Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS T.: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos


Scenario Encore, K 242
à jour au: 2023
1988 Plan Humphreys,


1989 ISORA race#4: 6e/21 A2, A. FITTON
Scottish Series: ?e/??
Picture from Historic Scottish Series Images

1990 Owned by Alan Flitton,
ISORA: 1er/?? 3/4 Tonners
Cork week: 1er/??
1st Autumn League: 1er/??

1993 Owned by P. O'Neill, Good results in Dun Laoghaire and Cork week with Stuart Kinnear steering. Dun Laoghaire Motor Yacht Club.

1998 Scottish Series: 2 - 11 - (13) - 7 - 3 - 3 = 5e/19 CHS 3, Tim COSTELLO

1999 Novembre "Seahorse", For Sale:

2004 or 2005 New Owner: Stuart FITTON, then refitted.

2011 25 juin, Tour de l´île de Wight: ?e/1902, 14e/69 Division 2C en 7h22' réel, TCC 0.980

2012 30 juin, JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island: 80e/544 IRC ttc, 7h21' elapsed, 7h11' corrected, TCC 0.977

2013 1er juin, Round The Island: 6e/49 IRC Division 2C en 7h33', TCC 0.983, Stuart & Julie FITTON
(Scenario Encore was built buy Stuart in 1988 for his father, bought back from Ireland 8-9 years ago and completely restored over 5 years spare time.)
Picture received from Vincent Delany
10 juillet, Dun Laoghaire Regatta: 2 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 2 - 3 = 12pts, 2e/26 IRC2
Picture from Dun Laoghaire Regatta website,

2014 21 juin, JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island: 1er/47 IRC 2D en 10h29'

Pictures from Internet....

2015 27 Juin, Round the Island Race: en 7h26' temps réel, 60e/496 IRC et 19e/153 IRC 2

Picture from Facebook 2020,

2023 June, Picture from Facebook,

June, Sovereign Cup, Kinsale: ?e/??
6 July, Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta: 11 - 11 - (dnc) - 13 - dnc - dnc = 13e/17 IRC 2, David GOULD