Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos


Settima Strega, I 9000
à jour au: 2020
1980 Plan Schiomachen, cold molded I.O.R. class IV racer built by Cantiere De Cesari, Cervia, Italy


1980 Trieste Racing Week: 1er/??
Ancona Winter Championship: 1er/??

1981 Championnat d'Italie, Punta Ala: 5 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 2e/21 Classe IV, ZUCCONI
Adriatic Championship: 1er/??

1989 Barcolana, Triestre: ?e/????, ZUCCONI

1991 Barcolana, Triestre: ?e/???? et 3e/93 in their classe, ZUCCONI

???? New and second owner: Guido Crotti

2013 Navigue en Italie

2017 December, received from owner Guido Crotti, some information and picture, based in Adriatic Sea,

2020 15 Avril, émission d'un certificat de Jauge Classic, Rating ( Rc ): 10.552, lieu de navigation: Adriatic Sea
"1980 Sciomachen 36 footer, rated 25.4, not a level class. She raced in IV class"

Facebook 2021,