Whitbread Race: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique


Adventure, K 684 or 3138
à jour au: 2017
197? Plan Raymond Wall, Nicholson 55 construit par le chantier Camper & Nicholson

1973 8 septembre, Whitbread Round-The-Race: 1 - 9 - 1 - 1 = 2e/19 elapsed time 135d08h, rating IOR: 40.2', Patrick Bryans, Malcolm Skene, George Vallings & Roy Mullender
8 septembre, 1e étape Portsmouth-Cap Town, temps réel 43j02h26': 1er/17
Décembre "Neptune Nautisme",

Photo extraite du livre "Un Siécle de Voile" de Olivier Le Carrer

7 novembre, 2e étape Cap Town-Sydney, temps réel 39j05h40': 9e/17
29 décembre, 3e étape, Sydney-Rio, temps réel 45j00h42': 1er/15
"Seahorse" May 2008,

1974 Mars "Bateaux",

8 mars, 4e étape, Rio-Portsmouth, temps réel 35j10h18': 1er/16
13 avril, arrivée à Portsmouth

1977 Whitbread Round-The-Race: 7e/15 elapsed time 128d02h, rating IOR: ?', James Watts, David Leslie, Ian Bailey-Willmot & Robin Duchesne
Picture from the book "L'Année Bateaux 1977-78",

Photo ??, Archives de la revue "Bateaux",

Picture from Facebook 2024,

2003 Given by the RN to the Russian Navy

2011 Novembre "Bateaux",

2013 "Visiting Gosport", picture from ybw forum 2020,

2014 DailySail, Adventure - Nicholson 55 from 'Longy' 14/7/10: "...seen out in Hawaii mid 1980s, owned by Arapoff. Might still be out there. New name, don't remember." From Ben Peter (23/7/10): Was used as a joint Service training vessel sailing from HMS Dolphin in the late 90s. From John Spottiswood 10/8/10: Adventurer was given by the JSSC to the Russian Navy a few year back I understand

2017 "In her home port St Petersbourg (?)", picture from ybw forum 2020,