TWO TONNERS: Sumary - Alphabetic List - Architect - Sail Number - Résults



Brooke Ann, US 77519
Last update: 2023
1981 Plan Nelson Marek 41 built by Geraghty, San Diego, CA

Comment from Facebook 2022: "Sister ships to Rampage and Sweet Witch"


1982 August, Pan Am Clipper cup, Hawaï: 2 - 7 - 5 - 8 - 1 = 2e/?? Class D, US White Team: 3e/11, Larry HARVEY
September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 6 - 9- 10 - 6 - 2 = 5e/14 KKP, rating 32.2'

1983 February, SORC Miami: ?e/??, Larry HARVEY
Pictures from Facebook 2022 & 2023,

Long Beach Race Week: 2 - 2 - 7 - 6 = 3e/?? Class D
September, Big Boat Series San Francisco: 3 - 7 - 1 - 2 - 1 = 1st/14 KKPT Class, rating 32.1'

1984 New owner and new name,
Revenge, US 77519
7 June, Long Beach Race Week: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 1st/?? Div D
July "Latitude 38",

San Diego, Canada's Cup Challenger training,
August "Yachting",

Long Beach Race Week: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 1st/? Class D, Wayne WILENBERG
July "Latitude 38",

Pan Am Clipper Cup, Hawaï:
?e/? Class D, Wayne WILENBERG
30 September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 4 - dsq - 5 - 14 - 12 = 12e/18 Division KK, rating: 32.0'

1985 Newport Harbor to Cabo San Lucas, 790 NM: ?e/?? IOR C, Wayne WILENBERG
6 June, Long Beach Race Week: 3e/?? Class D
Long Beach's YC to Cabo Race, corrected time 79h06': 12e/35 IOR

1987 4 June, Long Beach Race Week: 5e/8 Class C, Wayne HANSON

1988 June, Long Beach Race Week: 6e/8 Class B

1991 For Sale South Califormie, 107 000 USD

19?? New owner and new name,
Blondie, US 77519

2017 September, new owner Willie Lynch

"Slowly refitting in San Blas, Mexico. Very slowly"

2022 From Facebook, EDIT: This project yacht is for sale. Taking offers, no reasonable offers refused. Hoping it won’t go to landfill. “Blondie” ex Revenge ex Brook Anne, 1981 Nelson Marek 41 (2-tonner), Aka Serendipity 41; built by Geraghty, San Diego, CA, Currently lying in San Blas, NAY.

Comment from Facebook "Always lived in San Diego from what i know...

2023 June, from Facebook "This project yacht is for sale. Taking offers, no reasonable offers refused. Hoping it won’t go to landfill. “Blondie” ex Revenge ex Brook Anne 1981 Nelson Marek 41 (2-tonner) Aka Serendipity 41; built by Geraghty, San Diego, CA, Currently lying in San Blas, NAY"