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TROIS QUARTERS T.: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos


Nicholson 33, plan Ron Holland construit par le chantier Camper & Nicholson de 1976 à 1979, 69 bateaux construits.



Command list from the book: "Camper & Nicholson two centuries of Yacht Building" 2001:

Nicholson 33 serial Number, C&N build #, "first Name" and sail Number, following name, command orderer (if no more information) or LI: Last Information,

1975, #01 # 1398 "Golden Delicious" IR 135, LI: 1976
# 1399 "Billycan" K 4046, "Scattered Magic", LI: 2016 sold,
# 1400 "Wavetram", 1975 Command orderer: W. Webb,
# 1401 "Grégal VI" F 6623, LI: 2016, For Sale,
# 1402 "Catch 33" K 4053, 1975 Command orderer: C. Rolandi,
# 1403 "Aengus Song" 1975 Command orderer: B.S Dunbar,
# 1404 "Vorace" F 6704, and/or #07 "Mist" LI: 2019,
# 1405 "Ron Nic", 1975 Command orderer: P.H.J Bakker,
# 1406 "Yolanda" 1975 Command orderer: J.F Sprague,
# 1407 "Aigle Blanc II " F 6671, "Nikalo", "Aigle Blanc", "Loussounga", LI: 2018, For Sale,
# 1408 "Tinac", 1975 Command orderer: G. Muller,
# 1409 "Golden 33" I …., 1975 Command orderer: Sign. Rodani,
# 1410 "??", 1975 Command orderer: Capt R. Riisager,
# 1411 "Kotick IV" F 6678, "Mr Kotick", LI: 2017,
# 1412 "Tranquilo II" E 1356, LI: 2003,
# 1413 "Knapi" F 6714, LI: 2019,
# 1414 "Nory 33" I … , 1975 Command orderer: Sign. Ciappi,
# 1415 "Mapa Due" K 4064, 1975 Command orderer: R. Qagliolo,
# 1467 "Clockwork" US 20200,
# 1468 "Piropo", 1975 Command orderer: Mr. Potitos,
# 1469 "Iromiguy", LI: 2019,
# 1470 "Morann", LI: 1979,
# 1471 "Askell Gwen III" F 6692, "Sérénité", "Alibi", "Seabird", LI: 2024,
# 1472 "Scampernic" K 4087, LI: 2019,
# 1473 "Quest", 1976 Command orderer: Bud Pickens,
1976 #26
# 1474 "Vienna III", ..., "Moondancer", LI: 2019,
# 1475 "Diogene", 1976 Command orderer: D. Veyrat, LI: 2012 For Sale,
# 1476 "Green Eye" K 4081, 1976 Command orderer: R.W. Noble,
# 1477 "Mallemok", BEL 659, LI: 2014,
# 1478 "Don Quixote", 1976 Command orderer: R. Frances,
# 1479 "Golden Guinea" K 4085, "Calico Sky", LI: 2019,
# 1480 "Drake N", 1976 Command orderer: N. Lambadarios,
# 1481 "Silver Shadow" K 4075, LI: 1985,
# 1482 "Baradozic III" F 6809, "Triskell", LI: 2020,
# 1483 "Sakem", 1976 Command orderer: S. Conti,
# 1484 "Trebisonda II", 1976 Command orderer: C. Ravano,
# 1485 "Atapea", 1976 Command orderer: K. Johannsen,
# 1486 "Liberty", 1976 Command orderer: Delos Palmer,
# 1487 "Golden Eagle", "Triton", LI: 2014,
# 1488 "Spartan" US 44000, S. Goodman and/or #40 "Eleanor Rigby", based in Canada
# 1489 "Lumar M", 1976 Command orderer: M G. Morrigia,
# 1490 "Foxy Lady", 1976 Command orderer: John A. Sassano,
# 1491 "Philick VI" F 6855, LI: 2012 A Vendre - For Sale,
# 1492 "Okarina", 1976 Command orderer: Prof. V. Bjork,
# 1493 "Lamirault" F 6847, LI: 2019,
# 1494 "Golden Delight" K 710, LI: 1978,
# 1495 "Attilla", 1976 Command orderer: A.Q.S Green,
# 1496 "Arabusta", 1976 Command orderer: Mr. De Vigan,
# 1497 "Kyralessa", 1976 Command orderer: M.F Goux,
# 1498 "Crazy Bird" F 6876, LI: 2022,
# 1499 "Odyssea" F ????, LI 1977,
# 1500 "Heart & Soul", 1976 Command orderer: A. Viscardi,
# 1501 "Irma La Douce" G 757, 1976 Command orderer: Dr. Echmeier, "Blue Moon", LI 2023,
# 1502 "Goniocoque III" F 6951, "Reider Coz", "Trehudal", LI: 2022,
# 1503 "Marella" NOR 857, "Toccata", LI: 2015,
# 1504 "Andy Cap", 1976 Command orderer: G. Furnari,
# 1505 "Hin Yuan" HK ????, 1976 Command orderer: Karl C. Kwok,
# 1506 "Limelight" K …, , 1976 Command orderer: S. Gittins,
# 1507 "Variation" F 7072, LI: 2019,
1977, #60
# 1586 "Shere Khan II" F 7677, LI: 2011,
# 1587 "Golden Princess" F 7200, "Jolly Jumper", "Menestrel", LI: 2009,
# 1588 "Framboise" K 4154, "Rapsberry", LI: 2022,
# 1589 "Jinty", 1977 Command orderer: B.M Henderson,
# 1590 "Yaya", 1977 Command orderer: Troost Von Schele,
# 1591 "Tsawassen III" K 4199, "Nuada", "Memphis", LI: 2014,
# 1592 "Scenario" K 4175, LI: 1989,
# 1703 "Esmar II", 1977 Command orderer: A.F Escuder,
# 1704 "Gemini" K 4191, LI: 2019,
# 1705 "Rainbow", 1977 Command orderer: D. Hickton,

