Maxi Monohull: Summary - Alphabétic List - Architects - Sail Number
Stark Raving Mad III,
USA 52566
Last update: December 2023
2006 Plan Reichel-Pugh, built by Westerly Yachts in Santa Ana.
L: 66',
2005 May "Seahorse",
building for a solo round the world record attempt. Jim
2006 11 January, New CBTF yacht launched,
Jim Madden's 66ft Reichel-Pugh design Stark Raving
Mad III touches the water
June "Seahorse",
New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta - 2nd in IRC
Big Boat
New York Yacht Club Race Week - 1st in IRC
Big Boat
Ida Lewis Distance Race - 1st to finish; New
course record
Around the Coronado's Race: 1st to finish;
New course record
Little Ensenada Race: 1st to finish;
1st Overall
14 Mile Bank Race: 1st to finish
Hot Rum #1 - 2nd in Class, 5th
in Fleet
Hot Rum #2 - 1st in Class; 1st to finish
Hot Rum #3 - 1st in Class; 13th in Fleet
Hot Rum Overall - 1st in Class; 1st Overall
Newport Harbor Yacht Club: "Boat of the Year
for 2006"
2007 Newport to Cabo, 800': 1st
to finish (Fleet); 2nd in Class
Newport to Ensenada Race: 2e/449
en réél en 21h16'52". James MADDEN,
Oyster Bay, NY
NHYC Opening Day - 1st to finish
Hoag Regatta - 3rd in Class
Around the Coronado's - 1st in Class, 1st to
Little Ensenada - 3rd in Class,
2nd to Finish (Fleet)
"Hot Rum" Series - 2nd in Class
1 March, Vallarta Race: 2e/18 en réél,
2e/10 IRC. Coeff IRC: 1,646
28 March, Corona del Mar-Cabo race : 1er/??
Newport to Ensenada Race: 2e/?? IRC
May "Seahorse"
Jack, KA 52566
2 August, 2nd Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race: 1er/15
IRC elapsed time 2d05h33' coeff IRC: 1,612, Peter
Audi Hamilton Island Race Week: 9 - 9 - 12 - 12,5 - 11 - (13) - 4 - 11 - 4 =
72,5pts, 12e/14 IRC 1
28 November, Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship: 17pts, 3e/??
IRC Racer Div 1
15 December, SOLAS Big Boat Challenge: ?e/17.
18 December,
Rolex Trophy series in Sydney Harbour: ?e/?? IRC
26 December,
Sydney-Hobart : 6e/100 elapsed time 1d23h20', 3e/5
IRC quanting keel.
Picture from race website,
23-26 January, Skandia Geelong Week: 10 - 13 - (21) - 4 - 9 - 6 = 9e/23
IRC, Coeff: 1,599
April, Featured Brokerage 2006 Reichel Pugh 66. AUS$ 2,500,000. Located
in Brisbane, Australia. From the successful stable of Reichel Pugh and built
by Westerly Marine in 2005/2006 "Black Jack" is a highly competitive,
modern blue water racing yacht. With an overall line honors win at Hamilton
Island race week in 2008, and several impressive results since, Black Jack has
had no expense spared in her preparation for the Grand Prix circuit.
August, Audi Hamilton Island Race Week: 4 - (10) - 2 - 7 - 10 - 10 - 5 - 9 -
7 = 54pts, 9e/10 IRC Div 1, Coef
IRC: 1.596
13 December, SOLAS Big Boat Challenge: 8e/16 Maxis
elapsed time 1h35', Coeff IRC: 1.597
17 December, Rolex Trophy Rating Series: 4 - 3 - (5) - 5 = 12pts, 4e/8
IRC div 1
26 December, Sydney-Hobart: ?e/??
2010 21 aout, Audi Hamilton Island Race Week: ?e/??
