TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.
à jour au: 2020
1976 Plan Holland, Nicholson
33 #26
1976 Command orderer: Bernd Wollmeiers
Diverses régates sur l'Isselmeer
NED 7024
1998 New owner
20?? ???, ???: 2 - 6 - 5 - (7) = 5e/22 Klass A, Bert LINDNER
2016 21 september, Uitslag Nazomeravondcompetitie: DNF/14
2017 13 septembre, Veersemeercup: 8e/17 Groupe 2, Bert LINDNER
2018 9 mai, Uitslag Zomeravondcompetitie: 2e/8 Groupe 2, Bert LINDNER
2019 September, new owner,
Aernoudt Bottenamme, Based in
the south of the Netherlands (Zeeland province)
December, received from Aernoudt: "My
boat is a Ron Holland designed Camper & Nicholson 33 / 3/4 tonner IOR, named
MOONDANCE, which I bought in September 2019. It was in not a great shape, so
I am currently working her up to be a proper boat again (she had been
neglected for several years)" with these pictures,
27 décembre,
28 décembre,
29 décembre,
30 décembre,
2020 4 janvier, Aernoudt: "After
the rebuilding (part 1) has completed by March normally) and the underdeck autopilot
has been placed, will commence training on April and the WA cup (wednesday
evening races) will commence :) Looking forward to it. As I sail solo,
will replace the spinnaker by an asymmetric on a short pole. this makes gybing
etc much easier. (75m2 asym versus 82m2 spi). Have been sailing 5 days between
xmas and new-year; was cold yet ood wind and some sun :)"
March, "Hi, just wanted to inform you that my Camper
& Nicholson is for sale. (3/4 ton). If you would know people that are interested
perhaps, would be great if you could inform them about it.
The boat is on Facebook Marketplace", (
For Sale Camper & Nicholson 33 (3/4 tonner) met veel upgrades, Doesburg,
11 950 €