et le F 6780 ?? Nicholson 33 vu à la semaine de La Rochelle 1976,

Adieuvat F Nicholson 33 197?, 1983 14 juillet, I Homme, Une Femme, Un bateau, Quiberon: 8e/?? HN, Mr Leroy et Melle Guerin;
Aengus Song ? Nicholson 33 #06 1975, 1975 command orderer: B.S Dunbar;
Aigle Blanc F 6671 Nicholson 33 #10 1975, 2015 renommé "Loussounga";
Alibi F 6692 Nicholson 33 #23 1976, ex "Askel Gwen", ex "Sérénité", renomé "Seabird";
Andy Cap ? Nicholson 33 #56 1976, 1976 Command orderer: G. Furnari;
Askell Gwen III F 6692 Nicholson 33 #23 1976, renommé "Sérénité", puis "Alibi";
Arabusta ? Nicholson 33 #48 1976, 1976 Command orderer: Mr. De Vigan;
? Nicholson 33 #37 1976, 1976 Command orderer: K. Johannsen;
Attilla ? Nicholson #47 1976, 1976 Command orderer: A.Q.S Green;

Baradozic F 6809 Nicholson 33 #34 1976;
Beatnic GBR 4133 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Limelight";
Biack F 1155 Nicholson 33 197?;
Billycan K Nicholson 33 #02 1975, renamed "Scattered Magic";
Blue Moon GER 757 Nicholson 33 #53 1976, ex "Irma La Douce";
ITA 7314 Nicholson 33 1976, 2015 Seen on Racing Boat list, 2016 Seen on ORC Boat Database, owner: Ugo Broccolo;
Boggy 2
F Nicholson 33 197?, 1989 Semaine de La Rochelle: 12e/14 CHS B, Pierre Léglise;

Calico Sky K 4085 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Golden Guinea", 201? For Sale, Price 16500 GBP, located in Plymouth,United Kingdom, 2019 6 May, seen on Plymouth Handicap List;

F 6846 Nicholson 33 197?, 1979 Fastnet Race: DNF/58 Classe IV, R. Hubert, 1981 Régates du 14 juillet, Le Havre: 2e/??, Paul Colinet, 27 septembre, Challenge R. Griboval: 1er par équipe, 1982 EDHEC, Brest: 5e/?? Classe IV, renommé "Ville de Courseulles";
Catch 33 K 4053 Nicholson 33 #05 1975, 1975 command orderer: C. Rolandi, 2020 From John Green, Facebook: "Catch 33 was the Italian Dealer Demo Boat. We Raced Setimane de la Bocca 1975 , I later raced her in Cala Galera, Naples, Anzio before she was eventually sold to Naples, we replaced her with Scampernic!";
F 7032 Nicholson 33 197?, 1976 Course d'Armor: ?e/??, 30 Miles de La Trinité: ?e/??, en photo ci-dessous;
Photo reçue de S. Blanchard en 2018, prise du Nicholson 33 "Lamirault"
US 20200 Nicholson 33 #19 1975, 1975 Owner: B.D Barker III, Basé en Floride;

