Introduction, Half tonner List, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, Solitaire de l'Aurore-Solitaire du Figaro, No Voile
Nicholson 30 ou 1/2 Tonner, 28 bateaux construits, based on "SILVER JUBILEE", 9,14 x 3,12 x 1,75m 2 718kg lancé en 1977:
Publicité vue dans "Voiles et Voiliers" janvier 1978 et présentation dans le numéro de juin.
Command list from the book: "Camper & Nicholson two centuries of Yacht Building" 2001:
Nicholson Half Tonner serial Number, C&N build #, "first Name" and sail Number, following name, command orderer (if no more information) or LI: Last Information,
#00A # 1641 "Silver
Jubilee" K 710 C&N, LI: 1982,
#00B # 1642 "??", H. Takeda, No Information,
#001 # 1643 "Nic-Nac"
I 8272, LI: 2018,
#002 # 1644 "Beep Beep" F 7465, LI: 1992,
#003 # 1645 "? (Qasar
?)" K 5575, "Nichel’s and Dimes", "Rosamar",
LI: 2015,
#004 # 1646 "Silver Dollar", 1978 Command orderer:
A.E Englander,
#005 # 1647 "Nutcracker" K 5249, LI: 2018,
#006 # 1648 "Silver Mite", "No Gnomes",
LI: 2019,
#007 # 1649 "Minki", 1978 Command orderer: M. Heeren,
#008 # 1650 "Giubileo", 1978 Command orderer: H.A
#009 # 1651 "Brown Sugar" K 711, 1978 Command orderer:
R. Aisher,
#010 # 1652 "??", 1978 Command orderer: H. Takeda,
#011 # 1653 "White Shark", 1978 Command orderer:
Mr. Resinelli,
#012 # 1654 "Feanor" IR 333, "Zoé",
LI: 2019,
#013 # 1655 "Howzat" SWE, "Kilroy",
"Ödlegrinet", LI: 2023,
#014 # 1656 "??", 1978 Command orderer: J. Hayes,
#015 # 1657 "Cascavel" F 7897, "Babe",
LI: 2023,
#016 # 1658 "Chardonnay", LI: 2011,
#017 # 1659 "L' Orgueil VII" F 7474, "Yoalla",
"Orgueil VII", "Fais Toi Plais", LI: 2019
#018 # 1660 "Horsefeathers", LI: 1979
#019 # 1661 "Phynnodderee" K 5593,
"Layback", LI: 2017,
#020 # 1662 "Gatsby" K 5587, LI:
#021 # 1663 "Grimalkin" K 5637, LI: 2011,
#022 # 1664 "Emilia II", 1978 Command orderer:
P. Von Willebrand,
#023 # 1665 "Mayanus VI", 1978 Command orderer:
Monsieur B. Janet,
#024 # 1666 "Karella", 1978 Command orderer: Mr.
#025 # 1667 "Silver Atlantico", 1978 Command orderer:
R. Burmester,
#026 # 1668 "Warrior", 1978 Command orderer: A.S
#027 # 1669 "Carmen Maria" K 3610T, LI: 2023,
#028 # 1670 "Groupe Drouot" F 7768, "Sun
Sea", "Alf", LI: 2008
28 bateaux chez C&N
African Queen
GER #0?? 1978, ex "Kika";
Aleko K 5610 Nicholson Half Ton 1977,
From Facebook 2023 "Aleko on the Humber
Estuary 1984. She was very quick up wind though a handful down wind in a blow";
Alf F 7768 #028 1979;
Arjuna, 2010 navigue au Portugal;
Babe F
7897 #015 1978;
Beep Beep F 7465 #002 1978;
Brown Sugar K
711 #009 1978, 1978 Command orderer: R. Aisher;
C'est La Vie VI
BRA 633 Holland 19??,
Picture from Facebook 2023,
Calamar Rio BRA 960 #0?? 197?;
Carmen Maria K 3610T #027 1978;
Challenge IRL ?, was campaigned with great success in Dublin Bay
by Mr. Chadwick. ou Nicholson 30 old style?;
Chardonnay GBR #016 1978, 1978 Orderer: C.H Keeler, 1983
ISORA, 6/7 races: 6e/18 B1, J. Peters, 1985 ISORA, 7/7: 6e/25 B1, J.S. Morris
& J. Peters, 2011-12 seen in Deauville;
Dove US #0?? 1978;
Emilia II ? #022 1978, 1978 Command orderer: P. Von Willebrand;
Toi Plais F 7474 #017 1978, ex "Yoalla";
Feanor IR 333 #012
K 5587 #020 1978;
Giubileo ? #008 1978, 1978 Command orderer: H.A Bodger;
Grimalkin K
Groupe Drouot F 7768 #028 1979, renommé
"Sun Sea";
Horsefeathers US Nicholson
Half Tonner #018 1978, 1979 Septembre, Photo archives revue "Bateaux",
Howzat S ? #013 1978, renamed "Kilroy";
Karella ? #024 1978, 1978 Command
orderer: Mr. Martin;
