Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos



Swampfire, US 13909
à jour au: 2023
1974 plan G. Mull, built by New Orleans Marine en C Flex


1974 Three Quarter Ton Cup, Miami: 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 1er/10, O.J. YOUNG & J. HAMPTON

1975 Février "Neptune Nautisme",

1977 Juillet "Régate",

Comment from Facebook 2023 Peter "I delivered her from Annapolis to Hampton VA in '77?. She had a doubled spreader rig back then. Shaft backed out of v-drive during the midwatch. I stepped into 4" water sloshing around the cabin. Didn't take much to bail her out. She had these goofy tubs in the deck for sail storage. Not one of Mulls better ideas. I asked him about those tubs and he just shook his head and laughed. Made the trip 125 miles in exactly 24 hours after nearly sinking and a tow into Hampton Roads alongside the Enterprise. Sailed her into the slip and went to the bar. She was bright red back then and was a cool looking boat. Double white boot top"

2011? Seen in Annapolis

2023 March, from Facebook "The last I saw Swamp Fire she was on the hard in back of Jabin's Yacht Yard in Annapolis. That was at least 12 years ago."

2023 October, Louisiana, pictures from Facebook, Peter "We are going to sell it to raise money to restore another boat."