Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS T.: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos

DB1 et DB2, plans Van de Stadt, construit par Dehler Yachts à partir de 1980

and 5 built by Btighton Yachts Canada

Picture from Facebook 2020,

Le DB2 est une évolution du DB1. DB2 is an updated version of the DB1

DB1, liste des bateaux:

Alaloum GR 49003 DB1 1981;
? 6259 DB1 198?, 2017 8 octobre, Barcolana, Triestre: 320e/2108, Samuele Tosi, 2018 14 octobre, Barcolana, Triestre: 413e/1644 classés (et 2696 Inscrits) Samuele Tosi, 2021 9 octobre, Barcolana, Triestre: DNF/1660, Samuele Tosi, 2022 8 October, Barcolana, Triestre: DNF/1640, Samuele Tosi, 2023 8 October, Barcolana: 978e/1772 IRC, Samuele Tosi;
Alexandrin F DB1 1981;
ESP 2156 DB1 1980, 1998 Fortuna Race, Cadiz: ?e/??, 2016 Owner: Comision Naval de Regatas de Cadiz;
1998 Picture received from Dr. Fernando Mas (2021),
Allegro Vivace
? 3054 DB1 198?, 2021 Picture from Facebook;

Ambae Manus
NED 2888 DB1 1980, 2004 et 2016 Vu sur liste de bateaux de course Hollandais, TP van de Vliet;
Attila F 8304 DB1 198?;.

Balkan FRA 37801 DB1 1985, 2012 17 juillet, lors de la 3e étape du tour des Ports de la Manche, le bateau fait naufrage prés de Sercq... article dans V&V avril 2013;
2013 Avril "Voiles et Voiliers"
K DB1 198?, owned by Sir Maurice Laing, 1984 replaced by Humphrey One Off;
Billy Wizz IRL 4999 DB1 198?;.
NL DB1 198?, 1980 TQ Ton Cup, La Trinité: 3e/20;
1988 Février "Bateaux"

Caz RSA 714 DB1 198?, 2017 On South Africa ORC Fleet List;
Cheetah On The Run
SWE 8953 DB1 198?, 1981 July, TQ Ton Cup, Helsinski: 20-9-27-17-dnf = 20e/30, Bodin, 1990 TQTC, Flensburg:?e/26, 2015 Seen in Swedish list, owner: Håkan Bjerkén;
Claire 3 NOR 3196 DB1 198?, renamed "Iggy";
F DB1 198?, 1984 Spi Ouest France: 5e/? Classe IV, EDHEC: 2e/?? Classe IV sous le nom "Angers GM", 8 avril, Spi Dauphine: ?e/??, Gilles Le Coz, Trophée UNCL 1984: 19e/290 IOR;
Cork Dry Gin ? DB1 198?, Sailed by Richard Burrowes won the Round Ireland Yacht Race;
Crazy Ivan NED 320 DB1 1979, ex "Taxi...", 2017 Aout, vu au sec à Anvers (Koninklijke Liberty Yacht Club), propriétaire: Teun Broodhaers, photo de Bert, 2018 13 octobre, 31e Antwerp Race: 16e/23 CR3, Teun Broodhaers;

Danae NED 413 DB1 1980;
F DB1 198?, 1993 Entrainement d'automne La Rochelle, Giacomoni;
NOR 3939 DB1 ?, 1985 Færderseilasen: 5e/25 IOR 4, E. Sissener, 1991 7 juin, Færderseilasen: 6e/8 IOR 4-5, 1992 Færderseilasen: 15e/20 Klasse 13/A, renamed "Margarita";
Déja Blue IR 4480 DB1 198?, see DB2?

El Pulpis E DB1 198?, 1982 Championnat de Méditerranée, Palma: 2e/17 classe IV;
F 8188 DB1 198?, 1986 Coupe de Noël, Ouistreham: 1er/5 Classe 1 à IV, Faure-Dumont, 1986 RORC: 3e/?? Classe 4, Faure/Dumont/Candelier, 1987 13 décembre, Coupe de Noël, Ouistreham: 2e/4 IOR 1 à 4, Condellier, 1998 Avril, renouvellement du certificat HN, 2001 FRA 18545, Classement des Croiseurs Méditérrannée: 249e, Semeriva, 2006 SNIM, Marseille: 25e/27 ORC 3, Semeriva, renamed "TK77/Excalibur";

