Whitbread Race: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique



Kings Legend, K 1220
Last update: 2022
1976 Plan S&S, Swan 65 #020

1976 "1976 Cape to Rio Official Brochure",

10 January, Cape to Rio Race: ?e/50 classés, John IRVING

1977 Whitbread Round-The-Race: 2e/15 elapsed time 121d11h, rating IOR: ?', Nick Ratcliffe & Mike Clancy
Picture from the book "L'Année Bateaux 1977-78",

Photo ??, Archives de la revue "Bateaux",

1978 Janvier "Neptune Nautisme",

1988 Juin "Année Bateaux", vu dans une publicité pour l'Espagne

1994 10 June, Faerden, Norway, ?NM: DNF/8 Class 14C, Stig LARVIN

1995 9 June, Faerden, Norway, 83NM: DNS, Stig LARVIN

1999 New Owner, Gijs van Liebergen

2004 November, Transat ARC, elapsed time 17d21h43': 17e/21 Division I - Cruising - Class B, coeff 1.076

2011 3 novembre, Legends Regatta, Alicante: 9e/16

2013 26th - 29th June, S&S Swan Rendez-vous 2013, Marciana Marina (Elba Island): 12e/21 Overall and Zeppelin Trophy for the Most elegant Swan, Gijs van LIEBERGEN

2014 DailySail, King’s Legend - Swan 65  In 1999 bought by Gijs van Liebergen and now available for charter/regattas. In 2010 she is based in the Malta/Sicily area

2018 9 September, Rolex Swan Cup, Porto Cervo: ?e/26, Gijs VAN LIEBERGEN
20 October, Middle Sea Race: DNF/130 IRC

2020 For Sale Kings’ Legend is a sloop-rigged Sparkman & Stephens Swan 65 – one of only four sloops existing. Kings’ Legend sailed the Whitbread round the World Race in 1977/1978 and became 2nd. She is very well known in sailing circles and has cruised and raced all around the world. Member of the Volvo Ocean Race Legends, winner of the Zeppelin trophy – for the best kept Sparkman and Stephens designed yacht, participant of the Nautor Swan Club. She has been in current ownership since 1999. The last mayor refit was done in 2015, in preparation of the Sydney to Hobart Race. The owner and skipper chartered with her for all these years and kept her in high condition and latterly according to MCA rules. A new owner could carry on the charter business if wished. Located in Barcelona

Juillet, "Voyage avec l'ancien pilote de Whitbread ''Kings Legend'', En tant que skipper avec un casting de 5 célèbres Néerlandais, 3 équipage et 4 cameramen, une distance de 2500 Nm traversant l'Atlantique Nord dans des circonstances difficiles pour un nouveau programme TV, mon ultime test pour servir le leadership était en bas pour mettre. Ci-dessous un court reportage, plus tard dans l'année en 7 ou 8 épisodes télévisés sur SBS6. Merci aux dirigeants d'attente Erik van Vuuren et Willem Jan Landman. Merci casting et merci à l'équipe de caméra."
July, from Facebook,
"Amsterdam marina et pour la première fois aux Pays-Bas ensemble !"

2021 23 October, Middle Sea Race, 606 NM: DNF/106 IRC, James Stableford & John Vincent

2022 22 October, 43rd Middle Sea Race, Malta, 600 NM: DNF/99 IRC