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TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.

Riptide, G 2266
à jour au: 2019
198? Plan Van de Stadt, Delher DB1

New owner, Gary Curan,

???? Pictures from Gary Curan Facebook 2019, ,

2019 December, From Facebook, Mark Kennedy: "This one has been on my local marina in Waterford for a while. Looking a bit unloved at the mo. Anyone know anything about her? Looks about 33/34 LOA. Running back stays and a generally sporty appearance! Maybe an "X" of some sort?"

"That’s a DB1 Riptide owned by Gary Curran"
Gary Curran: "I’m embarrassed to admit it’s mine. Has seen better days. Kids gone, no crew, and I’m working professionally in the sailing business. This is her looking a bit better a few years ago. Anyway, a good powerhouse and a bit of TLC would do wonders", "I'd love to see someone take her and bring her back to life. She has the original rig. running backstays and checks. Trucks upwind 10degs above most of the fleet but needs a few eagle eyed trimmers on board and gybing in heavy air can be fun !!!!"