Crazy Bird F 6876 Nicholson 33 #50 1976;

Dandiguet F Nicholson 33 ?;
Dare Dare F 6855 Nicholson 33 #43 1976, ex "Philick VI";
Diogéne ? Nicholson 33 #27 1976, 1976 D. Veyrat, 2012 GRE For Sale, lying at Rhodes, Price: €35,000;

Don Quixote ? Nicholson 33 #30 1976, 1976 Command orderer: R. Frances;
Drake N ? Nicholson 33 #32 1976;

Eleanor Rigby CND Nicholson 33 #40 1976;
Esmar II ? Nicholson 33 #67 1977, 1977 Command orderer: A.F Escuder, Mid 1980's In the Canary Islands;

Foxy Lady ? Nicholson 33 #42 1976, 1976 Command orderer: John A. Sassano;
Framboise K 4154 Nicholson 33 #62 1977, renamed "Raspberry";

Gemini K 4191Y Nicholson 33 #68 1977, 1977 Owner: D.L Reynolds, 2015 On port of Plymouth Sailing Association list, 2019 6 May, seen on Plymouth Handicap List;
Golden 33 ITA Nicholson 33 #12 1975, 1975 command orderer: Sign. Rodani;
Picture from Facebook 2020,
Golden Delicious IR 135 Nicholson 33 #01 1975;
Golden Delight K or KH Nicholson 33 1976;
Golden Eagle ? Nicholson 33 #39 1976, renamed "Triton";
Golden Guinea
K 4085 Nicholson 33 #31 1976, 1976 Owner: A.S Baird, ISORA: ?e/??, renamed "Calico Sky";
Golden Nugget ? 633 Nicholson 33 197?;
Golden Princess F 7200 Nicholson 33 197?;
Golden Sovereign South Africa Nicholson 33 197?, 1976 17 aout, TQTC, Plymouth: 24-12-7-18 = 16e/30, Meeks;
Goniocoque III F 6951 Nicholson 33 1976, renommé "Reider Coz";
Green Eye K 4081 Nicholson 33 #28 1976, 1976 Command orderer: R.W. Noble;
Grégal VI F 6623 Nicholson 33 #04 1975;
Gypaete F 68?? Nicholson 33 197?, renommé "Midnight Omnibus";

Heart & Soul ? Nicholson 33 #52 1976, 1976 Command orderer: A. Viscardi;
Hin Yuan
HK Nicholson 33 #57 1976, 1976 Command orderer: Karl C. Kwok;

Irma La Douce G 757 Nicholson 33 #53 1976, 1976 Command orderer: Dr. Echmeier, renamed "Blue Moon";
Iromiguy F 6770 Nicholson 33 #21 1975;

Jinty ? Nicholson 33 #63 1977, 1977 Command orderer: B.M Henderson;
Jolly Jumper F 7200 Nicholson 33 #61 1977, ex "Golden Princess", renommé "Menestrel";

Knapi F 6714 Nicholson 33 #16 1975;
Kotick IV F 6678 Nicholson 33 #14 197?, renommé "Mr Kotick";
Kyralessa ? Nicholson 33 #49 1976, 1976 Command orderer: M.F Goux;

Lamirault F 6847 Nicholson 33 #45 1976;
Liberty ? Nicholson 33 #38 1976, 1976 Command orderer: Delos Palmer;
Limelight K Nicholson 33 #58 1976, renamed "Beatnic";
Loussounga F 6671 Nicholson 33 #10 1975, ex "Aigle Blanc";
Lumar M ? Nicholson 33 #41 1976, 1976 Command orderer: M G. Morrigia;

Maelstrom K Nicholson 33 197?, 197? based in Poole, owned by the Bolsons, 1979 Fastnet Race: DNF/58 Classe IV, MA Bolson;
Mallemok BEL 659 Nicolson 33 #29 1976;
Mapa Due
K 4064 Nicholson 33 #18 1975, 1975 Command orderer: R. Qagliolo, Italy;
NOR 857 Nicholson 33 #55 1976, 1980 Færderseilasen: 1er/25 IOR 4, N. Nordenstrom, 1981 Færderseilasen: 2e/?? IOR 4, renamed "Toccata";
GBR 4199 Nicholson 33 # 65 1976, ex "Nuada", 2014 Alan Pope, new owner and now located at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, UK;
Picture from Internet,
Menestrel F 7200 Nicholson 33 #61 1977, ex "Jolly Jumper";
Midnight Omnibus
F 68?? Nicholson 33 197?, ex "Gypaete", 1988 Un homme une femme: ?e/??, Ledoyen;
Mist GBR 4357T Nicholson 33 #07 197?;
Moondance NED 7024 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Vienna III";
Morann F Nicholson 33 #22 1975;
Mr Kotick F 6678 Nicholson 33 #14 1975, ex "Kotick IV";

