Maxi Monocoques: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique - Architectes - Numéros de voile
US 7177
last update: 2023
1983 Plan Mull, design #151, built by ?, LOA:
1982 March "Latitude 38",
"Sorcery's beginnings 1983 in the
Sorcery Yacht shed. Very few men build their own yacht of this magnitude as
Jacob Wood did. Working with many suppliers around the world to get it right,
Jake did it at his business Republic Fastener where his patented aero nuts fueled
this program to build his new $3m yacht. Photos courtesy of Rick Stallings who
did the complete electrical during construction."
23 December, launched
23 December, "??" magazine,
December, Sailing from California to Florida, Rob
February, SORC, Florida: 4e/?
Class A,
"Les Cahiers du Yachting",
Cup Series, Hawaï: 10e/??
September, San Francisco Big Boat Series:
3 - 3 - 3 - 3- 3 = 3e/??
November "L'Année Bateaux", Hawaï,
1986 17 February, Manzanillo,
San Diego to ?, 1100 NM, ist on line honour 6d02h16': ?e/??,
Race: ?e/26
Clipper Cup Series, Hawaï:
1987 February, 11th MexOrc: 2 - 5 - 1 - 1 - 5 - 1 = 1er/5 Classe 1, Jack WOOD
1988 September,
San Francisco Big Boat Series:
8 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 6 = 7e/9
Maxis, IOR 70.05', Jack
Novembre "Neptune Yachting",
1990 Kenwood Cup, Hawaï: 2e/? Class A
1994 New
26 December, Sydney Hobart Race:
26e/236 corrected
time 2d17h07', J. WOOD
1996 28
April, Antigua Sailing Week: ?e/??
June "Afloat",
11 May, departure from Saint Martin to Ireland, via Açores Island
Cork Week: ?e/??
"Cowes Week Program",
August, Cowes Week: ?e/?? Maxis
September "Yachting World",
2006 "Won every race in the last regatta (MEXORC) she competed in 2006 with Owner Jake Wood and Crew receiving the Sportsmanship Award too!"
2007 New owner, John Walker, based in Glen Cove Marina, San Francisco
2008 Pacific Cup: withdrew
2009 Vallejo
Race: ?e/??
Windjammers Race Labor Day Weekend, Santa Cruz:
Most of information and pictures on
this page are comming from the boat's Facebook page: "Sorcery SF Bay
Sailing Charters"
12 April, comment and picture from Facebook "I
was down at the Port of Redwood City for the first time in quite a while, yesterday.
Yup, there's Sorcery, still sitting there. It's been ten? Fifteen? GOD,
has it been Twenty years she's been sitting there? I doubt she ever sails, but
she's not quite landfill yet. She's still floating and still has a rig."
May, Facebook, "Was damaged on the bow by
an errant boat in January’s windstorm. Hauled out to assess."