Introduction, Half tonner List, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, No Voile
KZ ?
Last update: 2023
1970 Plan Sparkmans & Stephens,
built in NZ in kauri timber
1970 Built for kiwi Russell
Hume to race in half ton cup in 1970
19?? New
owner, John Webber, (but not sure she is
the same boat!?)
2017 "Boating", extract of australian John
Webber story
2020 New owner
2021 April
"Breeze Magazine"
2023 January
from Facebook, "She's Diablo, an S&S half
tonner designed in 1968. Built in NZ in kauri timber in 1970. Originally built
for kiwi Russell Hume to race in half ton cup in 1970. Her sister ship Contender
did very well but both became obsolete soon after when Bruce Farr arrived on
the scene with, then revolutionary, "Titus Canby". I own Diablo now
and am at the final stages of full restoration from a sad state. She's registered
in NZ, sailing in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland."