TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos
US ?????
à jour au: 1988
197? Plan Chance, built by
a an old timer, in a shop in LA
1978 NAs in Newport Beach: ?e/??
1978-1988 around Sitting in the Long Beach Marina Shipyard
Comment from Facebook 2022 "Her near sister Eclipse had a keel instead of a board, and was not competitive at the NAs in Newport Beach before the Worlds. They were so trounced by Pendragon they didn't even go up for the Worlds after building the boat specifically to do it. Eclipse sat in the Long Beach Marina Shipyard for probably close to 10 years after that, not used and with no one interested in buying her. What a sad waste of money."
Comment from Facebook 2024 "Eclipse was from NB, owner Dave Stone. 1st 3 spreader rig in so cal, I believe. 78 NAs in SD. We got tossed by chocolate chips in distance race. Yes Pendragon was way better, but eclipse was very fast in breeze in LA layter on. (Built by a an old timer, in a shop in LA, who was a carpenter on the spruce goose). 8200 lbs disp, 1300 in lead. t.b.c."
US 49800
à jour au: 1978
197? Plan Chance, built by Bill
Buchan in his garage on Mercer Island. daggerboat
Signature Paul B Sep 9 2009 at boatdesign: "Sachem was the only other daggerboarder at the Worlds in '78 when Pendragon won, so they ended up 1 and 2. She was along the development lines of the '76 One Ton Cup winner Resolute Salmon. While she was nice looking in bright wood, she was something other than a wide sterned boat."
30 August, THREE QUARTERS TON CUP, Victoria,
Canada: 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 3 = 2e/18, Bill
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