Histoire des 60': Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique - Numéros de Voile - Architectes - Résultats


à jour au: octobre 2023
1993 plan K. Count en aluminium recyclé. ressemble à "Bagages Superior" mais 15t. l:6,09 TE:4,50m, mat 30m, 280m2 au prés, 420m2 au portant, GV à fort rond de chute (2 ris pour virer!)


Golden Aluminium, (US) 7
ex off. Coast Guard, 37 ans, Cdt "Ocean Star" goelette de 30m de charter, Michael CARR
1994 Janvier, A Vendre, 600KF, + réparations estimée à 25 000 USD, mat carbone, mais pas de winch ni accastillage...
Aout, vu à Charleston par Christian Polet, (avec le bateau de VDH à couple)
Boc Challenge: DNS, forfait du à des raisons financiéres. Endommagé à l'avant lors d'un convoyage USA.

Imagine La Paix

1996 A Vendre, 600KF
Mai, nouveau propriétaire, Gilbert Maillebuau, qui envisage une participation à la Route du Rhum 1998
Convoyé par la mer en équipage réduit, via Bermudes et  Açores

1997 Arrivée en France, Camaret

2000 Novembre, dépose de la quille par le Chantier Nautique d’Iroise, (en 2020 Camaret-Morgat Yatch Services), Photo reçue de Gilbert Maillebuau en 2020,

2003 Reçus de Gilbert Maillebuau en 2020: "avec l’aide du logiciel de dessin de carène : « écho », conçue par René COLENO, ingénieur et chef de base aux Glenans, à Concarneau, et après un stage à  l’AFPA de Saint Brieux, pour comprendre la soudure aluminium MIG et TIG,  j'ai pu trouver la solution pour remplacer une forme en coquille d’œuf, de 4,50 de long, sur 3,80 de large,  par une forme développable en deux parities de 2,25m, solution qui a réduit les coûts de mise en œuvre par 4, 75.000 euros —>>18.500 euros, réalisés par les ateliers de MetalForme à Brest, qui a repris les fichiers DXF du logiciel « ÉCHO », comme base pour piloter sa machine de découpe à commande numérique."

2009 Mi mai, vu à Camaret:

D'aprés les renseignements recueillis, le bateau est à Camaret depuis une quinzaine d'années, venant des USA.

Sa quille, photo de Yannick.

Imagine La Paix,

2013 Juin, revu à Camaret:

2018 May, "Sailing Anarchy": "no god :
Imagine… such lovely word but what a nightmare of a project it turned out to be. Imagine was/is (dunno if the boat still exists) an Open 60 built for an American skipper planning on participating in the BOC single-handed around-the-world race. He got his sponsorship from a Colorado aluminium company, the same one that makes the beer cans for Coors brewery. Since the sponsorship was from an aluminium company everything on the boat was made out of aluminium; except the sails. I was responsible for the sails and they were some kind of laminate as I recall. The boat was launched out of Norfolk, VA and I joined it for a sea trial sail from there to Rhode Island.  I think we were going to Rhode Island; we never made it which accounts for my vague memory of our destination. We left Norfolk in near perfect conditions which was good because we were all aware that we would have to take two 20-foot reefs each time we wanted to tack. The customer wanted a large roach on the main knowing full well that there was a fixed backstay. He said that he didn’t mind reefing each time he had to tack. Remember – he was planning on doing a solo circumnavigation and tacking an Open 60 is a mammoth job without having to take two reefs, but, as they say, the customer is always right. By late afternoon we had racked up some miles and the boat was sailing well, but the horizon ahead was smudged with something ominous. Within minutes our perfect wind-aft-of-the-beam sail turned into a disaster. We were suddenly in 30 knot headwinds and yes, you guessed it, it was impossible to reef. The main ended up plastered against the backstay, the full length battens bending and buckling while we fought to lower the sail all the while struggling to stay on the deck which was now at a 45 degree angle. After a very long time and an epic struggle in a pouring downpour we managed to drop the sail and get it under control. Without much forward momentum the flat hull sections forward of the keel were starting to slam in the short chop. I went below to assess what was going on and saw that a number of the ring frames were broken and the skin of the hull had separated in large areas. The boat was coming apart. We turned around and headed back to Norfolk, fingers crossed that we wouldn’t sink. Fast forward a couple of years. The American skipper pulled the plug on things which was probably a wise move. I seem to recall some lawsuits and the big pile of busted aluminium sitting tied to the dock. There was apparently a deal in the making for someone to buy the boat but there were so many liens attached it wasn’t going anywhere. Well, liens and the fact that he didn’t own the boat or had any rights to the boat, was not a deterrent to the new prospective owner. He had been struggling to raise the money to buy the boat but then one evening he decided that he needed some divine intervention. He needed to chat directly with God about the money situation and he figured his chances would be better if he was onboard the boat and, well, out of sight of land. So he stole the boat and took off to commune with God. When the Coast Guard found him he was arrested; I don’t think God even helped with his bail money let alone with the purchase. I don’t know what ever happened to the yacht. The world is littered with good ideas that didn’t quite go according to plan and Imagine is just one more in a long list of good ideas turned bad. Sailing somehow has a way of attracting some of the more serious nuts out there. I wonder why that is? The call of the open ocean has always been strong and the idea of setting off into the blue unknown has for centuries lured even the strongest minded people into doing crazy things.
Brian Hancock." with these two pictures:

2020 Juillet, reçu de Gilbert Maillebuau, "..., j’ai tout mis en sommeil pendant 5 ans, puis fait régulièrement des travaux de réparations et aménagements chaque année depuis 2005.  Prochainement en retraite, je prévois une mise à l’eau pour juin 2021.  Actuellement je réalise une opération importante pour faire de la croisière en mode « DayBoat », et voici une photo du chantier de diminution du tirant d’eau dans le chantier de Camaret-Morgat Yatch Services  : 4,65m (15’) —-> 3,25m (11’), dans le but de pouvoir entrer dans tous les ports de plaisance. (La surface de la grand voile étant passée de 210m2 à 145m2, réalisée par Incidences de Brest), et qui passe maintenant sans problème sous le patatras)."

2021 12 juin, Camaret,

2022 Mardi 10 mai, reçu de Gilbert Maillebuau: "phase 1 de la mise à l'eau : enquillage."

7 octobre 16h, mise à l'eau à Camaret
Octobre, reçu de Gilbert cet article de "Ouest France",

30 octobre, reçu de Gilbert "Apres 25 ans sur le quai de la criée à Camaret, la dernière étape de la phase de remise à l'eau de ImagineLaPaix, démarrée en avril 2020, terminée. (Voir l'excellente photo jointe de Alain Le Bot).
Reste 2 mois de travail à plein temps pour remise en place de l'accastillage, avant les premiers essais sous voiles.

2023 Octobre, reçu de Gilbert "En prévision de nouveaux travaux : isolations thermiques, amélioration de l'accastillage, le bateau a été déposé dans le chantier AGP course au large, à Lanveoc, en presqu'ile de Crozon"