Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos


2 boats called "Savage":


Savage, K 4282
à jour au: 2015
1980 Plan Jones, Hustler 36


1980 Cowes-Dinard: 3e/?? Classe IV, G. KAYE
1er septembre, Three Quarters Ton Cup, La Trinité: 14e/20,
Champion du RORC Classe IV, G. KAYE
Pictures and informations received from Ian (2015):

November "Seahorse",

Décembre "Voiles et Voiliers",

Desperate Dan, K
Pictures from Facebook 2021, Tarbert

Savage, K 4282

19?? Later on the Clyde in Scotland, with new owner,

1998 Scottish Series: 12 - (19) - 17 - 18 - 18 - 17 = 19e/19 CHS 3, Michael HAWKINS

2007 Scottish Series:7 - (9) - 6 - 7 - 5 - 8 - 8 = 8e/11 CYCA 6

2008 Scottish Series: 13 - 11 - (dns) - 12 - dns - dns = 17e/17 CYCA 6, Michael HAWKINS

2009 Scottish Series: 3 - 6 - (14) -14 - 12 = 11e/14 CYCA 6

Picture from Scottish Series website,

2011 Scottish Series: 12 - (dns) - dnf - dnf - dns = 12e/12 CYCA 6, Michael HAWKINS

2013 Malin Waters Round Inch Race: 11e/14 CYCA 6
Scottish Series: 13 - 13 - (dns) - 12 - dns - dns = 13e/14 CYCA 6, Michael HAWKINS

2014 Malin Waters Round Inch Race: 12e/12 CYCA 6
Scottish Series: ?e/?? CYCA 6, Michael HAWKINS

2015 Scottish Series: 17e/17 CYCA 6, Michael HAWKINS

Savage, K ??
à jour au: 2013
1983 Plan Jones, Oyster 35

1983 Champion du RORC Classe IV, G. KAYE

1984 Morgan Cup: 1er/? Classe IV, G. KAYE
Channel Race: 1er/? Classe IV
SP Championship: 2e/?? Classe III,