Maxi Monocoques: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique - Architectes - Numéros de voile


Drumbeat, KA R2
last update: 2021
1989 Plan David Pedrick, built by Peter Milner, Perth, LOA: 26.0m (82'), Beam 6.20m


1989 Launched in Perth
June, shipped to Europe
July "Offshore",

August "Offshore",

1 August, Copa Del Rey, Palma Majorca: ?e/??
20 August, Maxi World Championship, Port Cervo: ?e/12
18 September, Nioulargue, Saint Tropez: ?e/??
14 December, Southern Cross: ?e??, Western Australia Team: ?e/??
Picture from Sydney Hobart Official Program,

Including 26 December, Sydney Hobart race: 34e/108 IOR, handicap 1.0574, Alan BOND

1990 Janvier "Régate",

3 August, Kenwood Cup, Hawaï: 10e/?? & 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 1st/3 Classe A, rating 70.04', Alan BOND
October "Seahorse",

New owner, B.D. Koeppel, and new name,
Congere VII, USA 6

From Facebook 2024,

1991 February "Offshore",

Annapolis-Newport: ?e/??
Manhasset Bay Yacht Club Fall Series: 1st/? Class A/IMS, Bevon D. KOEPPEL

1994 "Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",

26 December, Sydney Hobart race: 83e/236 IMS, corrected time 3d00h17', B.D.KOEPPEL

Picture from Facebook 2021,

Picture and comment from Facebook 2022 "Congere (ex Drumbeat) on the Long Island Sound, NY in the 90’s.",

1997 Donado a la Academy Sailing Foundation y se instaló en la Bahía de Chesapeake. (donated to the Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy)

2001 New owner, Robert W. Limoggio, and new name,
Spank Me BT, USA ??
Sailing on US East Coast

2002 Newport-Bermuda Race: ?e/??

2004 New owners, OzSail, charter in Australia, and new name,
Spank Me, AUS

Pictures from Internet Forum,

2021 October, comment from Facebook "Many have ended up in "Jurassic Park" for Maxis - the Whitsunday Islands taking backpackers cruising the islands. CONDOR, RAGAMUFFIN, APOLLO, SISKA, FREIGHT TRAIN, DRUMBEAT (was Congere, now Spank Me), BRITISH DEFENDER, BOOMERANG (was ONDINE Vll) MATADOR, BROOMSTICK, and sadly THE CARD & ANANACONDA ll - both wrecked - the same owner."