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Way-Aniwa, KZ 1280
à jour au: 2015
1971 Plan Carter, Carter 40 construit en aluminium

1971 25 February, One Ton Cup, Auckland: 7e/17, BOUZAID
"New Zealand Weekly News", from One Ton Class Facebook

Bouzaid had set out to modify and improve Wai Aniwa under the new Mk III rule - her mast was increased in height by 0.6 metres, her genoas limited to 150% LP and 680 kg of ballast was added.
December, Southern Cross Cup, NZ Team: 1er/?, including
26 December, Sydney-Hobart: 3e/79, elapsed time 4d01h15', R. H. WALKER

1972 Wai Aniwa training in blustery conditions on Auckland Harbour, picture from RB Sailing blog,

NZ OTC Trials: 6 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 1er/??
December "Offshore",

5 December,
One Ton Cup, Sydney: 3 - 4 - 3 - 1 - 4 = 1er/15, BOUZAID

1973 February "Sea Spray"

Mars "Bateaux",

From Facebook 2020, Just found this photo, ”The day we invented the blooper”. We set the ½ oz dpinnaker ana had the sheet inside the forests and as we started to drop the drifter it set again and the rest is history!"

1995 New owner

1997 New owner

2011 Still very active racing in Wellington

Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2014,

2015 27 february, One Ton Revisited, Auckland: 4 - 2 - 5 - 2 - 4 = 3e/6, IRC: 0.935, Roger FOLEY
Pictures from One Ton Class Facebook,

2019 From Facebook, "Wai Aniwa , winner of the 1972 One Ton Cup.
This Dick Carter design, together with new S&S designs of the time started a trend for, what became known as, 'Jumbo' One Tonners, on account of their extreme length and displacement compared to earlier designs to the defunct RORC rule. Note the extreme bustle aft terminating in a rudder designed to extend the waterline length without rating cost. Chris Bouzaid sailed this 40 footer to good effect to win, but the era of the Jumbos was short lived coming to an abrupt end in 1973 with the appearance of the diminutive 34ft Doug Peterson Ganbare.
This boat after it won in Sydney came home to nz and was promptly given a hiding by the new little one tonner Impact designed by John Lidgard and owned by Geoff Roper impact at only 7000lb and 32ft 6 inches was very light and very short very fast down wind and reaching