Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos



???, G ????
à jour au: 2024
1983 Plan Judel/Vrolijk built in Germany,


198? New owner, new country and new name,
Three Spears, SA 773

1986 Cowes Week: ?e/??

198? Mauricius to Durban race: ?e/??

1987 Rothmans Week: ?e/??
Picture and comment from Facebook 2023 "Rothmans Week ‘87"

Picture and comment from Facebook 2020, "Hi...di...All...I campaigned a Judel Vroulijck 3/4 Tonner.... in the mid 80's...Built in Germany, bought soon after to South Africa...I would say our Highlight being ..Mauritius to Durban and 86 Cowes Week (overall on two separate days as well as class)...victory's. She was a joy to sail....fell over quickly , but always came back up??....Top speed...22knots Surfing ..."

Picture from Facebook 2022,

???? New owner and new name:
Jika, SA 773

2002 30 November, 4th Governors Cup, Cape to St Helena race, 1695 NM, elapsed time 10d14h49': 2e/19
Picture and comment from Facebook 2023 "Sailed on her in the Cape to St Helena race in 2002"

Cipro Jika, SA 773

2004 4 September, Winter Race 7: 7e/19, TCF: 1.05, Dale KUSHNER
Jika, SA 773
6th November, Double Handed Race RCYC: 18e/46
11th November, Sunsail Twilight Race No.5: 3e/32

2005 9th March, NSRI Twilight Race 6: 2e/8, TCF: 1.05, Dale KUSHNER

2011 From Facebook 2020,

2015 23 juillet, Cap Town,


2017 8 January, Cap Town,


30 May, Yacht for sale 33ft Judel & Vrolijk design enquire for list of inventory, too many to list, R 180,000

2023 New owner,
January, from Facebook "Hi, I did not sail in the glory days in the 80's and 90's you are all talking of. However, recently bought a lovely, if neglected, 3/4 designed by Judel Vrolijk. I believe its a once off. Raced in SA and won several big ones. Starting restoration."

"I am going to rename her back to Three Spears xxxxx. To be revealed soon. A boat needs to carry the name of the love of your life."
Three Spears xxxx, SA 773

2023 From Facebook 2024,

2024 March, Knysna, from Facebook,