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Mad Max, KZ 296
Last update: 2022
1985 Plan Davidson, built by Canning.

Dossier plus complet sur le site "RB Sailing blog"
Complete file on "RB Sailing blog"

1985 NZ Southern Cross Cup Trials: ?e/??
December "Offshore"

Southern Cross Series: 1 - 1 - 5 - 1 - 11 = 1er/36 ttc, BECKETT
Dont le 26 décembre, Sydney-Hobart: 15e/178 elapsed time 4d01h20', TCF 7989, BECKETT
Picture from "RB Sailing blog"

1986 Juin "L'année Bateaux',

Kenwood Cup, Hawaï: 9e/45 & 2e/11 Class D, ? Team: 1er/??
From Facebook 2023 "Ray Haslar driving the Davidson 40 MADMAX, (NZ) off the Windward side of Oahu, 1986 KENWOOD CUP. (corrected) Phil Uhl Photo"

Picture from Facebook 2021,

Goldcorp, KZ 296
Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2015:

For the 1987 New Zealand Admiral's Cup trials the yacht was revamped and lightened by Davidson and the skipper.
NZ Admiral's Cup Trials: 1er/?, Rick DODSON

June "Seahorse",

Admiral's Cup: 6e/42,
R. DODSON & M. CANNING, Team NZ: 1er/14
Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2016

Pictures from "RB Sailing blog"

Mad Max, KZ 296
December, Southern Cross Series: 4e/?? ttc, IOR: 30.59', Team NZ: 2e/??, DOCSON
Including Sydney-Hobart: 7e/146 IOR, (1er One Tonner) corrected time: 3d03h42' handicap: 0.7988

1988 Février "Course au Large":

Goldcorp was bought by yachtsman Wink Vogel who had observed the boat during the 1987 Admiral's Cup, and negotiated the sale in 1988, before shipping the boat to the US in 1989. There she underwent a refit and was painted in her original colour scheme (white with a magenta stripe).
30 July, Kenwood Cup: ?e/43, ? Team: ?e/??
August "Offshore"

September "Latitude 38", For Sale,

Mad Max, CND 609
July, Vic-Maui Race, corrected time 11d01h02': 2e/12, rating 30.11', Wink VOGEL
3 August, Kenwood Cup: 11 - 13 - 11 - 9 - 10 - dnf = 12e/13 Class E & 28e/34

1992 Vic-Maui Race, 2308 NM, corrected time 9d00h17': 2e/28, Wink VOGEL
Mad Max, IR 9000
1 August, Kenwood Cup, Hawaï: 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 = 1st/4 IOR E, European Team: 1st/?, John STOREY
"She was chartered by a European syndicate headed by Irish yachtsman John Storey to be part of the European team in the 1992 Kenwood Cup, alongside the Spanish Larouge and France's Corum, and was skippered by Gordon McGuire with Harold Cudmore calling tactics. The team won the Cup, with Mad Max winning her division and finishing 4th or 5th overall. This was an excellent result for the old campaigner, with the regatta being held in conjunction with the 50ft and Two Ton World Championships and the competition was hot."

Mad Max, CND 609
Le bateau devait être loué à son propriétaire canadien par l'Irlande pour l'Admiral's Cup, mais finalement un autre bateau est choisi. (Info "CauL")
Swiftsure: 1er/?? IOR Div C, Wink VOGEL
August "Pacific Yachting",

199? "After the demise of the IOR in the mid-1990s Vogel put a new keel on the boat and removed some of the internal lead ballast, and increased the mainsail with a longer boom. Mad Max is currently based in False Creek, Vancouver (British Columbia) where her crew continue to win races and regattas."

From One Ton Class Facebook 2015:

