THREE QUARTERS TONNERS: Architects - Sail Numbers - Alphabétic List - Photos



2 TQT Everitt, "Wayward Quest" and "Midnight Rambler":

Wayward Quest, K 3303
Last update: 1975
1973 Plan Everitt design #013, built in GRP

1974 Cowes Week: 1er/?? Class 4

1975 From British Magazine,

2017 Information and picture from 3/4 Ton Class Facebook: "Julian Everitt Designed for a Lymington yachtsman who wanted a boat to take on the all conquering Contessa 32's of the period. But then along came the brand new Three Quarter Ton class so we upgraded the boat at the design stage with a heavier keel and much taller rig";

Midnight Rambler, K 4113
à jour au: 1986
1976 Plan Everitt design #024,

1976 17 August, Three Quarter Ton Cup, Plymouth: dns - 28 - 19 - dns = 28e/30, POLON
Picture from J. Everitt Facebook 2019 :

Pictures and comment from J. Everitt Facebook 2019:

"Three Quarter Ton stern style 1976"

"Three Quarter Ton stern style 1977", witch boat??

From Facebook 2023,