Firle-Fanz GER 2941 DB1 198?, 2010 23 mai, Bremerhaven-Helgoland: 5e/7 Gruppe FCC W3 en 11h11', Müller-van Issem;
Forza Catro ESP 1963 DB1 1980, 2008 owner: Andres Sotto Numez, 2009 Seen on Spanish Racing Boat list, 2020 New owner, Víctor Fernández Bernárdez, 2021 30 April, New ORC certificate, 2024 For Sale;
Picture from Victor June 2024,
Framboise K 4154 DB1 (ou Nicholson 33) 1980, active in the Solent & UK during 1982/83, renamed "Danae";

Gaviota G 1576 DB1 198?, 1980 1er septembre, TQTC, La Trinité: ?e/20, 1981 juillet, TQ Ton Cup, Helsinski: 4-4-3-11-5 = 2e/30, 1982 16 aout, TQ Ton Cup, Denia, Espagne: 10-9-24-6-4 = 8e/30, Bock, (or "Gaviota");
1981 Octobre "Voiles et Voiliers"
Genesis ? DB1 198?;
From Internet....
Geronimo GER DB1 198?;

Heat Wave US 31436 DB1 1982;
Highlander CAN 34440 DB1 1986, 2012 15 August, Chester Race Week: on entrants list Bravo 1, Dan Pride, 2013 August, Chester Race Week: 3e/?? Bravo 1, Dan Pride, 2016 Chester Race Week: 1er/11 Distance 4, Dan Pride, 2018 Chester Race Week: 2e/7 Distance 4, Dan Pride, 2019 Chester Race Week: 6e/9 Distance 4, Dan Pride, 2021 Seen on Nova Scotia racing boat list, D. Pride;
Picture from Chester Race Week website,

I Lof You F 8301 DB1 198?, renommé "Ouf!";
Iggy NOR 3196 DB1 198?, ex "Claire 3";
Imerodromos GRE 1278 DB1 198?, 2014 Seen on Racing Boat List, GPH 2014: 674, 2016 Seen on ORC Boat Database, owner: Stamatis Parhas;
Impulsiv SWE 6169 DB 1 198?, 1997 1 juillet, Gotland Runt, 407 NM: 12e/19 IMS 5S, 1998 13 juin, Sandhamn Open, 129 NM: DNC, 28 juin, Gotland Runt, 407 NM: 17e/17 IMS 5S, 1999 4 juillet, Gotland Runt, 335 NM: 51e/76 ISM 2, 2000 2 juillet, Gotland Runt, 335 NM: 24e/60 ORC Club, 2001 3 juillet, Gotland Runt, 335 NM: 27e/78 ORC Club;

Jeans G 2214 DB1 198?;
Julian G 2892 DB1 1981, ex "Summerime", then renammed "Troll";

Karin V SWE 8955 DB1 198?, 1997 1 juillet, Gotland Runt, 407 NM: 16e/19 IMS 5S;
L 2978 DB1 198?, 2009 & 2011 Seen on Finnish Racing Boat list;

Lamstraal Van katz NL DB1 1980, 1980 TQ Ton Cup, La Trinité: 6e/20;
Leau Rider CAN 31436 DB1 198?, 2022 August, Ahmen Point Race, Toronto: ?e/??;
From Facebook 2022,
Le Marlin
FRA 34961 DB1 1981, 2017 29 juillet, Celtikup, Lorient-Douarnenez-Falmouth-Lorient: 16 - 5 - 7 = 8e/21 Osiris, éq: Nicolas Roger, Yoann Jehanno;
NOR 3883 DB1 198?, 1991 7 juin, Færderseilasen: 3e/17 Klasse 16/C, N. Knudsen, 1993 11 juin, Færderseilasen: 6e/20 Klasse 13/A, 1995 9 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 84': 7e/18 Klasse 3B en 26h32', 1998 12 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 84': 13e/21 Lys R 1,16-29 en 19h19', M. Knutsen, 2007 Watski Skagerrak Twostar: 65e/214, Martin Knudsen, 2009 12 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo: 10e/39 Lys 1,19-21 en 10h59', Martin Knudsen;
Liberty US 30907 DB1 1984;
Lightning IR 2222 DB1 1984, Renamed "Zoom";
Lucy Luck GBR 3380L DB1 1981, 2016 2 juillet, Round Around Island: 9h02', 255e/739 IRSC Overall, Adrian De Paoli, 6 aout, Cowes Week: 11 - 4 - (34) - 34 - … = 20e/25 Cruiser 1, 2018 7 juillet, Round the Island Race: DNC ;
Lupaccio I 9789 DB1 198?;
Luv G 2220 DB1 1980, destroyed;
Luv (2) G 2939 DB1 1981, renamed "Luv Is";
Luv Is... IRL 4646 DB1 1980, ex "Luv";

