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TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.


Lone, E 2962
à jour au: 2016
1989 Plan Farr, #229,

1989 The commission for LONE, a 3/4 Ton design, came to Farr Yacht Design in the fall of 1989 from Mr. Jan Bonde Nielson of London, England with an objective to win the 1990 3/4 Ton Worlds. The Farr Yacht Design website notes that the design for Lone (Design #229) was able to draw on previous experience from the One Ton, 50 Foot and Maxi arenas, but also from feedback on the 1988 Three-Quarter Ton design Aphrodite (Design #201) which had placed first in class and fleet in the 1988 Japan Cup. Aphrodite also had a creditable fourth place finish at the 1989 Three-Quarter Ton Cup in Pharilon, Greece. Lone was shorter overall (by 0.22m), lighter (122kg), narrower (0.1m) and with a deeper keel (0.04m). The sail plan was larger (with a 'P' dimension 1.18m more), with more rake in the mast.

1990 Trialed in the Mediterranean in the spring,
Kiel Week: 1er/?? Classe IV,
4 juillet, Three Quarter Ton Cup, Flensburg: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 = 1er/26, NIELSEN
Copa Del Rey
: 1er/20 Classe IV

September "Régate",

1991 Tour de l'Ile de Wight: 3e/?? Classe IV
Fin aout, Three Quarter Ton Cup, ? (Danemark): 1er/??, Pedro CAMPOS

1992 Bought by Spanish owner and renamed:
Xacobeo 93,
E 2962
Octobre, Three Quarter Ton Cup, ?, Espagne: 1er/??, ?

Azur de Puig, E 2962
1994 Three Quarter Ton Cup, Palma: 10e/14, SAR Princess CHRISTINA

1996 February, XXIe Interclubs Zona Centre, Barcelona: 2e/6 Classe 6, SAR Princess CHRISTINA
Trofeo Banca Jover: 2e/?? IMS 2

Sen Sei, ESP 2962
08 Avril, vu sur une liste de bateaux espagnols, Philip Griffiths David Esoda

2011-2012 Vu sur une liste de bateaux espagnols, Philip Griffiths David Esoda, C.N. Garraf

2015 Picture and comment are from JB Sailing blog

Picture from 3/4 Ton Class Facebook,

2016 Seen on Spanish Racing Boat list;