Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos



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à jour au: 2023
1974 plan G. Mull, Ranger 32 #17


1974 May 5, Launched

Sailed out of the Seattle Yacht Club

1985 Somehow made its way to Montana’s Flathead Lake.

2013 "I picked it up in a sheriffs sale"

Uncivil, US 25586

2020 Montana Cup: 5e/5 Cruising, Kurt HAFFERMAN

2022 Long Distance Race: DNF/6 Cruising, Kurt HAFFERMAN

2023 January, from Facebook "Ranger 32 IOR 3/4 ton. Gary Mull design hull #17 launched May 5, 1974. Sailed out of the Seattle Yacht Club until about 1985 then somehow made its way to Montana’s Flathead Lake. I picked it up in a sheriffs sale and have owned it since 2013. I currently race it out of the North Flathead Yacht Club in Somers. SV Uncivil"

Picture from Facebook,