M2 TUR 1112 DB1 1981;
HUN 75 DB1 modified 198?, 2016 Vu sur une liste: "IRC Sailboat Data (2016)", owner: Aladar Martiny;
D 1105 DB1 198?, 1981 Sjaelland Rundt, Danemark: 1er/37 IOR 4, juillet, TQ Ton Cup, Helsinski: 7-13-9-6-1 = 4e/30, 1982 16 aout, TQ Ton Cup, Denia, Espagne: 5e/? 82 Elvstrom, 1983, 12 juin, TQ Ton Cup, Triestre: 10e/30;
Margarita NOR 3939 DB1 198?, ex "Debbie", 2013 ? juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo: 18e/25 NOR-R T1 en 24h50', Kolbjorn Osthaug;
Marvin Again
GR DB1 1985, 1988 Semaine de la Mer Egée: 4e/?? ttc, puis prépare le TQTC 1989;
Material Again IRL 4838 DB1 198?, ex "Shooting Star";
Minipyge F 8188 DB1 1982;
Mirage LTU 1652 DB 198?, 2016 Owner: Irena Luksiene, seen on ORC sailboat database;
Picture from Facebook 2021,
Miss Two
K DB1 198?, 1983 Information and Picture from http://shockwave40.blogspot.it (2012): "Here you see the yacht awaiting the tide and preparing for the race during the winter series. The yachts are berthed against jetties which dry out on each tide at Blackpool and Fleetwood Yacht Club", 1984 Holyhead-Howth: 20e/21 A2;

Mr TK K 4??8 DB1 198?;
Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook 2019,
US 34440 DB1 198?, 1997 10 juillet, Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race: 10e/14 Classe J, Peter Nelson;

Oblivion Express K DB1 1980;
G 2883 DB1 198?, 1981 juillet, TQ Ton Cup, Helsinski: 8-6-4-16-8 = 6e/30, S. Warnecke, 1988 May "Yachting World" For Sale;

Olya 4 F DB1 1981;
Ouf F 8301 DB1 198?, ex "I Lof You";
Out of Sight K DB1 198?, active in the Solent & UK during 1982/83;

Paa NED 3884 DB1 1980, 2004 et 2016 Seen on Racing Boat list, J.L.P. Ahaus;
Pen Ru IV F 8338 DB1 1980, ex "Zygote", devenu "Solveig II";
Pomme D'Api
FRA 9021 DB1 198?, racing under the "Nouméa Shopping -..." name, Sydney to Nouméa race: 1st/?? IOR, A. Desurmont;
1989 August "Offshore",
ESP 2088 DB1 198?, 1982 Championnat de Méditérrannée, Palma: 2e/?? Classe IV, Moret, renamed "Puretas Team - Pulpis";
Puma I 9377 DB1 1981;
Puretas Team - Pulpis ESP 2088 DB1 198?, ex "Pulpis", 2014 Juin, vu sur une liste de bateaux espagnols;

Rama Rama ? DB1 198?, ???? Was a Dehler Db1 with a Db2 rig. That unlucky yacht was bodily run over shortly afterwards in the Brunei River by a 'hit-and-run' self-powered gravel barge ... The Indonesian Navy bought that one before we could wreck it. Best sails in the fleet, courtesy of the mightly 'Hedgetrimmer' from Kilcreggan;
Picture and comment from Facebook 2020,
Rapparee II IRL 306 DB1 1981;
Raspinfly 21 DB1 198?, 2007 Waves Regatta, Vancouver: 7e/7, George Gluecksmann, English Bay Scramble: 6e/7, 2008 31 mai, Silva Bay: 3e/10, 2011 April, Icebreaker Spring Regatta, Vancouver: 3e/4 Fleet 3, George Gluecksmann, 27 juin, National Bank Financial Waves Regatta: 4e/5 Fleet 2, Howe Sound Regatta: DNF/4;
Red Rhum IRL 7264 DB1 198?;
GER 6518 DB1 1981, 2014 ORC Worlds Championship, Kiel: DNS, 2016 HUN 1618 Seen on ORC Boat Database, owner: Dr Bence Babicsak, 2023 Picture and comment from Facebook below;

Right Move
? DB1 198?, 1982 February, SORC, Floride: 2e/19 Class E, Mike Ronneberger;
Right On G 2220 DB1 1981;
Riptide G 2266 DB1 198?;