BEL 1978, renamed "African Queen";
Kilroy SWE 7888 #013 1978, ex "Howzat",
renamed "Ödlegrinet";
Kurosiwo ESP ?, 2019 For Sale, see below;
Layback K 5593
#019 1978, ex "Phynnoddere";
Leciel RUS 2542 #0?? 197?, 2016 Racing in Vladivostok?;
Mayanus VI ? #023 1978, 1978
Command orderer: Monsieur B. Janet;
Minki ? #007 1978, 1978 Command orderer: M. Heeren;
ITA 8272 #001 1977;
Nichel's and Dimes NED
5118 #003 1978, "ex "Quasar II";
Nimrod 2527Y ?;
Nettie Too K #0?? 1978;
July "Seahorse",
No Gnomes IRL 78 #006 1978;
Nutcracker K 5249 #005
1978, 1978 Orderer: D. Bradley, 2008 Round The Island: 56e/??? ISC Division
6C, 2018 7 juillet, Round the Island Race, 11h08' elapsed time: 7e/43 ISC
7B, (noté N 303!);
Ödlegrinet SWE 7888
#013 1978, ex "Kilroy";
Orgueil VII F 7474 #017 1978;
Peppermint ??tty
GER 1978, 2023 Picture from Facebook;
Phynnoddere K 5593 #019 1978, renommé
Po2Kol GBR 5268 1978;
Qasar K 5575 #003 1978, 1979 For Sale;
Rackham SUI
207 #0?? 1978, 2008 A Vendre,
2016 11 juin, Bol D'Or: 312e/511 en 22h37', Alain Nicaty, 2017 17 juin, Bol
D'Or: DNS;
Picture from Bol D'Or
website 2016
Picture from Bol D'Or website
Rosamar NED 5118, ex "Nichel’s
and Dimes";
Seldom Seen K 5197, 2009 navigue
en Irlande;
Silver Atlantico POR #025 1978, 1978 Command orderer: R.
Burmester, 2024 Funchal, Madeira, Picture below;
Facebook 2024,
Silver Dollar K #004 1978, 1978 Command orderer: A.E Englander;
Silver Jubilee K 710 #00A 1977;
Silver Mite IRL 78 #006 1978;
Sun Sea F 7768 #028 1979, ex
"Groupe Drouot";
Swuzzle-Bubble K 5268 Nicholson Half
Tonner 1978;
Warrior ? #026 1978, 1978 Command
orderer: A.S Christofides;
White Shark ? #011 1978, 1978 Command orderer: Mr. Resinelli;
Yoalla F 7474 #017 1978;
FRA 1978;
Zoé IRL 333 #012
1978 , ex "Feanor"?;
2023 Nicholson
30' Half Tonner Yacht Project Boat *no Reserve*, Has mast (painted white)
no running or standing rigging! Engine is a bets unknown but boat arrived
with us under its own steam.This is a project and will be sold as such and
it is highly recommended that you view before you bid. The yacht is situated
in Southampton and must be removed from the yard by the winning bidder. We
can offer lifting onto transport and also help with hauliers. No Paypal please
but we can accept card, cash or transfer.
2023 January, comment from Facebook "There is a Holland Silver Jubilee sitting in Dublin Port waiting to be rediscovered..."
2019 Décembre,
A Vendre Nicholson half tonner, Année: 1978,
Long.: 9.14 m, Lieu: Ibiza (Espagne), Nom : Kurosiwo, Pavillon: España,
Matériel: Fibre de verre, Dimensions Largeur: 3.14 m Tirant d'eau:
1.70 m, Lest: 3690 Kg, 24 000 Euros,
2017 Aout, A Vendre
Voilier de type Nicholson Half Tonner en polyester (coque monolithique) construit
par le chantier Camper et Nicholson en 1977, en Grande Bretagne. Le voilier
participe à des régates en Manche et Bretagne, au début
des années 1980. Un précédent propriétaire l’achète
en 2009, quitte la France en février 2011. Il arrive en Polynésie
en juin 2011. Ses propriétaires actuels naviguent à son bord
quelques années, ils le vendent car ils quittent la Polynésie.
Moteur Vétus M3.09 22 CV reconditionné en 2004, Hélice
tripale J-Prop à pas réglable, NICHOLSON 30, (9,14 m) - 1977,
Longueur : 9,14 m (29' 11"), Largeur : 3,12 m, Tirant d’eau : 1,75
m, Hauteur sous barrot : 1,73 m, Poids : 3,5 tonnes, Moteur : Vétus
M3.09 22 CV, Voilier papeetisé. Bateau situé en Polynésie
Française, Prix : 990 000 XPF / 8 300 €, photos de l'annonce,
1978 Juin "Voiles et Voiliers",