Histoire des 40 pieds: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique - Architectes - Numéros - Résultats
II, USA 127
à jour au: 2024
2013 Plan Lombard, Akilaria RC3.
Construit par MC-Tec.
2013 Maine Yacht Center, Portland Maine has launched the first of two new Akilaria RC3 Class 40’s. MYC has been collaborating with French designer Marc Lombard and Tunisian builder, MC-Tec to import parts for completion at the Portland Maine yard. To date, MYC has imported, completed and sold previous Akilaria versions, RC1 and RC2’s. Mike DREESE
2014 Port of Registry: Portland, ME,
6 février, Pineapple Cup: 1er/4 Class
40 en 4j05h56', Davis MacKENZIE
1er juillet, Transatlantic Race:
DNF/5 Class 40, éq: Brian HARRIS,
mast issue, have to stop in Azores Island.
15 février, Miami to Havana Race: 2e/6
PHRF A en 1j04h56', Davis
28 mai, Atlantic Cup, Charleston-Brooklyn-Portland:
4 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 4 - 6 - 7 = 6e/9 Class
40, éq:
Michael DREESE
2017 7
juin, Annapolis - Newport Race, 474NM: DNF/8
PHRF 1, Davis
2018 26 mai,
Atlantic Cup, Charleston-NYC / NYC-Portland, and 5 inshore
races: 2 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 4 = 3e/11 Class
juillet, Projets
Officiellement Engagés à la Globe 40 Race, inscrits No7, Team
1 & Team 2,
31 December, No 6 Globe 40 2022 entrants list, départure, Tanger June
26th 2022
2022 11 juin,
Prologue du Globe 40, Lorient Tanger: ?e/5 Class
40, Micah DAVIS
26 June, Globe 40,
Tanger: 3 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 = 2e/7
Class 40, Craig
26 June, 1st leg Tanger-Cabo Verde: 3e/7, co
skipper Brian HARRIS
17 July, Leg 2 Cape Verde
to Mauritius, coef 3: 1er/6 elapsed time
35d10h42', co skipper Oliver BOND
11 September, Leg 3 Mauritius to Auckland, Coef 3: 3e/5
co skipper Kyle HUBLEY & Brian
27 September, Leg 4 Auckland to Tahiti, coef 2: 2e/5
26 November, Leg 5 Tahiti to Ushuaia, coef 3: 3e/5
from race's website,
30 November Class 40 website, Amhas #127
for sale - a vendre, Launched in 2013 ‘Amhas’ is a renowned Akilaria
RC3 design which benefits from a significant refit investment in 2021/2. Same
owner from new she has been professionally maintained and stored in a heated
building. She is a great all-rounder with a renewed high spec inventory. Currently
racing in the Globe 40, she will be available March 23 in Lorient.
8 January, Leg 6 Ushuaia to Recife, coef 2,
3803 NM: 1er/5
time 20d10h
5 February, Leg 7 Recife to Grenada, coef 1,
2123 NM: 3e/5
24 February, Leg 8 Grenada to Lorient, coef 2: 1er/5
elapsed time 19 days
16 March, arrived
in Lorient
CAN 127
2024 Mars, perte d'un safran aularge
du Portugal, suite à une attaque d'orques
Prêt d'un safran du 124 de Julia Virat
Océan Challenge, CAN 127
30 juin, Transat Quebec Saint Malo: 19e/23
Class 40 en ??' à ??',