Savage K DB1 1981;
Second Luv
? DB1 198?, 1982 Cowes-Dinard: 2e/? Classe IV;
Senta of Mersea K DB1 198?, later renamed "Senta of Orwell";
Senta of Orwell K DB1 198?, ex "Senta of Mersea";
GBR 4365R Dehler DB1 198?, 2013 1er juin, JP Morgan Round the Island: 268e/681 IRC ttc, 8h06' elapsed, 7h44' corrected, IRC: 0,956, 2014 Octobre, Sussex Yacht Club Long Inshore Series NHC: 17e/18;
Picture from Facebook 2020,
Shark Bite - Sail 4 Cancer
GBR4944R Dehler DB1 ?, 2012 30 juin, JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island: ?e/???, IRC: 0,960, 11 aout, Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week: ?e/?? IRC 6;
Shenanigan II
GBR 8214 DB1, 2002 Cork Week: ?e/??, 2004 Cork Week 7th/40 IRC 4, C.C. Mulcahy, 2005 Irish Sovereign's Cup: 21e/45 IRC 2, 2006 IRC: 0.956;
Sherry Time G DB1 1980, 1980 TQ Ton Cup, La Trinité: 5e/20;
Shooting Star IR 4838 DB1 198?;
Sirius I
ESP 2105 DB1 1981, 2009 Seen on Spanish Racing Boat list, 2016 Owner: Comision Naval de Regatas de Marin;
Picture from Armada Española website,
Solveig II F 8338 DB1 1980, ex "Zygote";
Spirit IR 2220 DB1 DB2 ?;
Summertime G 2892 DB1 1981, renammed "Julian";

Taxi..! NED 320 DB1 Prototype 1979, 1989 Isora race #4: 3e/21 A2, Anderson & Findlay, 2004 Seen on Dutch Racing list boat, 2007 ABN AMRO North Sea Regatta: 40e/44 ORC2, Paul Kersten, renammed "Crazy Ivan";
Temeraire IV
K DB1 198?, active in the Solent & UK during 1982/83;
Therese III
NOR 4759 DB1 198?, 2002 14 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 44': 15e/23 TUR 2 en 20h19', Birger Odegaard;
FRA 18545 DB1 198?, ex "Excalibur"?, 2023 5 février, Farfalles Cup: 10e10 Osiris, Alain Dejardin;
G 3455 DB1 198?, 1986 Sjaelland Rundt, Danemark: 4e/29 IOR 3, H. de Waal, 1987 Sjaelland Rundt: DNS/22 IOR 3, G. Pauen, 1987 Sjaelland Rundt: DNS/22 IOR 3, G. Pauen, ???? Renammed "Turbulence";
Troll G 2892 DB1 1981 ex "Julian";
GER 3455 DB1 198?, ex "Tribeyacht", 2009 Cuxport Cup Cuxhaven - Helgoland: 20e/24 ORCC 3+4 en 4h20', Otto Taubert, 2011 10 juin, Nordseewoche: ?e/??, 2010 24 mai, Pantaenius Rund Skagen, Germany: DNF/41 ORC W8, 2011 Nordseewoche: ?e/??, 2016 GPH: 651.2, 2017 GPH: 652.9;

Union Financiére F DB1 198?, 1986 SNIM: 1er/??;

Victory US DB1 1982, 1988 September "Latitude 38", For Sale;

Wahoo G DB1 198?, 1982 Semaine d'Alassio: 3e/? Classe IV;
Waylander UK DB1 1982, 1999 Winner of JOG Offshore series, December: For Sale, 25 500 £;
Wild Goose
IRL 4438 DBI 198?, 2002? Cork Week 2002: 38e/40, Owned by Noel Conlon. Mayo Mailing Club;
Pictures from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook janvier 2020

SWE 9681 DB1 1980, 2017 2 juillet, ÅR Offshore Race - round Gotland: DNF/44 SRS C, Örebro Markteknik, 2018 1 juillet, Gotland Runt, 352 NM: 22e/48 SRS C, corrected time 69h18', 2019 Liros Stockholm SRS Cup: 15e/341, Lars Jakobsson, 2021 Liros Stockholm: 27e/242, Felicia Lönnberg;

Yam ? DB1 198?, 1981 Noel à Antibes: ?e/7;

Zingara GBR 4507 DB1 198?, 2001 Cowes-St Malo: ?e/??, Liz Bodley, IRC: 0.973, 2002 Cowes-St Malo: 44e/103 IRC, Liz Bodley, IRC: 0.976;
Zoom IRL 222 DB1 198?;
Zygote F 8338 DB1 1980, renommé "Pen Ru IV";


