Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos



Flavia, E ????
Last Update: 1982
1982 Plan Joubert/Nivelt, built by Pepin Gonzales in Palma, Majorca


Comment from Facebook 2021: "Built by the late Pepin Gonzalez. A very fast boat built to a super low budget out of coremat sandwich, plywood deck and serious dedication from the skipper and crew!"

1982 16 August, Three Quarter Ton Cup, Denia, Espagne: 2 - 1 - 3 - 12 - 2 = 3e/30, GALMES
Championnat de Méditérrannée, Palma: 1st/17 Classe IV

1983 Janvier "L'Année Bateaux",

Picture from Facebook 2020,