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Exile, HKG 88
last update: 2022
1994 Plan Reichel Pugh, built by McConaghy, Sydney, USA, LOA 20.00m LWL 17.40m Beam 5.15m Draft 3.77m


1994 November, launched
"Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",

26 December, Sydney Hobart race, 3rd on line honours 2d18h15': 7e/236 corrected time 2d14h41', W. MILLER

1995 March "Yachting World",

19 March, Newport-Cabo Race, 790 NM, elapsed time 95h25': 1st/2 IMS, WARWICK MILLER
1 July, Los Angeles Honolulu TransPac Race, corrected time 232h32': 1st/4 Div 2B
14 September, Big Boat Series San Francisco: 0.75 - 2 - 0.75 - 0.75 - 0.75 = 1st/6 Maxi Boat Class

1996 August, Kenwood Cup, Hawaï: 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 4 = 2e/6 Maxi, WARWICK MILLER
"Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",

26 December, Sydney Hobart race:
2e/59 IMS corrected time 2d12h46', W. MELLER

1997 January "Yachts & Yachting",

Sydney to Gold Coast Race, 386 NM: DNF/??, dismasted
December "Seahorse",

Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race: ?e/84
Picture from Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race website,

26 December, Sydney Hobart race:
4e/65 IRC corrected time 2d18h43', W. MELLER

Picture from McCanaghy website,

???? New owner and new name,
Blue Yankee, US 25

1998 June, Bermuda Race: 1st/?? Class 10, RC TOWSE

2000 June, Bermuda Race, elapsed time 81h43': 3e/6 Class 8 IMS Racing Division, RC TOWSE

2002 June, Bermuda Race, elapsed time 58h29': 1st/11 Class 9, RC TOWSE

2006 June "Seahorse",

BLUE YANKEE(ex EXILE) was built in 1994 by McConaghy Boats of Sydney, Australia. One of the finest yachts ever launched. Constantly upgraded to maximize peak performance. Blue Yankee is the winner of many prestigious events, including the 2002 Bermuda Race overall prize. As Exile the boat was victorious in the Sydney Hobart and Transpac. 2ND PRICE REDUCTION, BRING OFFERS!

16 June, Bermuda Race: 11e/15 Div 12, rating 1.492, Bob & Farley TOWSE

20?? New owner and new name,
Aurora, USA 50095

2010 18 June, Bermuda Race, 635NM, elapsed time 71h07': 14e/183ttc & 2e/11 Class 8, Gustav CARLSON

2011 2 June, Annapoli-Newport, elapsed time 3d08h49': 11e/12 IRC 1, Coeff IRC: 1.43, Gustav CARLSON

201? New owner and new name,
Kodiak, USA 50095

2012 June, Newport Bermuda Race, Line Honors Winner: 1st/?? Class 8 ORR & winner of Overall Performance Trophy

2014 June, Newport Bermuda Race, Line Honors Winner: 1st/?? Class 8 ORR

2017 7 June, Annapolis - Newport Race, 474NM: 5e/8 IRC 1

2018 16 June, Newport Bermuda Race, 97h50' elapsed time: 6e/8 Class 10, Llwyd ECCLESTONE

2020 For sale, Kodiak, designed by Reichel Pugh's legendary design team, captured the sailing world's attention long ago as Exile. She has also been Blue Yankee and, not to be confused with her sistership locally sailed, she was also known as Aurora. Spirited, superbly fast, her race record spoke for itself with those in the know. And speaking of speaking for itself, with many first place finishes and other speed records set by this venerable and handsome sailing yacht, and speeds of 16-18 knots, it is inevitable that a knowledgeable sailor can recreate the story of her past. Interestingly, what is not so apparent and is rarely ever seen in a yacht of this genre, is her excellent condition. With the many systemic updates and a sail inventory that will impress, this superb machine will give you years of sailing pleasure. She has had updates galore and was built to be durable and capable of crossing rough water. Again, with her overall systems and rig and sails, mechanicals, plumbing and electrical in excellent shape, this yacht is bargain priced. The yacht will only be available after the 2020 Bermuda Race, July 2020, 395,000 USD

June, Newport Bermuda Race: canceled

2022 17 June, Bermuda Race, elapsed time 66h19': 5e/14 Class 17, Jahn TIHANSKY

2023 9 July, Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race: ?e/??, Javi Jimenez KANE