2023 26 novembre "Le Bon Coin" A Vendre-For Sale Voilier Dehler db1, 13 000 €, Voilier sportif de 1981, ¾ tonner Longueur de coque : 10 mètres Largeur de coque : 3,40 mètres Tirant d'eau 1,90 mètres (quille plomb) Moteur : Volvo type 2003, 28 chevaux, de 1995, sail drive 120 S (joint changé en 2020), hélice bec de canard, réservoir gasoil en plastique de 40 litres. Gréement : Mât à bastaques, câbles en rod (changement du haubanage à prévoir), enrouleur disponible. 4 winchs Andersen self-tailing 40 ST, chariot de grand-voile Harken, accastillage régate, mouillage. Voiles (état correct) : 1 grand-voile mylar, 2 solents, spi symétrique, lasybag. Electricité: 2 batteries 100AH, chargeur de quai, circuit 220 volts, vhf fixe AIS, pilote automatique ST2000+, sondeur, feux de mât. Intérieur : L'aménagement a été modifié pour la croisière, deux lits doubles (avant et arrière) et deux couchettes individuelles, cuisine avec double évier et pompe à pied pour l'eau douce (100 litres), four à gaz avec deux brûleurs, table fixe, toilettes Jabsco. Bateau élégant, rapide et agréable, situé à Vannes (Conleau). Visite et balade possible pour personnes réellement intéressées.

2014 Janvier "Voiles et Voiliers" A Vendre-For Sale:

2003 Novembre "Voiles et Voiliers" A Vendre-For Sale:

DB2, liste des bateaux:

Ace US DB2 1982, 1988 September "Latitude 38", For Sale;

SA 725 DB2 ?, 2002 21 février, Round The Island Race, Lake Deneys: 39e/438, 3h45' corrected time, Tom Klosterman, Pennant Nine Yacht Club;
Audacity KA R 106 DB2 1982, renamed "Northern Securities";
Auspicious KA 1065 DB2 1985;

Blitz US 34600 DB2 198?;
Blub NED 7932 DB2 1981, ex "Right On";

Extra G 167 DB2 ?, 1988 Sjaelland Rundt, Danemark: DNS/12 IOR 4, S. Domizlaff;

Das Boot ? DB2 1984, Designed ( prepared + Tuned?) by Cees Van Tongeren. Kevlar Hull. Sandwich deck. Owned by John Vels. Hull 24 of 35 produced. 2011 For Sale;
Decibel IR 2220 DB2 ?, ex "Spirit";
Déja Blue IR 4480 modified DB2 ?, ex "Genger";
Deler NED 5618 DB2 1984, 2004 Seen on Dutch Racing Boat list, 2008 Coldhanded Cup: ?e/??, 2016 Seen on Dutch Racing Boat list, D. Hujink;
Diablo USA 41316 DB2 1987;
Disco Dori J 2263 DB2 198?;

Elefanten SWE DB2 198?, Info from Facebook 2022:

Europlex Déja Blue IR 4480 modified DB2 ?, ex "Déja Blue", 1988 June, Round Ireland: 5e/50 en 5j17h35', Peter Wilson;
Exorbitante GER 3337 DB2 1985, ex "Schini VII";

Flurschaden G 3331 DB2 198?, 1984 TQ Ton Cup, Kiel: 1-5-6-2-2 = 2e/31, 1985 QT Ton Cup, Marstrand: 3e/31, 1986 TQ Ton Cup, Torquay: 3-5-4-11 = 4e/26, J. Ruge;
Picture from Facebook 2021,

Genger or Ginger K 4480 modified DB2 1984, renamed "Déja Blue";
Glider IR DB2 1985, renamed "Spirit";

Hortus NED 6152 DB2 198?, 2016 Seen on Dutch Racing Boat list;

Igki G 2220 DB2 ?, ex "Right On";

Kathryn (or Kathryna) US DB2 198?, 1987 SORC: 1er Cl5 et 9ettc, John Hughes, from Facebook 2023: "Winning it until the Miami-Nassau race and the big boats took over" and the picture below;

Lavoro GRE 47 DB2 1985, 2010 renouvellement du certificat IRC: 0.987, 2014 Seen on Racing boat list;
Lightning II
Irlande DB2 ?, Owned by Leslie Kertez of National Yacht Club, Ireland in the 1980's; 2019 Seen on Facebook: "Lightning, DB2, was a class winner in the Round Ireland Class winners 1984 2nd overall to moonduster; Owner Leslie kertezs overall winner round Ireland race 1988 owned and skippered by Liam Shanahan";

