ONE TONNERS: Sommaire - One Tonners Liste - Résultats - Architectes - Photos


Justine III, IR 290
à jour au: 1983
1981 Plan Castro, construit en sandwich kevlar avec résine epoxy en Ecosse


1981 Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2019,

Dun Laoire-Holyhead: 1st/14

August, Channel Race: 1st/30 Classe III

One Ton Cup
, Crosshaven: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 1st/16, Harold CUDMORE

Octobre "Voiles et Voiliers"

Cowes Week: ?e/??
Picture from Facebook 2022,

Novembre "Course au Large",

"L'Année Bateaux 1981-1982":

Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2015,

Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2016,

1982 Juin "Neptune Nautisme",

198? New owner, Mr Chono, new flag and new name,
Shinkiro, J 2220

1983 ?? Race, Japan: 1er/4 Class 3
Picture from Japanese magazine,
"Here seen in Japan in -83, renmed Shinkiro. Rob Fry at the helm and owner Mr Chono behind him."

Comment from Facebook 2022 "the butterfly in Japanese is Chocho and the owner Mr Chono has a chocho in the family crest hence the crew and I designed the picture and projected it on the boat and outlined it and air brushed it on."