Whitbread Race: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique
Legend, F 8992
à jour au: 2024
1989 Plan Ribadeau-Dumas, construit
en polyester par le chantier Constructeur : MAG-Nordhal Mabire, France,
LOA: 71’4” / 21.76m
Longueur de coque : 22,00 m (21,76 m) Flottaison : 20,40 m (18,63 m) Largeur : 5,29 m (5,32 m) Tirant d’eau : 3,00 m (4,09 m) Déplacement : 16 200 Kg (17 100 kg) Voilure au près : 250 m² (254 m²) Au portant : 410 m² (524 m²) Surface GV : 145 m² (165 m²) Surface génois : 105 m² (89 m²) Surface spi : 250 m² (359 m²) Rating IOR (IRC) : 69,36’ (1,455)
1988 Février "Régate",
Juin "Année Bateaux",
"Course au Large",
Avril "Course Au Large",
Septembre "Régate",
Septembre "Bateaux",
"Régate" novembre,
Jourdan, F
Octobre "Neptune Yachting",
"Un Sprint Autour du Monde", G Martin-Raget (1990),
2 septembre, WHITBREAD Race:
11 - 5 - 9 - 5 - 12 - 13 = 6e/15 Classe
A en 136j15h15' temps réel, rating IOR: 69.74',
1e étape, Solent-Punta Del Este: 11e/23
à 3 jours
Octobre "Bateaux",
28 octobre, 2e étape, Punta Del Este-Freemantle:
5e/23 en 27j22h16'
3e étape, Freemantle-Auckland: 9e/23 en
13j02h53' réel
"Voiles et Voiliers" mai,
3 février, 4e étape, Auckland-Punta Del
Este: 5e/23 en 23j14h18'
Avril "Bateaux",
17 mars, 5e étape, Punta Del Este-Fort Lauderdale:
12e/22 en 24j11h34'
3 mai, 6e étape, Fort Lauderdale-Southampton:
13e/22 en 18j16h02 compensé
"Un Sprint Autour du Monde",
G Martin-Raget (1990),
Photos ??, Archives de la revue "Bateaux",
Bateau rendu à son propriétaire Italien qui va courir en Méditérrannée
26 septembre, Rothmans Cup (Circuit OMYA), Saint Tropez: 4e/5
Maxis, Sancho BOZZI
1er octobre, Nioulargue:
?e/? Maxis
Lifting au chantier Tréhard à Antibes
février, Transat
des Alizés, Puerto Sherry-Pointe à Pitre:
?e/4 OMYA
9 juin,
Tour de l'Europe, Lorient-Dublin-Lisbonne-Barcelone-Gênes: 4e/5
Monocoques, Sancho
Début aout, 10e Copa Del Rey, Palma: 1er/?
Division Croisiére
1er octobre, Nioulargue:
?e/? Maxis
Biotonus Maxi Cup, Monaco: 5e/5
Tag-Heuer World Cup, (Circuit OMYA): ?e/10
1992 19
avril, Gran
Regata Colon, 1é étapre seulement, Génes-Cadix:
1er octobre, Maxi Series, Saint Tropez: 6e/7
1993 New
Owner, Ludde Ingvall
I 18992
Totally rebuilt according to measurement rules. Optimisé par l’architecte
sud-africain Simonis Voogd
mai, UAP Round Europe race, La Rochelle - Gijón
- Cherbourg - Rotterdam - Copenhague - Helsinki - Stockholm: dns - dns
- dns - dns - 5 - 5 = 5e/5
"L'Année Voile 1993" de Thierry Rannou,
21 juin, Nynasham Week: ?e/5 OMYA
from André Braun (Facebook
2020), "Spendrups Big Boat Cup was held
in Nynäshamn, Sweden 1993. Lots of well knewn boats was at the event..."
4 July, Gotland Runt, 460 NM: DNF
Race: ?e/??,
(chartered from the Italian owners by Ludde Ingvall)
1994 3
July, Gotland Runt, 425 NM: 1er/??
6 septembre, lettre de la "Course au Large",
Octobre "Yachting World",
1995 23
mai, UAP Round Europe race,
La Rochelle - Gijón - Cherbourg - Rotterdam - Copenhague - Helsinki -
Stockholm: dns - dns - dns - dns - 5 - 5 = DNC/5
Fastnet Race: 1er/??
Pictures from "2001
Fastnet Programme",
1996 Cape-Rio Race: 2e/??
February "Seahorse",
March "Yachting World",
April "Seahorse",
Nicorette sailed her around the world in one of the most successfully commercial campaigns in yachting history.
1997 July "Yachting
Fastnet Race:
1er/??, Gunnar EKDAHL
1999 New owners took
over and the yacht has been kept in mint condition and new name:
SW 2004
RX Sight, ? ????
2000 July "Seahorse",
2003 29 juin, Gotland Runt, 340 NM: 2e/5 ORC Open
2005 The hull was reinforced
and keel refitted
3 juillet, Gotland Runt, 432 NM: 1er/7
ORC Open, Peter OLSSON
2006 2 juillet, Gotland Runt, 363 NM: 2e/6 ORC Open
2007 1 juillet, Gotland Runt, 429 NM: 1er/7 ORC Open
2008 Gotland Runt, 446 NM: 7e/12 Grand Open B
2009 1 July, Eurocard Gotland Runt, 448': 4e/7 Open, rate 1.3633, Jonas MARTIN-LOF
2010 7 July, Eurocard Gotland Runt, 458': 6e/14 Open, rate 1.45
CJ LEGEND overall winner of Gothenburg Offshore
Race 2004, 2005 and 2006, ... Great Lakes Race, Sydney Hobart Race etc.
2011 Total refit, keel and rudder out,
x-ray of rig and delamination fixed. The yacht got her white colour back, new
engine, new rigging, navigation computers, rafts and safety equipment
3 novembre, Volvo Ocean Race Legends Regatta, Alicante: 3e/16,
2014 DailySail, Charles Jourdain – Ribadeau-Dumas 72ft sloop Subsequently rebuilt as Ludde Indvall's transat record breaker Nicorette. From Matt Jess: then RX Sight, SWE - Royal Blue. 11/8/14: Still called Royal Blue, owned by Swedes and based in Alicante
New owner and new name:
CJ Legend, GER 7404
2019 Mars "Seahorse", For
Sale A very well-known yacht with a very rich history. Whitbread Maxi Racer
- One Off, CJ LEGEND is kept in superb working order and is ready to continue
her work as a fast, fun and historic charter yacht. Perfect for the Legends
Race! Please do call for her full details. Specific details LOA 71’4”
/ 21.760m Year 1989 Model Whitbread Maxi Racer - One Off Location Flensburg,
Germany Hull Material Carbon Builder Mag Designer Dumas/Manneberg LWL 19.812
Maximum Draft 4.090 Beam 5.315 Displacement 17,478kg Engine(s) Volvo Penta Horsepower
75hp, 125 000 Euros
2021 July, picture
from Facebook,
2024 6 September, Cherbourg,
pictures from François,