1998 Swiftsure: 1er/?? PHRF L, Wink VOGEL

Mad Max, CND 609
June, Van Isle 360: 2e/10 Division 1, Micah van der HEIDE
"This year's Cadillac Van Isle 360 was anything but a "cake walk" with the weather serving up everything from light air spinnaker reaches in glorious sunshine to storm force south easters off Brooks Peninsula. Each leg presented the fleet with new conditions and new challenges and many blown out sails. Contrary to traditional weather patterns up the inside, the fleet was treated to many great spinnaker runs. Just ask any local float plane operator about the emergency calls they received to pick up and deliver new spinnakers to yet another remote location.
In a two week race around wild and rugged Vancouver Island, it's not a question of "if" a storm hits, but "when" a storm hits. And hit it did - with winds reported from 40 - 50 knots and gusting. Tsunami a beautiful Frers 41 owned by Sean Bethune from Seattle Wa., was dismasted off Cape Cook during the storm and 3D an F9A trimaran was forced to turn and run with it after a problem with their reefing system, spending a nasty night off Triangle Island. In all 22 of the 23 boats retired from that leg most returning to Winter Harbour, and the leg was cancelled. Mad Max, skippered by Sid Halls, spent a harrowing night on the sea and was the only boat to finish in Ucluelet under sail.
The westerly winds finally filled in on the leg from Ucluelet to Victoria rewarding the fleet with 25 knot winds and some great ocean swells to surf on. Everyone got sunburned teeth. Unfortunately the winds slowly petered out once in Juan de Fuca Strait, but it was a warm night with a beautiful full moon, not too hard to take. At the end of each day, sailors were treated to some friendly "Island" hospitality at each of the stops. Welcome receptions, music, native and highland dancing and excellent BBQ'd salmon. The hospitality was both genuine and generous. The camaraderie and sportsmanship experienced both on and off the race course is unsurpassed

2005 Harken Opener 2005: 5e/5 Division 1, Micah van der HEIDE
Southern Straits, 133': DNF.
TD Canada Trust Semiahmoo: 3e/16

2006 Harken Opener 2006: 6e/6 Division 1, Micah van der HEIDE
Halibut Bank / Popham Island Race: 9e/22
Fraser Lightship: 2e/4 ORC 1 en 7h33'
Swiftsure: 1er/?? PHRF L

2007 Southern Straits, 118': 5e/8 Division 2 en 22h47'
Van Isle 360: ?e/??
Fraser Lightship Race: 4e/5 ORC 1

2008 21 mars, Southern Straits: ?e/5 Division 1, Micah van der HEIDE
3 mai, Halbut Bank: ?e/13 Division 1
31 mai, Silva Bay: 1er/2 Division 1
14 juin, Round Bowen: 9e/29 Division 1 en 4h32'
Cape Flattery Race: 1er/?? Division G
4 octobre, Fraser L'Sip:
?e/9 Division 1

Vancouver VARC Final Result: 1er/10 Division 1

Pictures from Internet:

2009 Round Bowen, 18': 12e/42 Division 1 en 4h04'
Southern strait Race: 2e/?? Overall
"Pacific Yachting",

2010 12 juin, Round Bowen, 18': 1er/30 Division 1 en 4h31'
November, Round the County: DNS, Micah van der Heide

2011 22 avril, Southern Straits Race, Vancouver: DNF/10, Micah van der Heide

2013 Southern Straits Race, Vancouver: 2e/6, Micah van der Heide

2014 Round Bowen, 18': ?e/?? Division 1
Strait of Vancouver, picture from One Ton Class facebook:

For sale, Mad Max is a Davidson 40 built in New Zealand in 1986. Her designer, Laurie Davidson, is one of the most successful racing yacht designers of all time. His designs have won the America’s Cup, and set world speed records in all long distance sailing disciplines. Mad Max is a one-off design, which means there is no other boat in the world like her. Her exceptionally beautiful lines attract attention wherever she races.
Mad Max is also one of the most successful racers of all time winning The Admirals Cup, Kenwood Cup, Vic-Maui, Swiftsure, Southern Straights, VanIsle 360, and many more. Notable skippers and helmsmen include Tom Dodson (Olympian, America's Cup), Ray Haslar (New Zealand Sailor of the Year, 2005), Brad Butterworth (America's Cup, Whitbread), Ross MacDonald (Canadian Star Silver and Bronze Olympic medals).
Mad Max is still in top race form and looking for a bright new owner to continue her winning legacy; Year: 1986, Designer: Laurie Davidson, Builder: SPRIGGANS, New Zealand; Construction: foam cored carbon fibre/kevlar, Aux Power: 21.5 HP Inboard Kabota Diesel/Volvo S120 Saildrive/16" 2 blade folding propeller. Dimensions LOA: 39’ 5” LWL: 32' Beam: 13’ Displacement: 13,500 lb Draft: 7’ 6” Ballast: 2,000 lb internal lead 7,000 lb elliptical shaped keel Ratings PHRF NW: 63 PHRF BC: 62 ORC: 583.1,
She's ready to race. She's priced to sell. Safe and secure moorage available in downtown Vancouver. Asking price: $45000 USD,, picture from this website,

July, From Facebook, "I had a tour of this boat Summer 2021. The new owner was living on it and learning to sail"