarlett O'Hara US Peterson Serendipity
43 1981;
Shuttevaer H Peterson Serendipity
43 1979, renammed "Panta Rhei";
Sioc US 8958 Peterson Serendipity
43 1980, renamed "Wolfpack";
Spectrum US Peterson Serendipity 43 198?, 1982 30 January, San Diego
to Manzanillo Race: ?e/40, R. Collin/M. Mittry, 1983 March "Latitude
38", For Sale, 1984 28 January, San Diego to Manzanillo Race,
1200 NM: 11e/41 IOR, R. Spriggs, February,
MEXORC: 4e/8
Class B;
March "Latitude 38",
Terminator US 30810 Peterson Serendipity
43 198?, ex "Traveller", renamed "Running With Scissors";
The Frumious Bandersnatch KH
1801 Peterson Serendipity
43 1983;
Traveller US 30810 Peterson Serendipity
43 198?, ex "Pied Piper", renamed "Terminator";
True North US Peterson Serendipity
43 flush decked 1979, ex "Ultimatum",
renamed "Acadia";
Ultimatum US Peterson Serendipity
43 flush decked 1979, ex "Acadia", renamed
"True North";
Wings US 8986 Peterson 43' 1979;
Wolfpack US 8958 Peterson Serendipity 43 1980, ex "Sioc";
Unknow boat, pictures from Facebook 2024, Andrew
Carr: "Extreme long shot but nobody has a
landfill serendipity 43 (or similar Doug Peterson design) breaking for parts
do they? I potentially need a new keel subject to survey?
Unknow boat, picture from Facebook 2023,
2010 Sail Number 15133 cross Atlantic
(You Tube): "MoJoe" (Hull
2024 September "Latitude 38",
1983 July "Latitude 38",
1983 January "Latitude 38",
1982 November "Latitude 38",
1982 January "Latitude 38",
198? "??",
1981 December "Latitude 38",
1980 November "Latitude 38",
1980 March "Latitude 38",
1980 January "Latitude 38",