Introduction, Liste Halftonners, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, No Voile


Two Dubois Half Tonners:



Beach Inspector, KA 2277
Last update: 2016
1979 Plan Dubois, Kevlar and Klegecell construction, lenght: 9.40m, Fractional 3/4


1980 Launched
South Solitary Island Race: 1er/??

1981 Sydney Mooloobala Race: 1er/??, HUDSON
Brisbane Gladstone Race: 1er/??
Montagu Islande Race: 1er/? Div
October "Offshore",

"Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",

Southern Cross: ?e/33, New South Wales Team: ?e/11 including
26 décembre, Sydney Hobart: 5e/157 elapsed time 5d11h57', TCF 7202, G. JONES

Flying Colours, KA 4277

1988 27 December, 8th Pittwater to Coff Harbour Race, 280 NM: ?e/??, David ROWE
February 89 "Offshore",

Beach Inspector, KA 4277

1989 Sydney Mooloolaba race: 2nd/?? Overall corrected time 1d22h55', Peter NICHOLSON
April "Offshore",

XXXX Gold Cup: 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 1er/?? Half, L. KILLINGWORTH

198? Launceston to Hobart yacht race: ?e/??
Picture from Facebook 2023 "That’s beach inspector doing the Launceston to Hobart yacht race",

1990 August "Offshore",

Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race, elapsed time 2d16h09': 3e/21 IOR , David FAIRFAX or S Wilton / M Grout
Picture from Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race website,

NSW State Championship: 2e/?? Div 2

1991 PittwaterCoff Harbour race 2 & 3: 1st/? IOR Div 2
Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race: ?e/59
Picture from Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race website,

1992 Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race: ?e/67

2006 In the Tamar, comment from forum: "a blast downhill in a blow - still one the greatest Gladstone performances ever - 315 miles in under 33 hours in an IOR 30 footer"

2016 Recently seen at Beauty Point, owner: Tim Ferguson

Public Nuisance, KA 2277
Last update: 2024
1983 Plan Dubois, built by McConaghy in Kevlar and Klegecell construction, lenght: 9.40m, Fractional 3/4


1984 Sydney Mooloolaba: 1er/??, HUDSON
"Offshore Sydney Hobart Race Program",

26 December, Sydney Hobart: DNF/151 overall, G. JONES

1989 Sydney Mooloolaba race: 3rd/?? Overall corrected time 1d23h52', Richard PERINI

1990 August "Offshore",

Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race, 380 NM, elapsed time 2d16h54': 5e/21 IOR , Steve WILTON & Michael GROUT

1991 Pittwater Coff Harbour race 2 & 3: 3e/? IOR Div 2


2024 From Facebook Andrew Roake "Public Nuisance would be a starter for that. Sail back down from the Gold Coast"