Maxi Monocoques: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique - Architectes - Numéros de voile


Sayonara, USA 17
à jour au:
1995 Plan Farr #323, built by Cookson, LOA: 24.13m - 70.00ft, BOA: 5.27m - 17.29ft, T: 4.06m - 13.32ft, Disp: 53,880lbs

1995 "Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",

26 December, Sydney Hobart Race:
25e/75 IMS corrected time ?', L. ELLISON

1996 March "Yachting World",

April "Seahorse",

Aout "Seahorse",

August, Kenwood Cup, Hawaï: 1er/5 Maxi IMS
Picture from Facebook 2021,

September, St. Francis Yacht Club Big Boat Series: 1st IMS Maxi
October "Seahorse",

1997 July "Yachting World",

September, ILC Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup: 2e/??, L. ELLISON
November "Seahorse",

September, Big Boat Series San Francisco: 2e/?? Maxi Boat Class

1998 ILC Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup: 1er/??, L. ELLISON
"Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",

26 December, Sydney Hobart, 1st on line honours:
5e/?? IMS, elapsed & corrected time 2d19h03', handicap 1.000, Larry ELLISON

"Sydney 1998", picture from Facebook 2021,

1999 September, Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup: 1er/??, L. ELLISON

2000 Antigua Week: ?e/??
  July "Yachting World",

June, Newport Bermuda Race, elapsed time 80h55': 5e/5 Class 9 IMS Racing, L. ELLISON

Antigua, Undated pictures Damien Babinet, archive magazine "Bateaux",

From Facebook 2021, "Where is Sayonara these days??
In the bin. It was cut up. Didn’t want anyone else to have her. Do I recall correctly that the boat was badly delammed? Shipped from the Great Lakes, back out west and then cut up."
"Wow, I didn't realise it was cut up. I knew she was sent to the lakes as I don't believe Larry would race offshore after the 98 Hobart.
 saw a picture of her a few years ago in a shed but cut in half, what a tragedy
"What’s left of it ! In the bush at the back of Core Builders