Whitbread Race: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique
Cars, K 3797
à jour au: 2022
1985 Plan Ron Holland, 78'
1985 Chantier arrété
suite au déces de son skipper prévu, Robert
Bateau repris par Simon Le Bon,
du groupe pop Duran Duran
11 August, Fastnet Race: DNF,
perte de la quille et le bateau se retourne
"L'Année Bateaux" novembre,
Photo extraite du livre "Un Siécle de Voile" de O. Le Carrer
"Régate" juin 1989,
"L'année Voile 1985/86",
Septembre "Course au Large",
28 septembre, WHITBREAD Race:
8 - 6 - 8 - ? = 8e/15
en 122d18h54' temps réel, rating IOR: 68.9', Skip
1e étape, Porsmouth-Cape Town, 7e en temps
réel: 8e/15, corrected
time 36d13h44'
Novembre "L'Année Bateaux",
Novembre "Course Au Large",
4 décembre, 2e étape, Cape Town-Auckland: 6e/??
29j??h??' temps compensé
1986 15
février, 3e étape, Auckland-Punta Del Este, 2e
temps réel 24j23h30':
Avril "Bateaux",
9 avril, 4e étape, Punta Del Este-Portsmouth,
3e temps réel 31j13h06':
en 31j10h04' temps compensé
1987 Mai
"Voiles et Voiliers",
July "Seahorse",
July "Yachting World",
1988 April
"Yachting World",
???? Scottish Series:
Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present
Facebook 2020,
Drum, GBR 3797
2005 August,
Fastnet race: DNF,
IRC 1.326, John
FITZGERALD with name "Arnold
Clark Drum"
Picture from
Angelo Lavranos,
2014 Still owned by Sir Arnold Clark and kept on the Clyde.
2013-2014 Refit,
Drum After refit,
Picture without date from Facebook 2020 "Drum
on the Clyde",
Pictures from Facebook 2021 without date,
2022 May, Fairlie near
Largs, pictures from Facebook,
2023 February, from
Facebook "Drum has done a fantastic job for
over 30 years. As well as having an illustrious racing career, she’s helped
raise huge amounts of money for charity. Due to her age, her sailing days are
now over, but we’re hopeful that her historical relevance will secure
her a good permanent berth in a museum. she doesn't need to be restored and
to answer your question it's theirs to do as they wish. Lady Clark wants to
put her on show to the public in memory of her late husband."