Nikalo F 6671 Nicholson 33 197?, ex "Aigle Blanc";
Nory 33 ITA Nicholson 33 #17 1975, 1975 Command orderer: Sign. Ciappi;
K 4199 Nicholson 33 #65 1976, ex "Tsawassen III", 2014 Renammed "Memphis";

Odyssea F Nicholson 33 #51 1976, 1976 Owner: M. Guichard, 7 novembre, Entrainements d'hiver La Trinité: 2e/11 Classe IV, 1977 Aout, Courses d'Armor: ?e/??, Darondel, 1979 Fastnet Race: DNF/58 Classe IV, Guichard;
Okarina ? Nicholson 33 #44 1976, 1976 Command orderer: Prof. V. Bjork;

Philick VI F 6855 Nicholson 33 #43 1976, renamed "Dare Dare";
Piropo ? Nicholson 33 #20 1975, 1975 Command orderer: Mr. Potitos;
? Nicholson 33 197?, 1976 Semaine des Baléares: ?e/?? Classe 4;
Prélude F Nicholson 33 197?, 1976 Course d'Armor: ?e/??;

Quest ? Nicholson 33 #25 1976, 1976 Command orderer: Bud Pickens;
F Nicholson 33 ?, Basé à Port La Forêt, photos de juin 2011, 2016 avril, toujours au ponton;

Rainbow ? Nicholson 33 #69 1977, 1977 Command orderer: D. Hickton, from Facebook 2021 "I sold a Nich 33 called Rainbow to Fang. He chilled out racing her between Fort Liquordale and the Bahamas. Was it a family boat?";
Raspberry K 4154 Nicholson 33 #62 1977, ex "Framboise ";
Reider Coz F 6951 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Goniocoque", renamed "Trehudal";
Revel Lily F Nicholson 33 #61 1977;
Ron Nic
? Nicholson 33 #08 1975;

Sakem ? Nicholson 33 #35 1976, 1976 Command orderer: S. Conti, 1979 Championnat Italien TQT: 5e/13, Fissore;
F? Nicholson 33 197?, 1990 Entrainements d'hiver, Le Crouesty: 7e/16, Peigne, Spi Ouest France: 32e/50 CHS B1, 1991 Spi OF, La Trinité: 42e/50 CHS A2, Peigne;
Sassandra F Nicholson 33 197?, 1988 9 septembre, Coupe Antipolis: 1er/3 IOR4-5, Octobre, La Chrétienne, Antibes: 4e/9 D2D3R3, Clave, 1989 Trophée Fujicolor, Antibes: 4e/? Classe 4, 1990 23 juin, Alba Cup: 5e/?? classe D2, Clave, Semaine de Noël d'Antibes: 2e/?? Classe D2D3, G. Clave, 1991 Criterium Olympique, Antibes: 3e/7 Classe D2-D3-R3, Semaine de Noël d'Antibes: 4e/?? Classe D1, G. Clave;
Scampernic 33 K 4087 Nicholson 33 #24 1975;
Scattered Magic GBR 4046R Nicholson 33 #2 1975, ex "Billycan";
Scenario K 4175 Nicholson 33 #66 1977;
Seabird F 6692 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Askell Gwen", ex "Alibi";
Serenité F 6692 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Askell Gwen", devenu "Alibi";
Shere Khan II
FRA 7677 Nicholson 33 #60 1976, 1977 Owners: A.M Ghaltieri & C. Monti, 2011 Mai, renouvellement du certificat HN;
Silver Shadow K 4075 Nicholson 33 #33 1976;
Spartan US 44000 Nicholson 33 #40 1976;
Sweet Lily F 7200 Nicholson 33 #61 1977;