Maitresse Dk DB2 1984, 1984 TQ Ton Cup, Kiel: 6-4-10-3-9 = 5e/31, 1985 November, For Sale;
1985 November "Seahorse",
US 32626 DB2 construit au Canada ?, 1985 SORC: 1er/4 classe 6, 1986 SORC: 2e/6 Classe 6, Ralf Bahrmann;
1984 Mars "Yachting à Voile" FFV,

Northern Securities KA R 106 DB2 1982, ex "Audacity";

Orbis G 2283 ? ?, 1984 Training with "Gaviota";
Trainingsregatta 1984, picture from 3/4 Ton Class Facebook

Picante US 41268 DB2 198?;
Positron G 3350 modified DB2 198?;

Rhett Butler K 402 DB2 1987;
Right On G 2220 DB2 1984, 1999 New name "Blub";
Ringsend Challenge II IR 2220 DB2 198?, ex"Spirit";
IR 204 DB1 198?, Owner: Stuart Brownlow, from Ireland;

Schini VII GER 3337 DB2 1985, renamed "Exorbitante";
Slo/Poke Picante
US DB2 198?, Devait participer au SORC 87;
Slow Poke US DB2 198? construit au Canada, SORC 86: 3e/6 Classe 6, Feitman/Hasting;
Sparviero ITA DB? 198?, 2020 From Facebook, "Spotted in Sardinia recently, the Poop ?? deck looks cool. Looks like a DB2 as fractional with upper diamond I just can’t imagine why someone would do this" ;
Picture from Facebook 2020,
Spirit IR 2220 DB2 ?, ex "Glider", renamed "Decibel";

TayJac USA 40244 DB2 ?;
E DB2 ?, 1992 BOGA, Arcachon-Santander: 2e/10 2e groupe;
Team Charity Cup NED 8464 DB2 ?, 2009 Deltaweek: ?e/??, 2012 1st Weekend Deltaweek: 1er/?, 2014 Wintercompetitie: ?e/??, 2015 29 aout, Mosselrace: 1er/?, Uitslag Wintercompetitie: 10e/14, Raoul vande Visse, 2016 Seen on ORC Boat Database;

Ufi France F 9195 DB2 1986;

Wave Dancer KH 1128 Delher DB2 1985, 1986 23 March, China Sea Race, elapsed time 109h10': 3e/18 IOR, Neil Pryde, 1988 1 April, China Sea Race, elapsed time 108h12': 11e/18 IOR, Gilbert NG, 1990 12 April, China Sea Race: DNS, Brian Whelen, 2007 Still sailing;

YUG 01 DB2 ?, 2014 Juillet, vu à Herceg-Novi, Montenegro;


Unknow DB2, picture from Facebook 2023 "DB2 Plus"?!

Unknow DB1 or DB2:


1987 Scottish Series: ?e/??, 2 unknow DB K 4888 and 4?80:
Pictures from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook 2020,

1987 July "Yachting World", For Sale:

Caractéristiques, DB1:

Hull Type:  Fin w/spade rudder Rig Type:  Fractional Sloop, LOA:  33.14' / 10.10m LWL:  26.58' / 8.10m, Beam:  11.18' / 3.41m Listed SA:  516 ft2 / 47.94 m2, Draft (max.)  6.18' / 1.88m Draft (min.), Disp.  7275 lbs./ 3300 kgs. Ballast:  3525 lbs. / 1599 kgs. SA/Disp.:  22.06 Bal./Disp.:  48.45% Disp./Len.:  172.95


Caractéristiques, DB2:

Hull Type:  Fin w/spade rudder Rig Type:  Fractional Sloop, LOA:  33.14' / 10.10m LWL:  26.24' / 8.00m, Beam:  11.15' / 3.40m Listed SA:  542 ft2 / 50.35 m2, Draft (max.)  6.23' / 1.90m Draft (min.), Disp.  6945 lbs./ 3150 kgs. Ballast:  3627 lbs. / 1645 kgs. SA/Disp.:  23.90 Bal./Disp.:  52.22%

1990 Décembre "Régate"


1980 Novembre "Bateaux" présentation des bateaux du salon:

Novembre "Voiles et Voiliers",

1981 Février "Bateaux" présentation aprés le salon:

1981 October US Magazine "Latitude 38",

1990 Décembre "Régate"