Introduction, Half tonner List, Architects, Half Ton Cup, Sail Number



Animal Farm, US 18800
Last update: 2022
1974 Plan
Willye, built in Cold Moulded timber

1974 Yachting Cup, San Diego: 1st/??
US Half Ton Cup, Texas: 1st/??
Picture from Scott Krivanek Facebook 2020,

23 August,
Half Ton Cup, La Rochelle
: 10 - 6 - 26 - 22 - 1 =
29 aout, "Sud Ouest",

Octobre "Les Cahiers du Yachting":

1975 Février "Les Cahiers du Yachting",

Owned or steered by Chris Corlett, Corpus Christi, USA
Half Ton Cup, Chicago
: 21 - ret - 27 - ret - ret - 14 = 29e/30, Bill CARTER

1979 May "Latitude 38", full article

1988 Santa Cruz YC Midwinter Regatta: 1st/13 Div 1, Tom AKROP/Matt LEZIN
Stone Cup: ?e/16 IOR II
June, Corlet Trophy Race: 2e/14 MORA, Rob PHIBBS
9 July, Moonlight Race: 8e/23, Ciaran PHIBBS
MORA Season, San Francisco: 3e/23 MORA

1989 18 February, Corinthian YC #2: 3e/12 PHRF IV, Keith BUCK
Corinthian YC Midwinter: 3e/17 PHRF IV
29 April, Doublehanded Farallones Race: 1st/?? PHRF Div V
27 May, Corlett Race: 3e/14 MORA, Rob PHIBBS
29 July, Ocean Vallejo Race: 3e/10 MORA

1991 Corinthian YC Midwinters: 2e/26 PHRF 3, Rob PHIBBS
13 April, Lightship Race: 1st/14 MORA
27 April, Duxbury Lightship Race, 34.6 NM: 1st/7 MORA
8 June, Farallones Race, 57 NM:
2e/10 MORA II
5 October, Junior Waterhouse, Richmond: 1st/6 MORA I

1992 January "Latitude 38",

Corinthian YC Midwinters: 2e/16 PHRF III
25 April, Lightship: 1st/16 MORA II
9 May, Duxship Race, 34,6 NM: 3e/12 MORA II
OYRA Season, San Francisco Bay: 1st/23 MORA II, PHIBBS Family
12 October, Half Moon Bay Race: 1st/10 Mora Heavy
November "Latitude 38",

1993 April "Latitude 38", Donated to the St Francis Foundation,

1994 4 July, Brothers and Sisters Race: 4e/7 Spi, Hans BIGALL
20 August, Joan Storer Women's Regatta: 3e/9
November, Red RockRegatta: 3e/26 Spi

1995 6 May, Vallejo Race: 1st/20 HDA K, Hans BIGALL
17 June, Minight Moonlight Marathon Race, 35.6NM: 1st/20
July, Lipton Cup: 3e/8 Little Lipton

From Facebook 2022 Mike Schachter "For a few years, a friend owned Animal Farm while I owned Hawkeye. We kept both boats in Newport Beach. We had some epic races against each other! Those two boats were amazingly quick upwind and held their own downwind. Shy kites were needed if the breeze was up, which is rare in SoCal. Tom Wylie had some great boats then."

Picture from Facebook 2020,

2017 Transferred to Monterey for refit

2019 Le bateau est à Monterey, photo Facebook Monterey Bay Boatworks Boatyard

2020 February from Facebook, Scott Krivanek, owner: "That was cool to check out. I knew the boat when it was first built and stumbled across it a few years ago. It needed a lot of work and I'm just now getting to the point where I'm going to be able to sail it. I'm really looking forward to that"
Pictures from Facebook 2020,

2021 4 February, relaunched

2022 May "Latitude 38",

July "Latitude 38",