Introduction, Liste half tonners, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, No Voile
S 8974
Last update: 2024
1981 Plan Stahle, built in Sweden by Belander
1981 HALF
TON CUP, Poole: 17 - 18 - 19 - 10 - 10 =
Photo archives revue "Bateaux",
1982 HALF
TON CUP, Piraeus, Greece: ?e/??
Picture from Facebook 2022,
From Facebook 2024,
1983 "She
was optimized and re-measured, with new rudder and alteration of ballast proportions
for the HTC"
Swedish Trials: 1st/??
18 June, HALF TON CUP,
Hanko Norway: 11 - 8 - 17 - 10 - 12 =
10e/40, (Dan
on entrant list: U. BILLMARK
SWE 8974
1998 28 June, Gotland Runt,
346 NM: 19e/21 IMS 6S, corrected
time 51h02
ww.mkbaat.no, NOR 9974
2001 Picture from
Norway Half Ton Class Facebook 2020,
8 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 65': 8e/37
Lys R <1,15 en 15h56', Martin
Tri Rev,
NOR 9974
2003 13 June, Færderseilasen, Oslo: 11e/24
Lys R 1,16-26 elapsed time 17h42', Oystein
2004 Owner: Oystein Spetland
1/2 Veis,
NOR 9974
2008 Owner, Rune Nor-Hansen,
Club: Stavanger Seilforening
2012 February, mail from Dan Göransson with all information and this comment: "Cantippa. In your list it appears as designed by Berret. That is not correct.... Best result was in HTC Norway, as you correctly have registered she ended as 10th. However. I personally ran this project in 1983, together with my previous sailing partner from Trouble Shooter, Thorsten Brunius. In 1983, this was a low-budget project with the goal of getting the boat on to the market and sell it. She won the swedish trials 1983. As 10th, I believe we were quite satisfied as the second best placed Scandinavian boat, at least best Swedish boat with designer /world champion/Olympic medallist/Americas Cup challenger, Pelle Pettersson at 11th."
Sarpsborg EL Installasjon,
NOR 9974
2016 Owner, Havard Mathiesen Boe
MK baat, NOR 9974
19 September, MK Bät Cup:
20 September, from MK Båt AS Facebook page,
2021 New Owner, Stein
Pictures and comment from Norway Half Ton Class Facebook, " Stein
Olsen a acheté '' Cantippa '' Le bateau a participé à la
coupe du monde sur Hankø 1983 et est arrivé à une solide
10. ème place. Stone veut mettre le bateau en bon état, naviguer
activement et surtout participer à la coupe du monde réunionnaise
Hankø 2023. Félicitations"
Team Grimsoy ,
NOR 9974
18 September, MK-Bat Cup, Sarpsborg
Seilforening, elapsed time 3h21': 12e/24 NOR Rating,
rating 0.9184, Martin KAMPERHAUG
2022 January, from Facebook,
Half Ton TuneUP, Hankö, Norway: ?e/??
Picture and comment from Facebook "Time
for swept back spreaders and getting rid of the runners?"
February, on 2023
Half Ton Classic Cup entrants list, Hanko, Norway, Magne
12 March , Vinterseilasene, Hanko:
2e/4 HT
19 March , Vinterseilasene,
Hanko: 1st/5
March , Vinterseilasene, Hanko:
2e/6 HT
5 May, Norgesmesterskap 1/2-ton: dnf - 6 - 6 -
9 - (dsq) = 8e/20, IRC 0.939
NOR 9974
14 August, 13th
Half Ton Classics Cup, Hanko: 16.5 - 11 - 6 -
6 - (14) - 7 - 5 - 9 - (12) - 8 = 6e/35
5 August, Half
Ton Classics Cup, Nieuport: 8.8 - (10) - 9 - 9.5 - 10 - (dnf)
- 22.5 = 13e/30 Halfs,
IRC 0.939,