TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos
Riotous Assembly,
KZ 3???
à jour au: 1978
197? Plan Whiting, dériveur
1978 30 mai, TQTC,
Victoria BC, Canada: 16e/18,
from Facebook 2021, "The photos
are thanks to Maxx Baquestae"
"L'Année Bateaux 1978-1979"
and Picture from 3/4 Ton Class Facebook 2014: " Paul
Whiting board boat, poorly sailed, However showed good speed at times. The boat
I think was a heavy air boat. Puget sound was not the place for this boat are;
it needed NZ sailors ???" "Was it cold-molded?
What's the boat's name? Whiting drew some very fast and also dangerous boats.
Which, I guess, eventually took him out. Magic Bus was down here in the 70's
for awhile. While I didn't sail it, it had a reputation as a fast, difficult
and sometimes squirrelly boat."