Introduction, Liste half tonners, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, No Voile



Last update: 2024
1981 Plan Stahle, built in Sweden by Belander


1981 HALF TON CUP, Poole: 17 - 18 - 19 - 10 - 10 = 12e/32
Photo archives revue "Bateaux",

1982 HALF TON CUP, Piraeus, Greece: ?e/??
Picture from Facebook 2022,

From Facebook 2024,

1983 "She was optimized and re-measured, with new rudder and alteration of ballast proportions for the HTC"
Swedish Trials: 1st/??
18 June, HALF TON CUP, Hanko Norway: 11 - 8 - 17 - 10 - 12 = 10e/40, (Dan GÖRANSSON) noted on entrant list: U. BILLMARK

Vargtass, SWE 8974
28 June, Gotland Runt, 346 NM: 19e/21 IMS 6S, corrected time 51h02

ww.mkbaat.no, NOR 9974

2001 Picture from Norway Half Ton Class Facebook 2020,

8 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 65': 8e/37 Lys R <1,15 en 15h56', Martin KAMPERHAUG

Tri Rev, NOR 9974
13 June, Færderseilasen, Oslo: 11e/24 Lys R 1,16-26 elapsed time 17h42', Oystein SPETLAND

Owner: Oystein Spetland

1/2 Veis, NOR 9974
Owner, Rune Nor-Hansen, Club: Stavanger Seilforening

2012 February, mail from Dan Göransson with all information and this comment: "Cantippa. In your list it appears as designed by Berret. That is not correct.... Best result was in HTC Norway, as you correctly have registered she ended as 10th. However. I personally ran this project in 1983, together with my previous sailing partner from Trouble Shooter, Thorsten Brunius. In 1983, this was a low-budget project with the goal of getting the boat on to the market and sell it. She won the swedish trials 1983. As 10th, I believe we were quite satisfied as the second best placed Scandinavian boat, at least best Swedish boat with designer /world champion/Olympic medallist/Americas Cup challenger, Pelle Pettersson at 11th."

Sarpsborg EL Installasjon, NOR 9974
Owner, Havard Mathiesen Boe

MK baat, NOR 9974

2020 19 September, MK Bät Cup: 15e/20
20 September, from MK Båt AS Facebook page,

2021 New Owner, Stein Olsen
Pictures and comment from Norway Half Ton Class Facebook, " Stein Olsen a acheté '' Cantippa '' Le bateau a participé à la coupe du monde sur Hankø 1983 et est arrivé à une solide 10. ème place. Stone veut mettre le bateau en bon état, naviguer activement et surtout participer à la coupe du monde réunionnaise Hankø 2023. Félicitations"

Team Grimsoy , NOR 9974
18 September, MK-Bat Cup, Sarpsborg Seilforening, elapsed time 3h21': 12e/24 NOR Rating, rating 0.9184, Martin KAMPERHAUG

2022 January, from Facebook,

Half Ton TuneUP, Hankö, Norway: ?e/??
Picture and comment from Facebook "Time for swept back spreaders and getting rid of the runners?"

2023 February, on 2023 Half Ton Classic Cup entrants list, Hanko, Norway, Magne TONNESEN
12 March , Vinterseilasene, Hanko:
2e/4 HT

19 March , Vinterseilasene, Hanko: 1st/5 HT

26 March , Vinterseilasene, Hanko: 2e/6 HT
5 May, Norgesmesterskap 1/2-ton: dnf - 6 - 6 - 9 - (dsq) = 8e/20, IRC 0.939
Cantippa, NOR 9974
14 August, 13th Half Ton Classics Cup, Hanko: 16.5 - 11 - 6 - 6 - (14) - 7 - 5 - 9 - (12) - 8 = 6e/35

2024 5 August, Half Ton Classics Cup, Nieuport: 8.8 - (10) - 9 - 9.5 - 10 - (dnf) - 22.5 = 13e/30 Halfs, IRC 0.939, Magne TONNESEN