Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats - Photos





Liste des Bateaux:

Bathsheba K 750 Humphreys 1984, One off build to the same design as "Scenario Act 2" & "Seren Wib". Built By Clare Lallows at Cowes for Sir Maurice Laing;

Countdown K 900 Humphreys about 1982, near sistership to Rollerskate;

Decosol K 4497 Humphreys 1986 kevlar glass epoxy sandwich construction, deck built by Steve Etheridge;
Decosol Car Care K Humphreys prototype about 1990. Competed in the head-to-head competition in Cornwall? between a conventional keel and a 'Collins' twin keel. Decosol won. Has excellent race results;

Fly By Night KA B133 Humphrey #43 1983;

Glafki III GR Humphreys 1982, ex "Rollerskate", Owner Ioannis Alafouzos, mistake, she is half tonner: link;

Hero IRL 7234 Humphreys 199?, ex "Marissa IX";

Local Hero V K 1234 Humphries 1988;

Madame Butterfly GBR 4497 Humphreys 1986, ex "Decosol";
Marissa IX IRL 7234 Humphreys prototype about 1990, ex "Utopia";

Rollerskate K 4360 Humphreys 1982 composite epoxy on PVC core;

Scenario Act 2 K Humphreys 1984, Owner Alan Flitton;
Scenario Encore GBR 242 Humphreys 1988;
Seren Wib ? Humphreys designed MGRS34 series;
Showdown K 4497(?) Humphreys 1986 strip western red cedar construction, deck built by Steve Etheridge;

Team Kata Rock GBR 4497 Humphreys 1986, ex "Decosol";

Utopia IRL 7234 Humphrey ?, renamed "Marissa IX";


1997 January "Yachts and Yachting", For Sale, "Showdown" or "Decosol"!??:


Production Boat: MGRS34;