Tinac ? Nicholson 33 #11 1975;
NOR 857 Nicholson 33 #55 1976, ex "Marella", 2000 16 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 65': 29e/39 Lys C 1,13-14 en 11h25', Svein Stenberg, 2001 8 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 122': 65': 17e/34 Lys C 1,13-14 en 18h01', Svein Stenberg, 2002 14 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 65': 20e/24 Lys C 1,13-14 en 18h56', 2003 13 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo: 8e/13 TUR 5 en 15h54', 2004 11 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo: 22e/35 Lys u/spi en 21h18', 2005 11 juin, Faerdern: 22e/29 Lys u Spi, S. Stenberg;
Tranquilo III
E 1356 Nicholson 33 #14 1975, 1975 Command orderer: L.F Vidal, 1977 TQTC, La Rochelle: 25e/30, Vidal Feshoso, 2003 Aout, delivrance d'un certificat HN: groupe 17.5, Javier Amon;
2006 Aout "Voiles et Voiliers", photo extraite d'un article sur la Course Cowes-Dinard,
GER Nicholson 33 197?, 2021 21 June, MidsummerSail,Wismar - Töre (Baltic Sea), 900 NM, elapsed time 11d22h12': 28e/44, Sebastian Bönigk;
Trebisonda II
? Nichoslon 33 #36 1976, 1976 Command orderer: C. Ravano;
Trehudal F 6951 Nicholson 33 1976, ex "Reider Coz";
Triskell F Nicholson 33 #034 1976, ex "Baradozic III";
Triton ? Nicholson 33 #39 1976, ex "Golden Eagle";
Tsawassen III
K 4199 Nicholson 33 #65 1976, 1977 Launched, owner: P. Venn, 1984 Renammed "Nuada";

Variation F 7072 Nicholson 33 #59 1977;
Vienna III ? Nicholson 33 #26 1976, renamed "Moondance";
Ville de Courseulles
F 6846 Nicholson 33 ?, ex "Cassiopée", 1987 13 décembre, Coupes de Noël, Ouistreham: 14e/29 HN D, Quenel;
Vorace F 6704 Nicholson 33 #07 1975;

Wavetrain ? Nicholson 33 #03 1975, 1975 command orderer: W. Webb, 1979 Racing in Rochester;

YaYa ? Nicholson 33 #64 1977, 1977 Command orderer: Troost Von Schele;
? Nicholson 33 #09 1975, 1975 command orderer: J.F Sprague;


2023 September, from Facebook, For Sale, lying in Norway, Plus de photos - More Pictures,

2023 April, picture from Facebook,

2022 April, picture from Facebook,

2021 February, from Facebook pages, For sale  33’ Camper Nicholson 3/4 ton IOR sailboat with 2gm20 Yanmar diesel for sale. Solid hull. Needs pressure washing. Good set of sails. Everything needed for racing, $4,800, lying USA, Plus de photos - More Pictures,

2016 Aout, vu à Lanildut par Yann, sans doute le même bateau vert qui était A Vendre à Brest il y a quelques années,

2015 Aout, A Vendre-For Sale, Le chantier naval Camper & Nicholsons nous offre ce Camper & Nicholsons Nicholson 33 de 9,90m de longueur et un prix de vente de 23.000€. Embarcation fabriquée dans le 1976 et situé en Marmaris (Turquie). Constructeur: Camper & Nicholsons Matériel: Fibre de verre Marque du moteur: Nanni Puissance: 21 CV In perfect condition for the race. Sold with new mast, new mainsail and genoa and asymmetric, 18 000E, Plus de photos - More Pictures,

2014, 2015, 2016, For Sale, located in Michigan (USA), nice camper nicholson sailboat- stainless steel rigging, no sails and bare interior-good shape-hard to find in the u.s. 33 foot,original deisel engine-new imron paint on deck-$3500.00

2013 Octobre, vu un Nicholson 33 à la Marina du Fort à Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe.

2003 Novembre "Voiles et Voiliers", A Vendre:

1998 Octobre "Voiles et Voiliers",
ou peut être est-ce un Nicholson Half Tonner??!

1991 Spi Ouest France, mais quel bateau?
Photo G. Le Cossec, archives de la revue "Bateaux",

1982 January US "Yachting", For Sale,

1979 Mai "Bateaux", A Vendre:


1975 Juillet "Neptune Nautisme", publicité:

Septembre "Les Cahiers du Yachting",

Octobre "Nautica",

Novembre "Bateaux"

Novembre "Neptune Nautisme",

1976 Mars "Les Cahiers du Yachting",

1977 Février, "Uomo Mare" #19,

Mars "Régates",

Mentions Légales