TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.
Sunwind 33, plan Tord Sundén,
Chantier : OY Nykra AB (FIN) entre 1983 et 1986, 14 bateaux construits, LOA: 10.03 m LWL: 7.89 m, Beam: 3.39 m S.A. (reported): 48.22 m2, Draft (max): 1.87 m, Displacement: 3,900 kg;
Liste de bateaux:
Aquanova S 6148 Sunwind 33 1984, renamed
Arjuna ? Sunwind 33 1982,
ex "Sunshine";
Geisha S 6148 Sunwind 33 1984, ex "Aquanova";
Panik S 3 Sunwind 33 ?,
Random Walk ? Sunwind 33 ?, Pictures from 2014,
Sunshine S 9618 Sture Sunden 1982, the prototype?, renamed "Arjuna";
Unknow Sunwind 33:
May, Saltholmen, "this
could be her", a Sunwind 33?!