6 April, 64th Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race: 1er/27
IRC ttc elapsed time 22h51', IRC: 1.586
30 July, Audi Sydney-Gold Coast Race, 384': 2e/53
IRC elapsed time 1d02h24'. Coeff IRC: 1.586
19 aout, Audi Hamilton Island Race Week: 6 - 4 - 1 - 3 - (9) - 1 - 1 - 3 - 9
= 28 pts, 3e/11 IRC class A
11 December, Solas Big Boat Challenge: 4e/14 IRC
en 1h13',
26 December, Sydney-Hobart: 3e/59
IRC corrected time 3d14h46'
2013 24 January, Aussie IRC Nationals,
Geelong: ?e/?? IRC
KA 52566
2014 Brisbane
– Gladstone: 1er/??
8 juillet, Melbourne - Vanuatu, 1885 NM: 5d23h52'
new record,
19 aout, Audi Hamilton Island Race Week: 2 - 2 - 1 - … = 2e/3
IRC 1, Phillip TURNER
26 December, Sydney-Hobart: 72e/117
IRC corrected 4d03h02', 6th elapsed time 2d14h45'.
Picture from race website,
2015 August, IRC Australian Championship,
Hamilton Island Race Week: 3 - 5 - 7 - 6 - 4 - 7 - 6 - (7) = 6e/7
IRC 1, Duncan HINE
15 octobre, Hong Kong - Vietnam Race: 1er/5
IRC 0,
2016 5 August, Brisbane to Keppel Tropical
Yacht Race: 1er/24 IRC,
corrected time: 1j07h29',
26 August, Audi Hamilton Island Race Week: ?e/9
Picture from Race website,
26 December, Rolex Sydney-Hobart race: 17e/71
IRC, 74e/88 elapsed time 3d15h17', coeff: 1,581, Philip
14 April, Brisbane To Gladstone Yacht Race: 2e/11
IRC 1, elapsed time: 1j01h50', Duncan
4 August, Brisbane to Keppel Yacht Race, 340 NM: 4e/25
17 October, Hong Kong - Vietnam Race: 3e/5 IRC
0, 50h11' elapsed time, Coef IRC: 1.581
28 March, Rolex China Sea Race, 565 NM: 5e/25
IRC, elapsed time: 51h48'
26 May, Samui Regatta, Thailand: 3e/7 IRC 0
18 August, Hamilton Island Race Week: 3 - 3 - 4 - 2 - 4 - 4 - (5) = 3e/6
IRC Div 1, Duncan HINE
26 December, Sydney Hobart, elapsed time 2d01h40' (5e): 1er/72
IRC, Rating: 1,584, Philip
26 May, Spinnaker Cup: 1er/3 PHRF A
27 May, Coastal Cup, elapsed time 13h48': 3e/3
CA Offshore Race Week: 1 - 3 - 2 = 2e/4 PHRF A
13 July, 50th edition of the LA-Honolulu Transpacific Yacht Race: 2e/14
Division 1, elapsed time 6d15h30', Phillip
Turner / Duncan Hine
26 December, Sydney-Hobart Race, elapsed time 2d01h13' (6e):
4e/119 IRC, Hcap: 1,591, Phillip
TURNER, Tasmanie
2020 5 January, Australian Yachting Championship:
3 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 6 - abn = 3e/8 Div 1,
Phillip TURNER
2021 26 December,
Sydney-Hobart Race: retired/60
IRC - hull damage, Hcap: 1.5860,
Phillip TURNER
5 August, Brisbane Hamilton Island Yacht Race, 600 NM: 5th
on line honour
August, Hamilton Island Race Week: (2) - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 1st/6
IRC, Duncan HINE
SOLAS Big Boat Challenge: 3e/6 Mini Maxi IRC
26 December, Sydney Hobart Race, elapsed time 1d18h52': 10e/91
IRC, Hcap: 1.586
2023 11 November, Bird Island Race, 83
NM, corrected time 11h27': 1st/33 IRC
1 December, Cabbage Tree Island Race, corrected time 1d11h36': 9e/55
26 December, Sydney Hobart Race, elapsed time 2d02h19': 1st/83
IRC, Hcap: 1.586,
Phillip TURNER
Picture from Sailing Anarchy,