Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos .


J Beam, IR 417
à jour au: 2019
1981 Plan Dubois, GK 34


1981 Owned by Jim Hyland in Royal St. George Yacht Clun

Pictures from Facebook 2020,

1982 New owner and new name:
IRL 417
From Facebook 2021 "Raced against 'Tearaway' in 82 at Tomatin. We were in Wallbanger, another GK34. The crew invited us onboard for pints of Guinness from a keg they had in the forepeak. Chancers! I already knew the secret. But it got a few people going. Craic was mighty."

Raced in Strangford Lough

Picture received from Andrew Stensson (2019),

20?? New owner, raced out of Cobh and new name:
IRL 4170

2006 Owner: Kieran Dorgan

20?? New owner coming to Dunmore East and new name:
Slack Alice,
IRL 4170

2010 ICRA Nationals: ?e/??

2014 13 June, ICRA Nationals, Dublin: 7e/23 Division 2, Shane STATHAM & Trudi O'LEARY
"Summer Afloat",

2015 ICRA Nationals: ?e/??, TCC: 0.949

2017 ICRA Championships, Cork: 6e/8 IRC2, Shane STATHAM

2018 Kinsale YC Spring Series: ?e/??, picture from Vincent;

2019 June, Sovereigns Cup, Kinsale: 1er/?? white sails division, Shane STATHAM
June, Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook,

Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook March 2020,

2021 Picture from Facebook, "Slack Alice racing in Dunmore East",